Buying used: Parasound A21 or A21+ ?

I've decided to get a Parasound Halo amplifier, but with limited budget, i can't afford new, so it's either a used A23 or A23+. I like that the A23+ has a bit more power, but I wonder if the apparently subtle upgrades are worth paying a premium.

Thanks for advise on other amps, but I'm set on a Parasound Halo, to go with my P6 preamp. I like their sound signature, I guess.

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Removed my post since I almost always get the A21 and A23 models reversed in my head.  :-)  Sorry.

 Is that your A21 that says... "Certified check, personal check, money order prepaid in advance. I do not have a PayPal account." ?
Good to know.
That other seller is sketchy as can be...Red Flags all over, he actually burned me once before. There`s a reason he won`t do PayPal and the like. 
Carry on....Seems like a good thread !
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I’ve owned  an A23+ for the past year. Im using the preouts of a Yamaha flagship receiver in a 5.1 professionally calibrated system for audio and video. The Parasound is one hell of an amp! I can’t find any fault at all in its sound. It delivers plenty of power into my 4 ohm speakers. It’s damned near perfect for home theater AND 2,1 channel audio with Vinyl LPS as the source. I got curious about these new Class D Gan amps and bought a powerful one. The Parasound crushed it! It’s more visceral, dynamic, better midrange, tighter bass, tonality, etc. The only area that the Gan amp matched was soundstage and a clean high end. Toes just weren’t tapping with the Gan amp. It was lifeless in comparison. I put the Parasound back in and the smiles returned.
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I have a similar dilemma: I'm looking to upgrade my Linn Majik 2100 amp to something in the Halo line, but can't decide between the four available options - A21, A21+, A23, A23+. I'm currently powering Monitor Audio RS6 speakers, so I imagine that any of the four amps will have PLENTY of power. The two questions are:

1) I'm thinking to future-proof a bit in terms of going up to A21/A21+. I haven't put much thought into what speakers I might upgrade to, but likely won't be anything too exotic or hard to drive (maybe B&W 702 S2, Focal Aria K2, SF Lumina III, Spendor A4/7, etc.). Would I be going overboard (nearly doubling the price) with A21/A21+?

2) It's not clear to me from reviews, technical literature, etc. how big an improvement the "+" version of either model improves over the older "non+" version. Do I really need to spring for the newer "+" version or will the older version be completely sufficient/satisfactory? It seems that at least the A21 has stood the test of time quite well, so it's hard to imagine I wouldn't be pleased with it. 

A21 or A21+ ? go with the later so there will be no question especially if the funds allow for it.