Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?

Recommendations for the best tube integrated amp for the Merlin TSM-MMI monitors with Master RCs? 4K or less new or used, yet capable of driving them to their full capability with outstanding detail, extension and harmonic richness.

Erikminer, I did consider the ayon spirit and I have a feeling that it would make a terrific match with the merlins. I also considered manley. I ended up getting a great deal on an f1 and took it. So far, I`m very happy that I did.

Tpreaves, in your opinion, which is the best of the three?

No, simply counter punches to your insistance on addressing the semantics of "best" - a point you have made in more than one thread - we all get it; there is no "best" in audio (except my VSMs of course).

Rob, Bobby has always liked the Merlin, and I do think there is magic in the EL84 tubes and amps that use them.
You know that Bobby suggested the Manley Stingray as a excellent pick for the TSMs. You can pick them up used for a deal, especially the older version. I have the model II with remote. Is there a better pick? Probably, but no matter what you get someone will claim they heard the Zophire Butkicker Prime with mummified XGT Tubes filled with Klingon gas and it sounded better. Eventually you have to get something and just listen to some music.

Those Klingon gas tubes aren't legal on Earth anyway.

Yes, we know there is no "best" - not sure we have to rehash that every time someone ask the question in the form - I never met an audiophile in 30-35 years that actually ever thought anything was "the best" - it is obviously a ridiculous notion when applied to audio equipment - all too obvious. Expressing an opinion is one thing, arguing a point that is already understood (by just about anyone with at least 1/2 brain) is another.
I do not have a problem with somebody expressing an opinion... but you are adding nothing substantive to the point of the conversation.
Ayon Spirit III, or Triton if your budget allows. Class A, Zero Neg feedback, switchable between Pentode and Triode
A few, not a lot, I think. Still, I don't feel the compulsion to set everybody straight whenever the word "best" pops up.
I'm not trying to set anybody straight. I'm posting my opinion on the subject just like you and anybody else who answers a question. If you don't care for my opinion just skip over my posts.
Nor do I refrain from utilizing the convenience of the expression for the few people who take it literally.
A few, not a lot, I think. Still, I don't feel the compulsion to set everybody straight whenever the word "best" pops up.
I wonder if anyone has tried the SLI-80 F1 Triode version with direct coupling and Zero NFB (wired for triode only). Certainly 40 watts would be more than sufficient to drive the Merlins. I see Upscale Audio advertising it, but I've not heard of anyone having used it or commented on it. Sounds like the Merlin (VSM in my case) would be an easy load for the amp.
10-02-11: Pmboyd
Who takes the "best" question literally!? It's shorthand, folks. For pity's sake, let's not keep reinventing the wheel... over and over and over.

Obviously a lot of folks do because the question of "what's the best...." is asked daily and answered enthusiasticly by folks who really think their equipment is the best.
Pubul57. I did some research on here regarding people who have used both the manley and cary products with their merlins. My instinct told me to go with the cary, altho, I think the manley would be great as well.

This pure class A, 40 watt triode mode that the cary sports is incredible with plenty of power in a fairly large offset room. 14"x17" that offshoots into a dining room.

The musical presentation is almost spooky in its life-like presentation.

I`ll get the e34l`s later in the week and let you know about the new tubes. In the mean time, the eh6550`s are making beautiful music...
Capt369, it would be very interesting to hear your observations regarding 6550 versus EL34 with your Merlins after you have had a chance to compare. Has anyone had experience with both the Cary and Manley's (with Merlin or other speakers)?
Who takes the "best" question literally!? It's shorthand, folks. For pity's sake, let's not keep reinventing the wheel... over and over and over.
Ok, let's change the question to -

Can anyone make suggestions for a good tube integrated amplifier worthy of consideration for use with my Merlin TSMs?

There is some evidence to suggest that if the integrated uses El34s for output tubes it is likely it will sound good to you, as it does to most users that have used/auditioned/owned Merlin speakers. While subjective, use of this tube seems to appeal to more Merlin listeners than integrateds using KT88/6550s.
Sorry to sound like a broken record but "Best" is in the eye/ear of the beholder. There is no definitive "best" anything, it's all subjective. When you ask a question like this, the answers will always be what folks think is "best" to them in their system.
I recently bought Vincent V-60 amp and upgraded tubes recently as well and it's a keeper.
I just purchased a cary sli-80 f1 edition to pair with my tsm/mme`s. I`m running it with 6550 power tubes right now and the music is beautiful. Man, what a huge sound stage. At Bobby`s suggestion, I just ordered a quad of e34l power tubes for it. Also have a pair of cardas gr ic`s coming.

