Best Budget interconnect cables for cd to preamp

Looking for the best buy for the money new or used interconnect cables for a Cambridge Audio 640 CD player to a Cary AE3 mkll preamp. Looking for RCA 1 meter length or .75 meter. Oh yeah, and I would like something in the $100 range. There are so many on this site, I'm lost and most of them are several hundred or much much more. Thanks Rich
OK to lay this to rest I ordered Speltz anti cables as well as their IC's. We'll see mmmmmm
Thanks guys, it saves me walking back and forward to my basement. Of coarse you are right....those are the cables which otheres and I were referring to.

On the AR, I have an extra set of NOS Acoustic Research Pro Series VIDEO cables that I never used with my home theatre. I know it would be tacky to tie 1 of the 3 cables off, but any reason these couldn't be used as Audio interconnects, if for no other reason than for comparison sake???
I can not comment on this particular cable but if I am not mistaken - it has to be the original 130 model that Sam Tellig of "Stereophile" was raving about. I could check the serial nr. if interested?

Might want to try the entering auctions for Audio Metalurgy Cables - very good cables
Timrhu, yes I will definately experiment, and have already put in an offer for a pair of Spletz here. By the way On those AR cables is 1 of the 3 ( red, green blue) specificaly for the Video. Thanks for your "input". Rich
I have/had a set of those also that I used for an interconnect for a turntable after removing the video cable. Just pulled the cable off. Those cables are so cheap why not experiment.
I don't know about you but I have more cables hanging around than I'll ever use.
On the AR, I have an extra set of NOS Acoustic Research Pro Series VIDEO cables that I never used with my home theatre. I know it would be tacky to tie 1 of the 3 cables off, but any reason these couldn't be used as Audio interconnects, if for no other reason than for comparison sake???
Vampire wire CCCII. 1 meter of continuous cast copper cables runs about $57.00. Call Sound Connections. I may even have a spare set for a bit less, email me if you want.
The Speltz Anti-Cables are one of the biggest bargains in all of audio. I have or have tried almost all the big guys (Nordost, PAD, Cardas, etcd.) and this IC is competitive and is not shamed by any of them. Use these IC's in my BR system, and happily.

DanLib is right on...anti-cables by Paul Speltz cannot be beat. Get the Eichman connectors.
Signal Cable is tough to beat for the price. Have gone through many cables over 40 years and these are very very good.
Tried so many budget cables I can't name em all. By far, the Speltz Anti-Cable IC's were the best. In fact, as I moved up into ever more expensive cables, I could always put the Anti-Cables back in and end up scratching my head wondering how they can sound so good for so little money.
do a search as this topic has been covered many times. with that said, id look at in no particular order

signal cable
blue jeans
anti cables
Mrjstark offers great advice with the Acoustic Research if you don't need to spend $100. I have quite a few pairs of them and don't feel I'm missing anything. Yes I also own some hi-end level ICs but could live happily with only the ARs.
AR interconnects HT Pro original series rave about by Stereophile years ago. Not in production any more but worth to give a shot finding a pair. I got 3 pairs from Ebay for $30.

Another choice might be: LAT cables, Morrow, Signal cables among few others. KEep in mind.....they all sound different and it all depends what qualities are important to you.

I would go with either LAT, Morrow or AR cables though.

Good luck