Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa-"Don't Explain"

Audiogoner Theo was telling me about an artist by the name of Joe Bonamassa, whom I had never heard of. While doing research on him, I ran across this new album that was just released on Tuesday.

It includes Beth Hart on vocals. Okay, now I'm saying to myself, who the hell is Beth Hart, never heard of her either. I did research on her and boy am I glad. She's terrific. I bought a couple of her past albums and am really enjoying them.

"Don't Explain" adds both talents to an absolutely fantastic album. Certainly on my top 5 list for the year catagory.

Listen to track number 7 entitled "Something's Got a Hold on Me" and just try not to "be-bop" around the dance floor.

My other favorite track is "Chocolate Jesus". The whole album is amazing.
thanks for the tip. bonamassa is one of my favorite tear it up blues favorites. i have all his cds and recommend them all.
See! I told you was good. I have two and will buy more, Dust Bowl is on my heavy rotation list since I got it.
Glad to hear you like him.
If you want a real treat rent the Blue-Ray disc of Joe Bonamassa Live at Royal Albert Hall. He's an amazing artist and phenominal guitarist. It's well worth the $5!
bonamassa has a side project with zack wylde . more rock less blues. the group is black country communion. the song that got me hooked on jbonamassa is his cover of jethro tull's "a new day yesterday' on the cd by the same name. check that out....
to add, beth hart appeared on star search back in the early 90s. she also was in the off-broadway play about letters from janis joplin to her mother. she recently sang on slash's last cd and has several cds to her credit.
I was able to catch Bonamassa on Public TV about two months ago,i have one cd and another on the way.I just set the First Sound at 12 or 13 grab a beer and sit back,enough said.
My favorite Joe Bonamassa is "Blues Deluxe" This was the first one I ever heard, and he's got my attention.
Thanks guys! I just ordered both "Dust Bowl" and "New Day Yesterday". Can't wait to hear them.
Royal Albert Hall a few months back on PBS was my first and only exposure to JB.

An accomplished guitarist to say the least. Based on that limited exposure I thought his performance lacked "soul". I heard the collective gasp!

I did think the song with Clapton was so different from the rest of the show. It in my mind had "soul". The best cut for me.

Based on what you guys have said, I must give a second look. Especially want to hear the Tull cover.


09-30-11: Hotmailjbc
bonamassa has a side project with zack wylde . more rock less blues. the group is black country communion. the song that got me hooked on jbonamassa is his cover of jethro tull's "a new day yesterday' on the cd by the same name.
check that out....

Sorry, Wylde is not is not in BCC. Black Country Communion band members: Glenn Hughes, Joe Bonamassa, Derek Sherinian, Jason Bonham
Great stuff, folks. All I have right now is Sloe Gin. Pretty good stuff! but nice to have some other recommendations. Thanks.
got my guitar players mixed up cause i was so excited about leslie west new cd. that one has a cut with zack wilde on it.
A couple of years ago a local radio station was doing weekly "where's Joe Bonamassa?" segments. The dj would get him on the phone and get the latest on what he was up to. To be honest it was a bit cheesy and I never looked into his music as they presented him as a slash-type guitarist.
On the recommendations above I'll order a couple. Thanks.
I wrote this about Black Country Communion 2 at another site. Bonassama's da bomb!

"At 57yrs old my hard-core rockin' ways have been woken up by this record! Led Zeppelin fans should rejoice with this recording. A true modern day supergroup consisting of Glen Hughes - bass & vocals, Joe Bonassama - gtrs & vocals, Derek Sherinian keyboards, & Jason Bonham - Drums. Of course, Jason's the son of legendary Led Zep drummer John Bonham. Hughes was with Deep Purple and is in fine form both on bass and vocals. Bonassama's is this generation's reigning guitar-slinger, a throwback to the great electric guitar gods of yesteryear. Sherinian is a kybd wizard, I own 2 solo records and a few of his Planet X records. He reminds me of a Rick Wakeman/Keith Emerson mixed with a dash of Jan Hammer. It's always cool to see inherited musical talent. Julian sounded like John, Ziggy sounds like Bob, and Jason sounds like John. That massive drum sound that defines the Bonhams. The style hearkens back to the old Free/Deep Purple/Led Zeppelin type of xtremely hard yet melodic, crunch and slam mixed with what I consider the majesty of confident veteran Rock musicianship. What a slammin' record!! This is their 2nd release (hence, the #2), don't own the 1st and I understand it wasn't particularly notable. But this......!!!!
nice review chazro. for some more feral blues check out tinsley ellis "storm warnings".
Joe Bonamassa is a prick but he's a good and talented performer. I met him once and he's full of himself, but I guess he can be that way.
I heard BCC and did not like it at all. I saw a bunch of clips on YouTube of Joe and none of them impressed me. My bro gave me a CD he had recorded and that did not impress me either. A total yawn. I saw him live in small hall here in Orlando and THAT was a totally different experience. This was probably the best rock concert I have ever attended. Loud and proud, this guy has the confidence and chutzpah to put on a *killer* live show.
Have to agree with Mike here. Was not blown away by some of the recorded stuff, but I saw Joe just last night at the Beacon in NYC. A killer two hour show. Besides his solo songs which were really brought to life live, he brought on Beth Hart for two songs. Later John Hiatt came on for two songs. Towards the end, Paul Rodgers came on and did "Fire & Water" and one other song. One of the best shows I've ever seen!
There's always somebody making me jealous with their "I saw them live and guess who made guest appearances" story!
Just searched Beth Hart here to find this thread, listening to "Bang Bang Boom Boom" as I write. Love her.
Saw the cd she did with Banamassa, will have to pick that one up next time. His pbs special was something.
She's singing "I'd Rather Go Blind" with Jeff Beck right now. Wow. Got to go...
"Don't Explain" was my first listen into these artists, since I've tried a couple of Beth's lps.

"37 Days" is a great lp that showcases her extraordinary vocals. Get it!

"Bang Bang Boom Boom" is good but sadly COMPRESSED!
Coming to grips with the sound of this cd. I have had bad experiences with several recent cds lately. Clairy Browne's for one, was so harsh I returned it. Unfortunately, I love the music.
....I really appreciated the live tracks that are dedicated to side 4. Wow! If Beth comes anywhere close to me, I'll be there.