Binding Post?

I am looking to replace the binding post on my SET amp. What is the way to go? Are the low mass the the best out there these days. What brands should I look at. Thanks


The binding post for earth ground or the binding post for the speaker output?

For the speaker output, use a heavy gold plated one and solder the internal wires with a high lead content solder.  Avoid silver solder since the chances of getting gold embrittlement is much greater with the high tin content of silver solder. 

Binding post for earth, just get a good one with lots of copper or brass in it.  It is just a drain for leakage current so no audio signal flows through it.  Or, at least, it shouldn't!

I think KLEI makes the only low mass binding posts that I am familiar with but I’ve gone lower mass. To truly go low mass you have to abandon the attachment for lugs. I use BFA style "banana" plugs. they aren’t really banana and make a much better connection.

Cardas is the antithesis of low mass.  that is what inspired me to make my own.

Let me know if you’re interested in how I make my own.


So you think changing the binding posts will improve the sound of your amp? In your fantasy, maybe. In the REAL world, no!

So you think changing the binding posts will improve the sound of your amp? In your fantasy, maybe. In the REAL world, no!

Binding posts are always a source for a poor connection. If you can improve that, it's a solid upgrade. Not sure if you can hear a difference between types of binding posts but you sure can get a more solid connection with a sturdy binding post. 

Jason, you are thinking backward.  Your source puts ot a signal, call it 100%, good as it gets.  Every component in the signal path degrades it.  You want to minimize the degradation.  No passive component ever adds anything, it takes away.


@carlsbad : then get rid of the binding posts and solder the speaker wire directly to the internal connections.

Okay, funny story with this subject.  It's all true though.   Years ago, my wife, now ex, had three cats.  They would run around behind my speakers and disconnect the banana plugs.  I had satellites and two subwoofers on each side, so there were a lot of banana jacks and plugs.  I got tired of missing some of my music every time I turned it on, so I ended up getting locking banana plugs.  Pricey at 30$ a pop in 1985 money but it cured the problem of cats yanking the jacks out.  So, in a roundabout, kinda sorta way, expensive banana jacks made all the difference in my system. 

I used them up until a month ago when I switched the subwoofers and sub amplifiers over to 5/16's crimped and soldered terminal lugs and #12 AWG dual quad speaker cables.