Best DAC under 2k US ?

I'm thinking of a DAC for my nearfield focal monitors (CMS series). I'm looking for a nuetral to warmish sounding DAC without overly harsh or bright tonality and also musical.

I don't know much about DAC's and I can't audition where I am right now.

Calyx DAC, Bel Canto, Peachtree, Ayer, W4S, Weiss Minerva. Anything else?

Which would suit me best.

If anyone is interested, I'm considering parting with my exasound e20. it's up on audiocircle and usaudiomart for $2200
Thanks Mcondon. I don't have a PWT - still using my lovingly restored and upgraded Proceed PDT3, so I've been researching choices for a good XLR between it and the PWD.

I sure wish the PWD had an AT&T glass input. I'd be the only one using it I guess, but it would make this interface investigation unnecessary. :-(
Tonyptony, the Shunyata Python Zitron XLR cable between the PW DAC and Transport lacked resolution and image placement and instrument separation was poor. I felt like I was hearing a blob of sound coming from the speakers that lacked coherence. The Zitron has a little added mid-bass warmth, but that was its only positive attribute to my ears. Of course, the Zitron digital cables might work quite well in other applications. I just didn't think it sounded good between the PW DAC & Transport.

Regarding HDMI cables, I have found that they all sound more similar than different -- I have tried Harmonic Technology, Wireworld Silver Starlight, Wireworld Platinum Starlight, and Supra. I would give a slight edge to the Wireworld Platinum Starlight, but this might have been a placebo effect, since the Platinum Starlight retails for $500. The Harmonic Technology may have been a little warmer than other HDMI cables, but differences were really miniscule. So, if your budget is limited, I would not play around with expensive HDMI cables. I got far more improvement in sound quality replacing Audio Art Power 1 power cords with Mojo Audio Enigma power cords on the DAC and Transport. The Mojo cords really had a profound effect on the quality and quantity of bass from the PW combo, without sacrificing anything at other frequencies.
i own the ps audio pwd and pwt.

my experiences differ from those already expressed.

first i have found that the dac performs better with at least two cd players compared to the ps audio combo.

the players which i used include the vincent cd s6 and consonance sacd 2.1--both tubed players. i used spdif for the interface.

contrary to other experiences i think the transport is the weak link, not the dac.

then again there are factors in my stereo system and room which may account for my unique experiences.

moreover, i find that the two aforementioned players, along with the audionote cd2 and signature technology modified cd player (with a tubed output stage using a 6fq7) ) are preferable to the ps audio combo.

so, why i am not selling the ps audio products ?

i can use the transport to read hi rez discs and, as has been suggested, it doesn't pay to sell when others are selling.

i was able to obtain both at a very reasonable price so i do not mind holding on to them.

however, at some point, if market conditions are gavorable, i will try to unload both of them.
My comments about the Perfect Wave DAC were too negative. If you have the funds to buy the Perfect Wave Transport (now called the Memory Player) as well, and connect the two via the HDMI interface, sound quality is really excellent, even more so after the MK2 upgrade of the DAC. I have tried other digital interfaces to connect the DAC to the Transport, including the very highly regarded Shunyata Python Zitron XLR digital cable, and found it to fall short of the sound quality of the HDMI connection especially in terms of resolution and deep bass.

Other digital sources (PS Audio's Bridge and non-PS Audio CD players) do not sound as good to me as the Transport. The Bridge, in my opinion, has less soundstage depth and is less dynamic than the Transport.

PS Audio has a very useful, non-censored community forum. A number of DAC owners who use the Bridge are waiting for better sounding firmware for the Bridge. PS Audio will probably deliver on this.

I do own two sets of the Perfect Wave DAC & Transport. I would not have bought the second set if I didn't like the sound quality of the first set.

My only complaint about PS Audio is that some of its products sometimes seem like works in progress. The Bridge was supposed to equal the sound quality of the Transport. In my opinion and theirs, it is not at the same level as the Transport.

I have seen a lot of used Perfect Wave DACs for sale on Audiogon in the last year or so. It seems to show up more frequently than other DACs. I suspect some people have been underwhelmed by the sound quality of the DAC when used with the Bridge or non-Transport sources.
X2 on the Burson DA-160. It does have nice features and is often compared to 2k+ amps. It can be found for around 1k.
I know several people who have stopped using the i2s buss via HDMI because they liked the XLR digital connection better between the two. The
PWT is a very nice transport. I use one. Is it the best available? No. But it does have some nice features that other CD transports do not have. As always there are tradeoffs.
It's the i2s connection and digital lens or whatever it's called. Eliminates the Spdif connection and provides a buffer to eliminte clicking issues.
"Even with the MK2 upgrade, the DAC doesn't sound that great unless you also own the Transport."-Mcondon.

