Cable manufacturers?

How many cable companies actually manufacture their own cable? 

Perhaps Mogami, Belden, Canare and a few others. I am willing to bet most cable companies do not manufacture their own cable, but simply buy cable, throw on some techflex or other custom jacketing, and do nice terminations. 

Anyone have any any actual Information? 
For USA long-term thinking is a year or two out, for Chinese its 2-3 centuries . 
Chinese debt = zero, US debt three times what it could pay in 80 years .
Duh , . In 10 years yuan will be de-facto reserve currency .
 In 100 years there might be no USA at all let alone it's currency.
What about single crystal cooper? Any disadvantages?

Can someone summarize who sells the UP-OCC and PCOCC copper wire made by Furukawa, etc for DIY cable building? I have bought Furutech's Alpha OCC AC cable, only to deconstruct it into its three conductors for easier use at screw terminals.  How is VH Audio's bulk wire in small gauge?  We all want to "beat the system" when it comes to cable prices---thanks! 
We don't always want to "beat the system" actually.  If there were no prices we wouldn't know what sounded better.
Ah,,, the never ending battle of "one-upsmanship."
Just Goats to show you.....
This is a silly thread, occ cooper IS obsolete!, I'm surprised at so many that don't know really,  anything! The best cooper is made in u.s.a.!, mmmn, I suppose you want proof.,                            CONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN
TARA Labs high-end audio cables are world renowned for technology and design.
Beginning with our proprietary SAOF-8N conductors - Super-annealed, oxygen-free, mono-crystal, frequency-tuned, 99.999999% pure copper conductor.
*Below is a breakdown of the process.
99.999999% Copper conductor: This translates to an audio cable conductor that is 99.999999% pure, for incredible musicality, detail & performance.
Super Annealing: is a process that softens and increases the conductivity of the copper conductor. TARA Labs take this process several steps further by annealing the copper conductor beyond the ASTM standard. That’s the: American Society of Testing and Materials. After annealing, the RSC conductors are polished in-line, and will become finished SA-OF8N® Rectangular Solid Core conductors ready for insulation using advanced polymers, air or liquid-film technology.
Oxygen-free: Removal of all oxygen molecules for better signal transfer and less distortion.
Mono-Crystal: TARA Labs uses a proprietary process to create a single mono-crystal conductor that translates into one long continuous crystal. This virtually eliminates all distortion caused by the junctions between crystals in copper conductors. Those junctions acting like miniature diodes, will alter the flow of high-frequency AC, causing the audible distortion. Mono crystal eliminates this effect.
Frequency Tuned: This is accomplished once the copper is extruded into a rectangular shape with exact geometrical measurements. This creates a conductor that is superior in high-frequency extension and detail.
Rectangular Solid Core conductors (RSC): Starting with Oxygen Free Eight Nines Copper (99.999999%), the copper rods are extruded into long, unbroken, mono-crystal copper rectangular conductors. The unique rectangular shape is geometrically formed to having specific ‘frequency-tuned’ proportions. RSC offers a shape that has a unique advantage over round conductors. RSC has the necessary mass for solid bass, yet are thin enough for a coherent reproduction of mid-range and high frequencies. The RSC is not subject to the same high frequency losses that hamper traditional round conductors. To further understand the principle behind RSC technology, it is necessary to understand a phenomenon known as “skin effect” This principle states that in a round conductor, higher frequencies will tend to travel towards the outside, or “skin” of the conductor, while lower frequencies will travel closer to the center of the conductor. The larger the diameter of a round conductor, the worse the effect will be, resulting in a significant roll-off of high frequencies in large gauge conductors. Because of its rectangular cross section, an RSC conductor essentially has no center like a round conductor. Therefore it does not suffer the same high frequency losses. It is the only conductor that is able to combine high current-carrying capability with extreme frequency linearity across the musical spectrum.
(RSC) Why Rectangular? Our proprietary RSC (Rectangular Solid Core) conductors, offers a unique advantage over round conductors. They have the necessary mass for solid bass, yet are thin enough for a coherent reproduction of mid- range and high frequencies. The frequency-tuned RSC is not subject to the same high frequency losses that hamper traditional round conductors.
To further understand the principle behind RSC technology, it is necessary to understand a phenomenon known as “skin effect” This principle states that in a round conductor, higher frequencies will tend to travel towards the outside (or skin) of the conductor, while lower frequencies will travel closer to the center of the conductor. The larger the diameter of a round conductor, the worse the effect will be, resulting in a significant roll-off of high frequencies in large gauge conductors. Because of its rectangular cross section, an RSC conductor essentially has no center like a round conductor. Therefore it does not suffer the same high frequency losses. The final results are limitless high-end frequency extension, exceptional detail, frequency linearity of midrange & bass, low-noise floor, holographic soundstage with superb life-like musicality.                                                                Making Sense of….Gen 3 Conductors
