If durability is the issue, avoid NAD. Until a few months ago I would have recommended Oppo. You might want to try the new Sony Universal Player, which goes for around $400. At that price you could buy 2 and if one dies iafter 5 years or so roll out the second. Their weak link is their DAC but you indicated that you only need a transport. If anything happens to your Sony 5400 then you have a backup for that as well.
Another option in your price range that is a bit non traditional is Bryston’s Optical Disc Player. It is meant to burn discs to a HD but can also play CDs.
Bryston products are known for their durability and extended warranty protection
Another option in your price range that is a bit non traditional is Bryston’s Optical Disc Player. It is meant to burn discs to a HD but can also play CDs.
Bryston products are known for their durability and extended warranty protection