How exactly are the ones and zeros delivered from the PW Transport so special that other transports fail in making the PW Dac sound good? I'm not saying that the PW Transport is not good, in fact I'm sure it's very nice. But why does the dac sound so-so with other transports and so special with the PW? I'm just not buying it.
There's also HEGEL's HD20, with the (to my mind) very worthwhile feature:

... The HD20 has a high performance digital pre amplifier, fully capable of driving a high end power amplifier.

Price in Scandinavia is roughly $1700, so I'm assuming it won't (severely) exceed $2k in the US.

('s review of my other recommendation above, the NuForce DAC-9 - also with build-in preamp, though not with the asynchronous 192k USB input that's now available:
I also am very pleased with both the PWD I and even more so with the PWD ll. I do like it with the PWT best, but as a Bridge owner, I listen with the Bridge 99% of the time. It sounds great and the latest software that has been available for several months is very dependable and robust.

I won't be leaving the PWD ll world anytime soon. Well maybe when there is a PWD lll.
wow!...not sure where Mcondon is coming from with his comments. i purchased the PWT/PWD at release back in august of 2009. have the semi-recent MKII upgrade as well.

"pretty mediocre"??. i've had the pleasure of comparing it to many nice DAC's in the past three years (some costing much more). almost every person who took part in these comparisons now owns a PWD and that says it all. lots of mediocre gear out there but the PWD isn't on that list imho.

"can't give them away" is also a stretch. a good friend had to sell his entire set-up due to unemployment and his PWD literally sold overnight....for $1500. not bad for digital gear....and considering many paid well south of $3000 for the PWD's new (got mine at 2k each using the trade in option offered at release.

too each his own but a few of your comments make it seem like you have a axe to grind regarding the PWD.
I see only 2 private sales listed. the rest are commercial sellers.
Guess it is that time of year for deals as there are always less buyers at this time.
As for the SQ, either you are not set up properly or have a defect somewhere.
Many with goldener ears than you and I have made gracious statements in the opposite direction and even when comparing to much higher priced equipment.
So anyone looking for a no brainer upgrade, do some googling or speak to any serious owner for a recommendation and this might be your chance to pick up a deal before they are gone.
As a famous American once said " I don't agree at all with you my friend, but I will put up a darned good fight for you right to say it".
or something like that. Peace.
What about a used PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC? There are a boatload of them for sale on Audiogon right now. Apparently, owners have a hard time giving them away, which might be all you need to know.

(I actually own the Perfect Wave DAC. It sounds very good with the Perfect Wave Transport, which I think may be the stand out PS Audio digital component. In all honesty, the DAC sounds pretty mediocre from every other digital source -- S/PDIF, AES/EBU, and the PS Audio Bridge. Even with the MK2 upgrade, the DAC doesn't sound that great unless you also own the Transport. And even then, the DAC has a pretty narrow soundstage. In some ways, a cheap Northstar M192 I once owned threw a much more convincing, absorbing soundstage than the Perfect Wave DAC. And the Northstar sold used for about $800.)
Has anyone heard of the Exasound e18DAC ? 1999.00 Risk -free in house testing. Mick at Supratek has written a bit about it in his blog,Supratek News.
+1 to the Octave. Paul Hynes is also doing mods on them now. The m51 sounded nice also at THE Show in Newport but the Metrum still does it for me.
Haven't heard them yet, but I'm very curious about the NAD M51 and the upcoming Schiit Statement DAC.
There is a certain level of player you have to get to achieve "good enough." The really cheap one's even though good for what they cost won't get you there. I'm saying well under $1K.
From your list, if you want to keep it minimalistic, I would go for the Calyx. If you want more inputs and perhaps volume control, Bel Canto 2.5 is nice. It's a very highly competitive price bracket, and many others to choose from for instance the M2Tech Young and AURALiC ARK MX+.
There is no definitive "best" of anything. There are way too many variables involved. The "best" you can hope for is to find something that works well in your system. You can then say it's the "best" for you until you find something you think is better !!!!
Rockadanny, you took the words right out of my mouth! The Neko is the best digital I've ever heard.
Check out if in the U.S.
They are currently running a loaner program for their D100 Mk2 - a "reference stereo DAC featuring a 100% passive fully balanced transformer-based analog output stage." $1495 to buy one new.
i like the new Marantz 2800, which also plays cd's and sacd's. Not the best but great nonetheless and only a grand.
Devilboy, I'm just learning about it myself. I found their website more informative than most in the digital audio industry. They published jitter measurements from multiple methods, each one very low.

