Bluesound Node 2i vs Upscale streamers

For those of you that have compared the Node 2/2i to some of the more expensive streamers like Lumin, Aurender, etc., what do the big boys bring to the table. Forget the internal DACs, I'm sure theirs beats the Node. I'm talking about using these devices as stand alone streamers into an outboard DAC. What are the differences you've heard?


I hear you. It’s a $2k+ “gamble” to install a new streamer and deploy its “workflow” methodology. Maybe there will be a difference.

however, for me, that’s where I draw the line.
maybe my node 2i feeding a chord Qutest DAC gets me to “92%” of what streaming digital can be. I,m just not willing to spend $1,000-$2000 per incremental 1% to get somewhere that is otherwise undefined and therefore not valued....for me.

sure, I bet there’s “better” out there.
but I’m happy here...;-)
Candidly, I’m skeptical of claims by manufacturers that a DAC is immune to jitter.  And, there is more to a streamer than just jitter reduction. There is convenience certainly, but also reduction of noise infiltrating the system.  I don’t mean noise in the sense of things like “hiss” or distortion, but noise in the sense of obscuring details.  For example, I compared my Aurender against a dedicated, souped up Mac mini (solid state drive, 16 GB RAM, everything else turned off and/or optimized in every way).  The Aurender smoked it. No contest.  BTW: both were outputting via USB to the DAC.  I got the same result when I converted the Mac mini USB to SPDIF through a nice converter to isolate it.  
I think the only way for you to find out if this is the way to go is to try one.  Plenty of companies/stores will let you demo them or buy with a solid return policy.  Try one.  If it doesn’t do what you want/need, return it.  My suspicion is that you’ll probably like what you hear.
Thanks for the replies. I already have a 2i running into a heavily modified MHDT Pagoda. I am running it wired with Ethernet to my network, streaming Tidal and my own files. I think it sounds pretty good, just wondering where to go from here.
But, mgrif also says that "his" streamers deliver less jitter to the DAC. I get that.

What if you use a Chord DAC that does not care about jitter at all?
Or, what if you use a W4S reclocker for $350?

Surely there is more to the value proposition of a $2k+ streamer other than just decreased jitter...?

I dont quite get the streaming thing completely yet.
However, I stream 1080p video from Apple TV to multiple UHD TVs and it's damn fine video and it's data stream is massively larger than audio.

AirPlay also says that it is "bit perfect", too.

Not sure how you get better than perfect once you address the jitter issue.
@ianrmack ,
I believe mgrif stated it quite well.
The Aurender/Codex combo bested the Node/Codex, as well as the Node/Node-no surprise.
Just a deeper soundstage, more information, yada yada.

Would the OP be happy with the Node onboard DAC- probably, yes.

But, If he/she wanted to extract as much as possible, I would recommend going the Aurender/Codex route. If finances say otherwise, I would go with the Node/Codex. 
The Node/Codex is not a bad combo. I use it to this day.
The one thing Bluesound will allow is for a greater diversity of Streaming services, which Aurender is unfortunately limited to Quobuz and Tidal.
I have a Node 2, an Aurender N100H, and an Auralic Aries G2 in three separate systems.  But, I’ve also compared them directly.  What do they do differently?  Sense of space mostly.  The Bluesound as a streamer into the same DAC sounds “flat” front to back and side to side in comparison to the other units.  There’s more information too. The Node is a terrific value, but the better units offer more resolution and more sense of space.  Tonally, they’ll sound the same, as you would expect, but the better units are offering the data with less jitter, and less noise perceived as a lack of resolution.  My DAC is decent, not great, but certainly better than average - and it rejects jitter well.  But, it’s pretty clear that a better bitstream will result in a better sound.  
@gdnrbob: When you say "much, much better", what does that mean?

Were you using AirPlay, Bluetooth, BT AptX, the OP, I dont get it but really want to.

Some say that a Chromecast or APE can do the trick provided your DAC is not too jitter sensitive. Or, what if you put a reclocker in front of it?

You still have a streaming front end that is $200-$700 while all these others can be $2K+.

what are we missing assuming that the DACs are the same?
I have heard the Node compared with the Aurender N100 through an Ayre Codex DAC.
The Aurender combo was much, much better.
I currently use the Node with a Codex, so things are going to change soon. I am just waiting for Aurender to get the ACS100 software running so I can network my 2 systems, like I do with the Bluesound.