Best bang for buck integrated amp for $500

Looking for best bang for buck amp for under $ 500.  I have triangle Bro 2 speakers already and cables and a dac.  So just looking at a amp.  Something in the 50-100 watt range, slightly on warm side of neutral, good low end, all the good stuff.

Right now i own the Emotiva basx A-100 its not bad i paid $199 but i want to step up my game.  Im kinda looking at Cambridge audio AXR100, a couple of yamahas, but wide open to suggestions ?

I've carefully read and re-read your posts regarding your experience with the IO.  Not sure, but doesn't bass need a bit of room to fully spread out?  If your up close to the speakers as in a desktop setup, it might sound like less bass than if you are further away.  The upper mids and highs might be grabbing your attention more than the bass, perhaps?
The reviews from state this about both the E40 and the Io:
Keces E40: What immediately strikes you is the exceptional low-end that this amplifier sends through our speaker. We have seldom heard so much power and control from such a small box. The Rega Brio is the closest but the Keces E40 goes far beyond… Bizarre. A lot of modern monitors can use a kick in the butt, but of course it’s important to keep an eye on them. With our little Cabasse Surf mini-monitors it was sometimes too much of a good thing. 
Rega IO: Coincidentally, we ourselves have a fine, modest amplifier in our listening room! It’s the Keces E40 (599 euros) which, as its name suggests, has 40 watts in class A / B on board and also performs a bit above its level. It even delivers some decent watts in pure class A. And it offers, besides a phono stage, also a USB dac. So there are more similarities than differences between both amplifiers. But in terms of sound we notice some nuances here and there. The io has a more powerful bass and is a bit more playful than the Keces. The Keces is a bit more balanced to our feeling but a bit less transparent. Choices, choices, choices. 
I know how most of us feel about reviews, alpha audio says the Keces e40 goes beyond the Brio but says the IO has more bass than the Keces but suggests it's less than the Brio?  Kind of doesn't make sense.
The Keces has some kick like no other amp I've tried under a grand has but it's also smooth. I think the IO adds a bit to the upper mids and treble which if not balanced with the lower mids and bass will stand out to much so all you'll focus on is the brightness/clarity at the expense of bass (SoundArtisit SA-200A did that, way too bright in my system).
Are you jumping the gun selling off the equipment too soon because you are frustrated?  I might have jumped on the Triangles but I have the Zetas which have a titanium tweeter.  Not sure about the softdome.
As to the amp, I am very tempted.  It may give a bit more aire on the upper mids and treble but if the energy is too much, it might overshadow the lows. The Keces doesn't have quite the aire of the Emotiva A400z which was way more powerful than the BasX A100 but I liked the high frequency extenstion, but overall it didn't sound like a higher end product. The lows were a bit less, less defined and overall the SS was very 2 dimensional.
Maybe your jumping the gun.  Give it time for your brain to adjust too.  Unless you just hate your system, keeping it intact will allow you focus on what you like or need and when you do get something else, the comparisons will be more useful when you swap equipment in and out. 

Something to think about as I know how frustrating one can get from experience regarding audio.
I have moved on from Rega IO, i dont think im jumping the gun.  Way harder than i thought it would be.  Looking at other options.
Former owner of many compact amps. Here is my compact amp ranking.

1. Burson Funk with Vivid OP amp upgrade - Great bass, warmth, and clarity. This amp is a unicorn.
2. Rega Brio R - Exciting forward sound, unrefined treble, high noise floor, good tone...enjoyable. 
3. Emotiva Bass X 100 - Great build and power for the money. Average across the board for sound...pretty neutral sounding. Brio R has better tone and is just more engaging.   
4. Audioengine N22 - Good mids and pleasant treble. weak bass. warmer timbre. sound lacks dimension, body, and bite.
5. Parasound Zamp V.3 - Tonally cool. Felt like much less than 45 watts. Bad harmonics. 
6. Ice Power 125ASX2 - Sounded like bad Class D. Great bass and bass grip. Mids and treble were very unnatural. thin, cool, dry sounding amp. Would be good for home theatre. 