Bottom the sli-80/merlin combo.
Give a listen to the VTL IT-85. I've got one with upgraded caps driving Dynaudio Special 25's. With good NOS Mullard EL34's it will bring out the wizard in your Merlins...
38 watts is ultralinear spec for the Primaluna Dialogue Two. Mastersound is 20 watts Class A. Don't know about the headroom.
I think 38 watts versus 20 watts is quite a bit of difference, same as 100 watts
versus 200 watts - 3db louder - and at the lower limits of what the Merlins
need, just might make all the difference in the world. I would ask Bobby, but I
think 20 watts would leave you feeling underpowered unless you have a smallish
room and listen at moderate levels - it could work, but not ideal and it might
always have you thinking, what if.....Unless the Mastersound has really high
dynamic headroom (6db or so) in which case it might be ok. That is a very
interesting specification you rarely see these days, one of the reason the old NAD
3020s worked with so many speakers, though only 20 watts, high dynamic
21 watts for the Primaluna Dialogue Two (38 in ultralinear) -- not much different than the Mastersound Due Venti.
20 watts, which seems to be the Due Venti's rating, is likely not enough for the TSM-Mmi, in my experience. The Stingray offers the option of 18-20w in triode or 36-40 watts in ultralinear. As much as I like the sound of triode power (I also run a 2A3 amp in another system), I found it to be inadequate in my admittedly large room. The midrange is wonderful but the top and bottom ends get a bit ragged. Ultraliner, though, sounds extremely good through the whole sonic band. Of course, YMMV.
I had my eye on those Due Ventis today, but thought it just not be enough juice to drive the VSMs, let alone the TSMs, but on paper they do sound like something I would have liked to have tried - like the Almaro 318s[?] = again, not enough power methinks, but also an intriguing unit.
Thanks for the tip, Bjesien. How does it match up with the Merlins is the question?
Mastersound is top notch. Very underrated OR unknown, however the el34 for sale has gone for as low as $1500. Good used deal at maybe $1800. Haven't heard any below the 300 B or monos but I don't think they would dumb down any model.
Couple of other integrated have popped up on my radar: Mastersound Due Venti & Grant Fidelity Rita 880. ???
Never heard the Prima Lunas, but I imagine Bobby would suggest the EL34s
versions rather than the KT88 version if you choose to take that direction.
And if you considering the Prima Lunas, it also suggests the possibility of
Cayins as well - they look beautiful, but only heard them briefly. 30-40 watts
should be enough power to make them sing.
But I am seeking an integrated, not separates, so Thor, as good as it may be, is out.
FWIW the guy I bought my Joule pre from was buying Thor gear for his Merlins. Are you looking to spend 4k because you keep asking about $1200 integrateds?
Sorry to confuse. Thor does not make an integrated, but rather I was referring to their TA1000 preamp and TPA30 amps.

No, I did not use a preamp with the VAMP. No, the Joule VAMP do not come up often used here on Agon, but I have seen one or two over the past 6-9 months.
I don't think Thor ever made an integrated. I did not realize Jerry Ozemont got involved with their return to the market, that is a good sign; one the the great "behind the scenes" designers - his Audio Logic DACs were first rate. I expect Thor gear will be in a different price category when they do get product to market, assuming they can make it happen.
Isn't there another company whose name starts with a "D" matches up well with Merlin's? I can't remember the name, but I know it's not D'Aquisto(expensive jazz guitars) or DiMarzio(guitar pickups). I think my guitar is calling me.
Grannyring, Can't find a listing of Thor products. Do/Did they make a tube integrated?
Grannyring, Did you use a preamp with the VAMP? Ah, the Vamp, when will I ever see one for sale!?
I may be in the minority, but I owned the ZH270 & Joule preamp with the VSM's as well as the VAMP and the Thor TPA 30 mono block amps paired with the Thor preamp.

The best sound came from the Thor combination. Next was the VAMP. I did not care for the ZH270 and found it was a little lightweight for the VSM's which can sound thin if not carefully matched. I purchased the ZH270 hoping for a match made in heaven, but would say it was my biggest audio disappointment to date. I say this because I paid for a new ZH270 and it was big $$ for me at that time.

If your going to spend that kind of money, look to used Thor gear first! Great with the Merlin speakers. If you want great sound for little cash, then the VAMP is one that should be on your list.
Don't know how they would rank, but from the list, I covet the ZH270 - with a preamp.
Manley Stingray, Cary SLI-80, Ars-Sonum Filarmonia, DeHavilland 845, Berning ZH270, Joule Vamp! Wonder how they would rank?