Cambridge Audio 740 cdp dying...suggested replacement?

My 10 year old Cambridge Audio 740 is having drawer and possibly laser issues for the 2nd time. Looking for suggestions on a new cdp. I have literally 1000s of cds so a player is definitely wanted/needed.( My Squeezebox touch is also aging so a combo might be ok). Pure player or transport is fine. Will be in a main system for now playing all kinds of music. New with known durability is good as no techs in Hawaii for all intents and purposes. $500-2000 range. Like Marantz though I was told by a dealer that only the cd8005 held up well. Heard a Rega Apollo last year, sounded nice. Beyond that no recent examples. Have a Sony ES sacd5400 in a second system which is best for sacds but also  no longer made. 

Showing 2 responses by joekapahulu

This popped up and I thought I would update for similar reasons as the other most recent input. I ended up with a Marantz  ND8006 which is a CDP and streamer combo that was priced well as a catalog photo shoot leftover at Audio Advisor. I still use it almost daily and it has worked pretty well in the 7 or so years I have had it. The CDP sound is quite good though a bit warmer than the old Cambridge with perhaps a little less detail. The streamer end of it is maybe a bit dated and I have been less happy with it becuse HEOS is not built into it and must be installed on an Android tablet which I had to buy to use it. HEOS has gotten better over the years but this setup is a bit clunky. But it has done the trick and I dont stream often so its less intrusive. With some hearing loss and tinnitus,  it works for my needs and where I am headed as I age. So be it. My Sony 5400 just powers along, still sounds great and plays my SACDs and CDs quite cleanly and with more detail and is one of the best things I have bought in the last 15 years. I wish Sony felt it advantageous to get back into more of an audio market presence. I have usually been happy with their stuff, especially when I could find ES versions.