Binding Post?

I am looking to replace the binding post on my SET amp. What is the way to go? Are the low mass the the best out there these days. What brands should I look at. Thanks


Showing 2 responses by carlsbad

I think KLEI makes the only low mass binding posts that I am familiar with but I’ve gone lower mass. To truly go low mass you have to abandon the attachment for lugs. I use BFA style "banana" plugs. they aren’t really banana and make a much better connection.

Cardas is the antithesis of low mass.  that is what inspired me to make my own.

Let me know if you’re interested in how I make my own.


Jason, you are thinking backward.  Your source puts ot a signal, call it 100%, good as it gets.  Every component in the signal path degrades it.  You want to minimize the degradation.  No passive component ever adds anything, it takes away.
