Cartridge leads?

What do the colors mean when the leads are Green,Red,Blue,White, which ones are HOT and which are Common?
Thanks all, I was able to connect things up and it sounds correct and sounds wonderful.
I do a fair amount of cartridge mounting and made up my own memory device for this. All I need to remember is (R)ed for (R)ight signal and white for left signal. The correct pairings are remembered visually by the December holidays. Christmas (red and green), Hanukkah (white and blue). Anyone have a different memory device?

By the way. many cartridges have no color coding, only R+, RG, etc.

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Since we’re on the subject, I’m having unequal level on one of my turntables. Could this be a result of reversing the grounds on each of the channels, or does that matter. Also if it does, what would that do? 
Then again perhaps not - my Koetsu cartridge pins are plain and unadorned. See MC's comments above.
White = Left, Blue = Ground                          Red = Right, Green = Ground