Buddy Miller on songwriting (and other musical topics).


Here’s a little video of Buddy Miller---my current favorite male singer and record producer (and a very unique, interesting guitarist)---talking about the three musical ingredients I care most about: the song, the singing, and the musicianship. That’s what it’s all about, right? If you disagree, don’t just whine about that point-of-view, post your own thread making the case for what you care about in music, or your own favorite singer, producer, and/or guitarist.





One of my all-time favorite concerts was Buddy and Julie Miller with Emmylou Harris at Benaroya Hall in Seattle. 

I had the good fortune to hear Buddy and Julie in the then-new Zankel Hall in NYC in 2003. It was part of a series that was "curated" by Emmylou Harris, who was there and joined in briefly. A wonderful concert.