I was extremely doubtful, beyond skeptical in the beginning, but that was 30 years ago. Even way back then the difference was night and day, and the quality has gotten so much better over those 30 years I find it hard to see how anyone still can doubt. They do of course. Old habits, and belief systems, die hard.
Just so you know, it has always been the case that its super easy and obvious to find something for a reasonable amount of money that is head and shoulders above whatever you may be using that is dirt cheap to free. By free I mean patch cords and rubber power cords that come in the box. By dirt cheap I mean Monster or anything under $100/m.
Because of this it is very easy for someone like you to throw a dart and hit something amazingly better than what you have. What is a good deal harder, where the real work comes in and where the real values and performance are to be had, is finding the select few cables that are really good. Not really good compared to crap, but really good even when compared to other already very good cables.
You only think your mind is blown. Here's the truth. When you read about cables that cost in the thousands of dollars, right now even though you heard how big a difference cables can make odds are you still find it hard to believe any mere wire could be worth thousands of dollars. Until you hear it. The really good stuff is well worth that kind of money. It is that good.
So enjoy what you found. When you go looking for more, which you will, do it with the thought in mind this is not mere wire but a means of transforming and elevating your system to a whole new level of performance. Because it is.