Calling Thiel owners please...

Anyone using spikes other than the ones supplied? I broke one and have substituted one from another speaker that works fine - but was wondering. Thanks
Try Aurios instead of the spikes. I think that you'll be VERY pleasantly surprised. Have a happy Labor Day!
The spikes on the Thiels (I used to own the CS1.5s) are pretty darn poor. goto and get yourself some killer platforms (cones/spike system) to put your babies on. You'll think you bought new speakers. Speak to Robert over there. He be da man. peace, warren
I agree with Warren, but they make special spikes for Thiels, I think I would just use them instead of a platform. It would be nearly as good sonically and a fraction of the price. Here's a link to the audiopoints web site that has a picture of the thiel points, if they are the right ones I wouldn't hesitate to give them a shot.
I can't imagine breaking a spike on my 1.6's. I did break a speaker wire binding post (due to the hole drilled for bare wire -may I ask WHO uses bare wire???). I did have to replace a spike due to clogged threads, however (dealer swapped with a floor model spike).
Spikes and their platform system: two different animals. One (spikes) is good and the other is: whoa! Check with Robert. He'll set you free. You'll be happy either way. peace, warren
I have been using Polycrystals on my cs-6's and have been very happy other than the fact that the cs'6s are so heavy and fine tuning them with the spikes on are nearly impossible as a matter of fact the other day I bought some of those new widgets that you see on tv for moving heavy items on carpet and darned if they didnt help of course the spike put a pretty good size dent in the thing but the slid on carpet as advertised . And yes call the folks at Thiel the have great customer service Shari is the tops
The steel spikes sing a negative song but are better than no spikes..Not all Thiels accept the same shaft diameter.. The newer Thiels require a threaded shaft the older models are a smooth pressure fit..The Audiopoints will collect and dissipate to ground more cabinet resonance than any other similar device. The ultimate collector and dissipator will be the appropriate Sistrum platform. Please keep in mind the heaviest most dense speaker cabinets often need the most help in releaving their stored resonances. More mass more stored energy, more help required..Tom
Try Audio Points. They have a version made for Thiels. I have had great success with other speakers.
I have had very good results substituting Sound Anchor stands for the spikes. A little over the top maybe. But the improvement is worth the $$$.
Thanks everybody - I ordered some audiopoints today for my 3.6's and will post results versus standard Thiel spikes.
I've also heard good things in the past about the dedicated platforms for these speakers manufactured by Sound Anchors.
Update - received the audiopoints and they jump the performance of the Thiels up for sure, haven't done alot of listening yet but did listen to a couple of disc's I'm familiar with and the sound is better and definitely more transparent. They do make the speakers a little tipsy but Thiels are tipsy anyway. The points aren't a real tight fit in the predrilled holes. Thanks for everyone's input.
Pops- Are the speakers tipsy or are you, after all bourbon has the same effect on me :^) I'd blame that Booker's fellow who keeps finding its way into my room when I listen! Though this Laphroaig guy keeps showing up as well, the system always seems to sound better when those guys are around :)
Pops the brass allow is soft compared to the steel points you replaced. After a few days the brass will meld and form fit to the Thiel provided openings. You will have a more stable and vivid soundstage and a more physcially stable speaker./Tom
Cool, thanks Tom. Tim, I think your right, I knew something was wobbly - I think it was me! If your drinking Booker's, that's Jim Beam's grand-dad ya know - you da man!
If you can’t find a replacement I just made some for my cs 1.2’s.  I had a wood worker make 2, 2 inch thick by 14 inch square slabs of Oak (nice and heavy).  I ordered Dayton Audio outriggers from Parts express and just screwed an outrigger on the front and back.  Easily adjustable to be flat and level.  I have wood floors and work great