Beatles MFSL box set

Category: Music

i have just received this box set, cleaned it with disc doctor fluid and brushes and my manual method, i have played up to revolver, i cant understand what took me so long to get my hands on the vault, the sonics on the early lps are super, the air and imaging are great, compared to a long list of early Beatles lps i have gone through, on Sunday and with the Beatles for me thats what Sundays are for, except going to church first, then its Beatles Sunday, and O happy day, mike
the mfsl releases are not as good as the origial u.s. capitol versions or the parliphone uk's. the dynamics of those original pressings is nowhere to be found.
Zeneith, Moraz was also a great keyboardist as well. He added something to the Moodies, but I think it took them away from their roots and they have never found their way back. But I do enjoy his addition to the sound. I just miss Pinders influence. He kept them in that "concept LP"
frame of mind. Hayward and Lodge just don't get there anymore for me.
you are right on the spot with that quote, what could have been better than front and center in the New Orleans municipal auditorium with Ian Anderson and Jethro Tull playing, Anderson dressed like mike nelson sea hunt, or the passion play tour, those were the days, saved in our own vaults, mike
Your absolutely right about Moraz being a showman. He was a finely dressed musician in his own respect. I saw them on their "Other Side of Life Tour" and he was playing around with Thomas just as you outlined. The Anderson flute thing is really funny! Today's bands just don't equal yesterday's charm.........
Never did get to see them with Pinder. First time I saw them was the Octave tour. Pinder just wouldn't tour even though he was on the album. Moraz was a great showman and he and Ray seemed to have a real connection on stage. They did the extra long version of Legend of Mind and blew me away. I got a kick out of Patrick Moraz making a reference to Ray's flute as a cheap imitation of Ian Anderson and Ray just flipped him off and kept playing. Anyway just a memory
The best Moody Blues show that I have ever seen was in 72 when they were all pretty young. That was magical to say the least. I hadn't seen another show like that until Floyd did the "Dark Side of the Moon". Like I said before! If it make you happy ....... that's all that counts!
guys ive seen the moodys quite a few times, the best for me was a show at audubon zoo in new orleans, over three hours of moodys, at the time long distance voyager was the latest release, they played the whole lp, saw them only once with mike back in the day, i have played the rest of the beatles mfsl lps, no doubt the early 4 or 5 are much better than anything i have got my hands on, mike

Stltrains, Sure gonna miss Ray Thomas' voice and writing. His solo albums are great if you can find them. He had such a deep smooth voice with great range. I have the latest DVD that had the new Flutist and she does a great job but sing "For My lady". I saw them several times at Red Rocks and was there when they recorded with the Colo Symphnany (spelling sux I know). But they were a great band I feel they were better in the days of Michael Pinder, but they did good after, just not the same feel.
Haywards solo albums are good too if you haven't got 'em.
I too saw them about three years ago in a small venue in Youngstown, Ohio. Ray and Patrick were both absent due to retirement. The acoustics were horrible in the facility. There was a lady on flute and she did a superb job! The German Imort of "Question of Balance" is also very well recorded! "Sojourn" is hard to find in the MOFI pressing. As far as digital goes ........ The MOFI cd of "Sojourn" is also very good. But lacks the luster of the black circle! Stltrains, be patient and you'll end up with the superb MOFI "Sojourn". Let me know your thoughts once you've had a chance to listen to it. "Picasso on cardboard" now that could very well be a master piece indeed! :))
theo i have been going to the uk ebay site received a few moodys lps hoping for a musical lp or two i am 1 out of 3, a question of balance is very musical top to bottom, struck out on sojourn, and every good boy, my best for those two are us pressings, and they are lacking the air i like, got to love them moodys, we made the trip to st. louis last year to catch them, first tour without ray, the young lady who filled in on the flute did a fine job, they have a cd that came out earlier this year of the whole show,
I second er a third the Moodys Seventh Sojourn. My favorite was Every Good Boy but the recording was never very good. Unfortunately the Moodys Made some great music they just had some bad recordings. Like Picasso on Cardboard.
hey zenieth
if there is anyone else i enjoy a little more sometimes its the moody blues, the childrens lp on mfsl is not to good, i have a decca threshold white label that smokes the mfsl so i stayed away from the rest, thanks for the heads up on seventh sojourn, my british copy is lacking the upper end, will be on the look out for a mfsl copy, thanks mike.
Is REVOLVER in stereo or MONO? I have a MoFi copy of this, and the stereo mix SUCKS! One of these days, I'll have to pony up for the Jap. Red Wax Mono pressing from 1984(?).

Meanwhile, does anyone know of a decent CD Mono mix of REVOLVER?

I agree that the original pressings are hard to beat. Breakfast with the Beatles is memorable event. Like I said there are some exceptions when it comes to MOFI. The Moody Blues "Seventh Sojourn" is one of my favorites! I have a lot of original Beatles pressings. Luckily I didn't ruin them in my younger years playing them on that RCA console! I do spin them time to time. But nothing like the years past. Bill
hey zenith, compaired to the 78 british box set i have, and others, the mfsl is the winner for best sound now, for sure the early lps in the set, i am always on the look out for good sounding beatles lps and they are not easy to find, i just came across a fine beatles four on capital that is very nice, because sundays are just not the same with out at least a few beatles lps, mike
Hmmm ....... well I wish I could agree. I have found the MOFI pressings not to be at all the hype that surrounds them. There are a few exceptions but the Beatles box set just like that of the Stones is good money thrown away! This is just my opinion with the rig that I listen to. You may very well have some of your own magic surrounding your system. If it makes you happy! That's what counts!!!