Big Blue Tenor Sax


I'm looking for some big blue tenor sax work, preferably in quartet or trio. I've got a lot of the usual suspects - Rollins, Moody, Coltrane, Stitt, Bergonzi, etc. I'm looking for newer high-quality recordings, and preferably slower tempo. Any suggestions?
Coleman Hawkins, the Daddy of tenor saxaphone,strange that nobody mentioned him,he made many excellent albums,just try
'Desafinado' or Hawk plays with Ben webster, Hawk at Ease, or Kenny Burrell's 'Bluesy Burrell' with Hawk, Duke Ellington plays with Coleman Hawkins...etc. Ike Quebec is great,as mentioned, but try his last album 'Soul Bossa Nova'. Illinois Jacquet's 'Blues,thats me' and perhaps Johnny Hartman's album with John Coltrane, or 'Just droped to say hello' together with I.Jacquet. If you like some of my sugestions,will gladly tell you more
Another fine recommendation here, Joshua Redman Quartet... "Moodswing". JUST what your are looking for! IISSM. (if I say so myself)
Re: newer high-quality recordings, and preferably slower tempo.

Check out some of Scott Hamilton's offerings and samples on Amazon. 'Ballad Essentials' might be a good fit.
Almost anything by Dexter Gordon. I'm especially partial to One Flight Up. If you can still find the Cisco vinyl reissue, grab it with both hands.
OK guys, this is a good thread. I have bought a lot of good music. I received my Jimmy Forrest "Out of the Forrest", Ed Wiley Jr. "About the Soul" While picking up my special order Ed Wiley Jr, I can across Ike Quebec "Blue and Sentimental" so I bought it also. I have to say I like all of these recordings especially Ed Wiley Jr. Thanks to all. I am still looking so keep the recommendations coming.
I just ordered Jimmy Forrest titled "Out of the Forrest". I listened to the U-tube of the song and it sounds pretty good. I ended up ordering both CD and LP. I could not find the LP for a good price so I ordered the CD, then a mint one showed up on ebay so I had get it also. It looks like both the LP and CD are out of print. It might be a good time to pick up a CD before prices go up.
I ordered Ed Wiley, Jr. 'About the Soul' on CD. I could not find it on LP. Did it ever exist on LP? I bought Stanley Turrentine the new CTI reissue of 'Sugar' on LP and it is great.
Ed Wiley, Jr. 'About the Soul' A Texas tenorman who just passed away last year. This 2005 recording - very well recorded recording - is dripping blues, with Kenny Baron, Mickey Roker and Jimmy Ponder among the sidemen.

Apparently I've already got a pretty deep list of this stuff, so I'll pass it along.
Bennie Wallace, 'Big Jim's Tango' with Dave Holland and Elvin Jones on the Enja label. Terrific trio record.
I just realized this cut can be found on youtube. The CD album is titled "out of the Forrest"
Excellent suggestions thus far. Grimace, if you're equally open to tenor sax work with strings - while I love trios and quartets too - may I suggest Denis Solee's materials, slow tempo standards, all in newer high quality recordings you won't be disappointed.
Although it's a little "bigger" than you might want, you owe it to yourself to hear Johnny Hodges' "With The Billy Strayhorn Orchestra". I love sax and this is slow, smooth and will melt in your ears. This is one of my all time favorites and as child of the sixties rock'n roller, that saying something!
Houston Person has over 75 albums with many slower tempo songs...check him out for sure. (Big dreamy sax sound, and most recorded good-very good)

Pete Christlieb with the Lori Mechem Quartet, on the Cognito label is excellent. Big full tenor sound, nice live recording, very classic style. Uncommon use of strummed rythmn guitar.

Joshua Redman, while excellent, is kind of what I'm trying to move away from. I'm looking for excellent bluesy albums by lesser known players.
Charles Lloyd is great (the new record "Mirrors" is exceptional), but that's not exactly the "blues" I'm looking for. Eric Alexander was a good suggestion... Grant Stewart comes to mind... modern guys playing an older more straight-ahead blues style is what I'm looking for. Oddball one-off albums by people that don't have big names... that kind of stuff. The recent Rich Corpolongo Trio record on Delmark for example....
I forgot to mention Charles Lloyd. Released on ECM, which is a guarantee for stellar sound quality. Very different from your run of the mill bob or west coast stuff. Blends different styles and musical influences. Contemplative, introspective and beautiful tone. Love the album "Sangam".
I must be getting warm, because I have a lot of that stuff aleady. Houston Person, Art Pepper, Joe Henderson, Ike Quebec, Stanley Turrentine (the new CTI reissue of 'Sugar' is awesome)Ben Webster, Hawk, Prez. I just ordered a copy of 'State of the Tenor'. Not the easiest CD to track down.

Keep 'em coming.
Right up this alley is most of Ike Quebec's old Blue Note catalog. Check out "Blue & Sentimental" or "Heavy Soul" Both are great, clean sounding recordings. Though older, they both sound as if they were recorded yesterday. Something more current would be Houston Person's, "Just Between Friends", a duo with Ron Carter, with a big slow sound, exquisitely recorded. Something different to listen to is Joe Henderson's "State of the Tenor" with bassist Ron Carter and drummer Al Foster. I prefer vol 2, but the 2 disc CD set has both volumes. Have a listen to the cut "Soulville". I also can add a vote for Celtic66's suggestions of I. Jacquet and B. Webster. Again, though older recordings, they typically sound great and both have that big slow sound you describe.
You can get older higher quality recordings. Art Pepper has 7 albums out on SACD, all of which sound excellent. Never mind he is also a superb player, offering plenty slow ballads to boot.
Gene Ammons, Stanley Turrentine, Illinois Jacquet, Ben Weber, Lester Young. As far as the recordings quality, sometimes it's the music that reigns supreme. Illinois has recorded some on Analogue Audio and that sounds great. Old CTI for Stanley. Ben on Verve. Good luck as these players all have the BIG tenor sound.
Check out Bennie Wallace. "Someone to Watch Over Me" and "Moodsville" will fit your description nicely.
Eric Alexander recordings on Venus-Gentle Ballads- four volumes of melt in your ear,state of the art tenor renderings in superb sound quality.