TARA Labs, Inc. has just announced the introduction of its Generation 3 Rectangular Solid Core® conductor, to be used exclusively in its state-of-the-art interconnect cables.
The Gen 3 conductor has an increased bandwidth and high-frequency extension that makes it unrivalled in important test measurements and listening tests.
The new Gen 3 conductor has the same current-carrying capability of a 28 gauge conductor but has the high frequency linearity of a 40 gauge conductor.
TARA Labs' Matthew Bond explains why this is possible: “In a conductor with a rectangular profile, there is a huge reduction of ‘flux-linkage’ or ‘coupling’ of electromagnetic lines of force. These lines of force are created as the signal (music) passes through any conductor.” Bond said further, “In a round conductor there is a large center that tends to roll-off or attenuate much more of the high frequency information … this does not happen in a Rectangular Solid Core® conductor”.
The new Gen 3 Rectangular Solid Core® conductor is smaller than the current Gen 2 conductor used in most of TARA Labs’ audio cables. The Gen 2 conductor measures approximately 25 thousands of an inch wide and 12 thousands of an inch in height. The Gen 3 conductor is about 66% of the size of the Gen 2 conductor, and that it is Super-Annealed™ to increase its conductivity.
Both the Gen 2 conductor and the smaller Gen 3 conductor are said to be Eight-Nines™ pure copper, which is 99.999999% pure. TARA Labs’ trademarks for this technology are 8N™ and SA-OF8N®. SA-OF8N means Super Annealed – Oxygen Free 8 Nines copper. The term ‘annealing’ refers to the method whereby a conductor can be made softer and more conductive.
TARA Labs is widely known as the leader in cable technology and audio cable design. They are based in Oregon, and all cables are hand-made in the USA.
Super Annealed - Oxygen Free Eight Nines Copper (SA-OF8N®) is the new standard in high-performance copper purity. Variances in copper purity will result in audible differences. It is generally accepted that a purer, more conductive material can be more accurate and revealing that a material that is less conductive. TARA Labs' proprietary annealing process, known as Super Annealing (SA), along with Oxygen-Free Eight Nines Copper (99.999999% pure) creates a unique, long, unbroken crystal structure called a "Monocrystal™" which has exquisitely smooth and detailed transfer of frequencies over a very wide bandwidth. Additionally, this new "Monocrystal" eliminates the high-frequency distortion caused by the junctions or breaks between crystals in typical copper conductors. Acting like diodes, those junctions between crystals in normal copper would alter the flow of high-frequency AC, causing audible distortion.Super Annealing™
The Super-Annealing process was developed by TARA Labs to improve the conductor’s ability to deliver a more neutral and transparent signal than ever before. Even the small differences in conductivity create audible differences in sound quality. Super-Annealing is a specialized metallurgical treatment that purifies and softens a conductor’s structure to lower it’s specific resistivity and dramatically increase the length and size of crystals in copper conductors.
The Super-Annealing process is performed in an oxygen-free environment to create an ultra-pure conductor with long-grain copper crystals. Traditional copper conductors are composed of much smaller crystals. The multiple breaks or junctions between these smaller crystals cause increased noise due to the diode effect of these junctions. They alter the flow of electrical signals and cause distortion.
For the past thirty years, TARA Labs is known throughout the world, for handcrafting the very best in high end audio cables. Using their patented and proprietary technologies and materials, TARA Labs has created many of the technologies that are currently being used by many of the worlds’ top cable manufacturers.
In 1986 we were first to introduce “Air-Tube Dielectric Technology”In 1988, we were first to successfully use “Solid Core Conductors” instead of stranded.In 1990, again we were first to change the shape of a round conductor to “Non-Round” to reduce the effects of skin effect. And in 1998, we were the first and only to introduce the world to a “Vacuum” dielectric.
TARA Labs. RSC® cables are the only cables in the world to use a solid, extruded conductor with a rectangular cross section. These conductors improve on the performance of regular round solid core conductors by having the current-carrying capability (power) of a large conductor, combined with the frequency linearity (musical accuracy) of a small conductor.
TARA Labs operates and manufactures all of their cables in Southern Oregon, US
@audiolabyrinth  That is the longest most repetitive ad ever!  My eyes began to bleed trying to read all that.  Hope you're being well compensated by Tara!