I took a look at the Burson Funk and if one needed an amp for primarily headphones but wanted speaker capability it could be a good option. 45/35 watts at 4/8 ohms respectively, while my amp is about 60/35 watts for speakers but hasn’t the output for headsets as the Burson. It does add preouts and a MM input, as well as a basic USB, plus two RCA inputs for less.

The Burson took a price hike to 799? A review stated priced from $544, that’s quite a recent hike unless I’m missing something?
Why did you buy two okay amps instead of spending the total on one good amp? 
Because i have a only ok amp budget ?.  The Burson sounds interesting i may look into that amp.  

When your budget is limited you limit your choices for sure, maybe i need to save up more money and up my budget. 

Im not saying the Rega IO was bad at all, it was quite good, just lacking in low end in MY OPINION, everything else sounded very good.  I dont want to buy a sub, im in a very small room and dont really want to go the sub route.  Maybe bigger speakers front ported would have gave me more bass, im limited how far i can come off the wall on a desk.  I dont have a ideal or even close to ideal room and space to setup.

Im finding maybe i need a good headphone amp and call it a day, and when i move i will look for a larger more friendly audio room.  Trust me my box of room sucks for audio, well amp and speaker wise.
The Burson took a price hike to 799? A review stated priced from $544, that’s quite a recent hike unless I’m missing something?

$544 is without the OP Amp upgrade or aluminum stand. $744 is fully loaded if you buy from Burson direct. 

Yes no DAC or variable outputs. I hi level connect a REL. 
I have 2 burson V5I  op amps already, could be a good thing, im looking into it.

Post removed 

@seanheis1 I realize this is a latent thread, but I would like to offer an opinion on the Rega R for the record. I owned a couple of the small amps you list above - the Rega Brio R and the Audioengine N22, plus the NAD D 3045.

I generally agree with your evaluation of the Audioengine, nice little amp for the money - but no grunt. The NAD D 3045 is a typically (for NAD) smooth sounding amp with an incredible amount of features crammed into it.

I am currently using the first iteration Brio R in my desktop office system with JRiver on a PC and an Audioquest Drangonfly Red as the source, upper entry level Audioquest cabling throughout, and Wharfedale Diamond 12.0 speakers in near field. The Brio has remarkable PRAT and engagement. The treble is somewhat forward but not the last word in airiness. Midrange tone is "near perfect", and soundstage on the Wharfedales in near field is spot on. The bass that the Brio R produces in these little speakers is very good, I would go so far as to say "very engaging", down to their modest limit.

I would have to question the noise issue you bring up with the Brio R. It is dead silent in my system. I can turn the volume to 100% with the source paused and there is zero sound coming out of the speakers, nada, even with my ear right next to the drivers. My system is set up in a commercial office building that has very noisy power. I use an inexpensive Belken power conditioner and run the Brio off the "Amp" outlet of the conditioner. Perhaps that is the difference.

And a word about power cables. The Rega R comes with an 18 guage $5 "appliance quality" AC cable. I swapped this out immediately for a 12 gauge cable I assembled from the "very best" Chinese parts and it made a huge difference with the Brio R. More of everything good, especially bass loudness, speed and impact. YMMV


Thanks for sharing. I would say you are fortunate regarding your noise floor with the Brio. When I contacted Rega, the higher noise floor was a known issue due to the compact size of unit and the only fix was to send the unit to an authorized dealer to perform an adjustment. The adjustment was said to reduce the noise floor but also reduce sound quality as I believe they said they would be reducing the bias. 

I want to hear the NAD D3045 in my system. I have the NAD D3020 V2 in my family room. It was chosen for its size, looks, and features, but it is very meaty sounding and avoids the typical pitfalls of Class D amps under $1000.   

Follow up on my earlier post about the Brio R and Wharfedale Diamond 12.0.  The speakers were fairly new when I wrote my previous post.  It took them a very long time to fully break in. The treble is no longer “forward” and the presentation is plenty “airy”.  The performance envelope for this combination is large, and can really rock.  I tried with high resolution material from a Chord QuteHD DAC and it has remarkable PRAT.