Ayre KV-5 Twenty or Parasound JC 1

I’m using an Ayre KV-5 Twenty amp with a KX-5 Twenty preamp to drive KEF Reference 1s, but I have three JC-1s in cartons with the plan to sell them. I also have a JC-2 preamp. I’m loath to unbox the JC-1s just to try them with the Reference 1s, so I wonder if anyone has compared the two amps and can give advice. I use a QX-5 Twenty for Roon, so like the idea of an all Ayre setup, balanced of course, but it also would be balanced with the Parasound JC-2 and JC-1s. Any thoughts/advice?

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There's only one way to find out!  You're in an enviable position having all of the equipment on hand.  I'd try both setups out to see which you prefer, both are excellent.

I have had JC1's for many years with no urge to change, and also use an Ayre QB9 DAC so I'm a fan of both companies.

Good luck!
IMO...no comparison.  Don't mess with your current setup and sell the Parasound equipment.  I much prefer Ayre's sound profile.  That being said, my opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it as it is my opinion.  

The only way to tell if you like the Parasound gear better is to listen to it.  There is nothing inherently better or worse about each company. 
I forgot to mention that sources in the all-Ayre setup are QX-5 Twenty for Roon, DX-5 DSD for discs, and P-5xe for vinyl.
Are the JC1's brand new?  They do take quite a while to break-in so even if you were to try them they won't be at their best for several weeks from my experience.  So even if you were to take the effort to set them up you won't get the true flavor without considerable time.

It's hard to argue with an all Ayre system, especially since all of your components are Twenty.  
Wait, you have all this gear on hand and you are asking us?
The JC-1 is more powerful but the Ayre is a zero feedback design and is probably a better sonic match for your other gear. There is only one way to find out which your ears prefer, no?

Some people like feedback.... I prefer no global feedback 
you probably have to listen to decide
big fan of Ayre, RIP Charlie...
Hansen used to acknowledge, on the forums, the influence John Curl had on his designs. But I don't know that Curl ever pursued zero feedback as a design goal.
I have a lot of respect for JC and others.
i suspect that designers that use speakers that honk up time aNd phase don’t much care about TIM... 
When I decided to move from a tube power amp to SS I was lucky enough to be able to in home demo the JC-1 and a VX5/20.  Each was driven by my VAC tube preamp.  Enjoyed both a lot but the Ayre is what has been in my system now for a couple of years.  
I used the three JC-1s to drive KEF Reference 107/2s and a 204/2C for years.  The JC-1s added great LF authority to the 107/2s.  But it was a pair of 20-watt Cary CAD-572SE tube mono blocks that lead me to the Ayre amp, that and that I had been hooked on the sound of SACDs with my C-5xeMP disc player.  I get an uncanny sense of music just flowing with Ayre as though there's nothing involved in its reproduction.
Yes, I think I do.  I'll try to sell the three JC-1s, the JC-2, and the two JC-3s I have boxed up and ready to go.  Thanks to all who have given advice.
At 84 the prospect of unpacking a pair of JC-1s and hauling them upstairs for comparison with the VX-5 Twenty is daunting.  Not sure how entitlement applies but I suppose laziness does. In that sense, the easiest path is to do nothing, and that's the path I plan to follow.

gochurchgo has words for other people. Curious what words he would use to describe himself.