Not sure about the super annealing thing with cables. Sounds a little like cable snake oil to me. But your talk of rectangular solid core vs. round solid core is nothing new. Neither is the discussion of "skin effect." Most of us 'philes knew of these things back 20+ years ago. Same goes for mono crystal. 
Zavoto,  A few member's were talking about occ cooper like it's the purest cooper,  year's ago, Tara Lab's  use to buy and use occ cooper,  now they manufacture their own conductor's  to a higher grade cooper,  I have had this conversation with Devon Scott the vise president of Tara Lab's a few year's back🍺🎼🍺cheers 
PCOCC and UPOCC is the same. There are only three companies licensed to do the OCC process 2 in Japan 1 in Taiwan. One is not better than the other they're the same quality.

Tara Labs is full of it there is no higher grade copper than OCC single Crystal it's already 6 9s and seven nines.

audio labyrinth that was a very good ad you put up I'd like to see their process of making 8 9s copper I don't believe it because there's only one way to make single Crystal copper. and I know what it is let's see if you do.

teo audio, actually there's only three companies licensed to make OCC single Crystal copper two in Japan one in Taiwan and guess what they're all equal they're all as good as each other because the process is the same.

audio labyrinth, just so you know monocrystal is not the same as OCC single Crystal maybe you should do your research a little bit better LOL

audio labyrinth, you don't do your research very well, you're pretty stupid, just so you know monocrystal is one level below OCC single Crystal do your research read the Clarus cable white paper, so unfortunately the Tara Labs is nowhere near as good as anything OCC single Crystal, sorry monocrystal has 40 Crystal barriers per foot so it's inferior to OCC single Crystal which has no Crystal barriers in 700 ft.

You do understand you're arguing with someone from 5 years ago.

I don't think he's stupid at all. 

Post removed 

hey guys got some interesting info to pass along to you, I phoned Tara labs and asked them to give me proof that their cable is 8 9's single Crystal copper well guess what? they couldn't provide me any proof, you would think that if they're going to make a statement like that that they would have independent lab testing showing it.


you obviously work for Tara labs, and there's no proof that they have eight nines pure copper cuz I phoned them and ask them for proof that it was 8 ,9's and they told me they don't have any proof, the purest copper is 6 9's OCC single Crystal and second of all they're not the only company that has rectangular single crystal wire, neotech the Amazon and the Sahara are OCC single Crystal silver and OCC single Crystal copper rectangular wire and they've been available since 2010. You would think if the company is spewing some facts that they would have proof of that, anyone can say anything doesn't mean it's true without any independent testing to back it up which they don't have. let's see your answer to that one because I talk to them and that's what they told me so you can't get around that one buddy.

Wan lung is only one of two companies that have the licensing to make OCC single Crystal copper so whether it's made in Japan or Taiwan is no different because the process is the same so the copper will be as good quality as what the Japanese Foundry is making.


you should just tell everyone you work for t a r a labs, that ad that you just spewed out is word for word from their website lol. and it's still crap because they can't prove that they have 8 9's pure copper so until they can show me some proof I call BS on their wire.