Best speakers for Opera.


Can you recomment the best speakers to listen to Opera?

price range about $3000.


any good loudspeaker with excellent resolution can do an excellent job with opera


a more relevant question how big i s your room?

what are you using now?


I will agree that electrostatics should be good for opera, as they are clean and nonresonant, as a class, in the vocal range. Quads are one good example, if you can live with the restricted dynamic range.

If you didn't want electrostatics, I would look into BBC-heritage speakers, such as those made by Harbeth, Stirling, Graham, and perhaps some of the Spendor models. Though they look old fashioned, they tend to have low coloration, and the design criteria include reproduction of the human voice.

Legendary-Quad ESL 57s.

With the right amp, some voices can bring you to tears.

Hi there I was at the show last week and heard a pair of speakers in which I had them play a cd of my favorite opera cd they really did a good job, the speakers are bosendorfer. They go for $12,000.
I'd vote for the Quads, too. You'll often see older
ESL57's (my favorite) and ESL63's here and on ebay for
well under $3000 - more like $1200 - $1500. You can get
fully restored 57's as well, still under $3K.

Rogers LS3/5As are still one of the very best for voice reproduction. They were specifically designed and voiced for the human voice. And yes, I know they are not $3,000.
How about Opera loudspeakers by Opera audio from Italy?
The Quintas are exceptional at $3000/pair.