I like the sensibility that it attaches directly to a DAC. Like the Octave, I have yet to read a negative review aside from a few reviews being done on uber expensive DAC's were the Audiophilleo had less of an affect than it did on less expensive DAC's.

Two strong reasons to use this converter are if your DAC does not have a USB input. It may even greatly improve DAC's with less effective USB receivers.

Its direct connection to the DAC eliminates the digital SPDIF cable.

Vicdamone: I'm trying to learn more about the Audiophilleo converter. Is it better to use the converter because it lowers jitter? I imagine the optical output of my computer has very high jitter.
If I'm not mistaken the Metrum Octave can be ordered with a black extrusion body but it looks like the face plate remains aluminum. Email to be sure.

The Octave is non over sampling (NOS) 24bit 176.5hKz DAC with switched SPDIF/RCA and optical inputs and L/R RCA outputs.

I was looking for a DAC with all the features myself. After weeks of prowling the internet I was struck first by the very successful topology of the French Totaldac but it is way beyond my budget. I was lead to the Octave which has a somewhat similar topology using different components at an incredible savings while maintaining unanimously well reviewed sonics.

My digital library is predominately 16-41kHz and 24-96kHz, I can't imagine I'll even notice the lack of those few extra kHz.

Adding an Audiophilleo USB to SPDIF converter with no more than 2-8ps measured jitter and your still at or under $1500. The Audiophilleo website is a must read including ALL the links under their comparison chart.
Can you purchase the Metrum Octave Dac entirely in black including the faceplate and does it play in full resolution via a USB?
I posted the wrong price for the Metrum Octave DAC.

The correct price at the current rate of exchange as of 1/31/2012 is $977.01, which includes shipping and PayPal fees.

Vicdamone: I believe you made a wise choice. My Octave took about eight weeks. I hope you get yours soon.
I just ordered the Metrum Octave DAC in Blanc at the current 01/29/2012 exchange rate for $1156.63 which includes shipping, PayPal fee, and a 5-7 week lead time.

I'm considering the Audiophilleo-2 @ $579.

Devilboy's system would seem more than capable of revealing the different presentations of his direct experiences. Thanks.

I was seconds away from a half hearted order of the W4S DAC-1 with the cap and BNC upgrades. With California sales tax and shipping it would have been a bit more expensive.
I wholeheartedly recommend the Metrum Octave. I've owned the top two dacs from MHDT, Weiss Minerva, and used a Peachtree as a DAC. IMO, the Minerva would "exaggerate" highs and lows. I thought it was great until I started listening to NOS dacs. It's then when I thought the Minerva sounded too "aggressive". I used the Peachtree Nova as a dac. The dac is the best part of the Nova I think, but a bit too much on the bright side when compared to NOS dacs. The MHDT Havana is ok, but for a few bucks more, and well within your budget, try the Metrum Octave. IMO, it is very natural and organic. Sounds less like hi-fi and more like music.
W4S DAC 2 will suit your needs. A bargain at the price, because sold direct.

Stanwal, I tried posting a ping to you and another Metrum Octave subject line and they must have been moderated out. Anyway-

I'm in the market and the Totaldac review really stopped me looking at the usual suspects which lead me to the 6Moons review of the Octave. If its half as good as that review I'm all in. Also, I became interested in the Audiophilleo.

Could you post an update?
You thought this was going to be easy? Here are some sites to get your foot in the door.

Darko DAC Index

Audiophilleo (a USB interface that you may choose to use even if your DAC choice inputs 192kHz) It seems many manufactures claimed jitter rejection is not what its claimed to be and this thing seems to prove it.

Anido DAC


Audio-gd NFB 7.1 DAC

Eastern Electric Minimax DAC

Mhdt Labs


You'll be introduced to many more choices by searching for comparisons of these. The Darko index and the Computer Audiophile (forum) will have more information. Don't forget to get some sleep.

Which Bel Canto? I'm assuming not the 3.5VB since it's way over $2k. I had the DAC 2.5 before the Calyx and much prefer the Calyx. Warmer, sweeter, and technically superior in every way. While the Bel Canto is still a very good DAC, it was a little too sterile for my tastes and no match for the Calyx.
Where to get the calyx in the usa?

Also, how does the bel canto dac compare (the new one)?