best small combo jazz recordings on vinyl

I'm looking for some of the best sounding live recordings of small combo jazz available on vinyl to get some of my audiophile buddies for Xmas. Any suggestions?
Oliver Jones "Cookin' At The Sweet Basil" Justin Time Records

DiMeola, McLaughlin, DeLuca "Friday Night In San Francisco", Phillips

Arnett Cobb/Dizzy Gillespie "Show Time", Fantasy

Thelonious Monk "At The It Club", Mosaic

Phil Woods "More Live", Adelphi Records

Great Jazz Trio "At The Village Vanguard", Inner City
Mapleshade has some exceptional recordings with minimal processing and natural sound. The Clifford Jordan "Live at Ethyl's" is great.
Sorry, I was thinking of CDs with vinyl like sound. I am an LP devotee but these CDs are great.
Bill Evans Waltz for Debby as well as any of his other live recordings. He tended to destroy recordings that he considered subpar; as a result, what has survived is top notch.
Ella has a new three disc cd release done in a small club setting. All the material is unreleased till now. I've heard one disc and would rate it among the best jazz vocal done, aside from Billie Holiday stuff. NY Times has a great write up on these recordings.
I agree with Gsm18439 regarding "Waltz for Debby" LP (which I also own); also try Bill Evans' "Moon Beams". Great recording, nice cuts ... very well done all around. For vocals, consider Johnny Hartman and John Coltrane. The Romantic Jazz Trio on Venus Records is another well recorded small ensemble. They do an excellent job on some standards on show tunes. IMHO, for sheer production quality, the Venus label (Japanese) produces some of a best sounding new vinyl around.
You cannot go wrong with Art Pepper + Eleven. The double 45RPM set is spendy but worth it or just get a re-issue 33. Fabulous sound and great music.