Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Thanks, Grannyring. I'm still trying to get the full measure of these JB JFX caps in a speaker crossover. I've got an extra pair for future projects.
Sherod, try those JB JFX caps in your pre and you will smile. Glad you are doing better.
This thread suddenly went dead for over a year now. I'm curious what everyone is doing now. I had a lower abdomen hernia surgery in Nov. 2010 and went into a slight depression and lost interest in my music system. I shut the system down for over two years but recently got back my interest and am enjoying the music once again. Anyone upgrade to the new 2.3 version/s? I'm still enjoying my original 2.0. I have come back to using the original Hovlands in the ouputs, mainly due to a tweeter cap change in my speakers that greatly changed the overall sound for the better. I hope everyone is doing well.
If you want to keep, and seller is not cooperating, send it back to Joseph Chow who designed it at AH and he will make it right.

I am having problems with the left channel popping and increased hiss on that side. I think there is a problem with this preamp. I reversed the tubes to see if it was them, and the problem stayed on the left, so I suspect there is a problem in the preamp somewhere...

This explains the higher hiss than I was expecting I think. It's really unfortunate because it sounds great when it's working fine, but I think this one has problems somewhere...

I'll talk to the seller and see what my options are.

I strongly preferred the early 60;s Siemans cca's. But the cheaper Amprex White Label PQ's were also good, abit wetter and less controlled. Hiss level may vary with tubes. Unit should be very quiet, just a tiny bit with your ear right up to the tweeters.
Folks, I just purchased a AH 2.1nbr preamp and have a few questions about it...

It has basic EH tubes in it, and I would like to upgrade those to a better quality tube. Any recommendations for a first roll? I'd prefer to no be purchasing $200/tube valves for this. Maybe some mullards? Actually, this thread is so large that I know that there has been some discussion about what the various tubes impart to the sound; I'm wondering if there is a good summary somewhwere.

I think someone long the way may have made a mod or two... the fuse housing to the right of the IEC outlet is not hooked up. I'd prefer to have some protection for the preamp to keep it from burning up if there is a problem. There is a fuse on the board nearest to the IES socket, but I am speculating that it is a secondary fuse. Can someone provide me with a photo or two showing how the input power fuse is supposed to be hooked up? I'll get it wired up from there.

The main ON/OFF switch on the preamp was damaged in shipping, and I need to replace it. Joseph says it'll be $25, but he is out of the country for the next month. Does anyone know exactly what the switch part number (manufacturer, etc.) is? If it's nothing special, I'll find it from another supplier and wire that up as well. Id rather not wait for Joseph to return, although I am able to get the switch to work (for now, not sure for how long, though).

Lastly, there is a bit more hiss with the preamp in the system than I had expected based on comments I have seen, so I'm wondering if this is somewhat dependant on the tubes? I don't believe the hiss is volume dependant, but it does change as the preamp goes through it's warmup. It's currently hooked up via RCA, but I'll eventually get a balanced-capable amp, which hopefully will reduce this effect if nothing else will.


I did not have a remote and turned it all the way off until I went to use it. It has a soft start up to be gentle on tubes. My tubes showed very little use on my tube tester after 3 years of use with the cca's at about 2 hours per day. I would email AH on this question.
Glad you like the sound, it is indeed wonderful.
Thank you very much for your help. I thought it was a tube, but best to ask. When music is playing it sounds remarkable, it sounds like everything I hoped my stereo would one day be.

One last question, the unit I have purchased has the remote on/off, do you turn it off completely on the chassis or use the remote? My AI standby always had limited current going to the tubes to ease start up.

Thank you again.
I had I think a similar issue with my 2.1 and it turned out to be tube microphonics. Using Herbies tube dampers eliminated it by dulled the sound, floating the circuit board helped a bit, also you can try very gently bending the pins out just a bit on the offending tube to get a tighter connection. You can tell which tube is trouble by pulling off the top and while the unit is powered up and connected to speakers, gently tapping the tubes with a pencil eraser. You will hear if one tube is particularly microphonic.
The best solution however that I found that completely eliminated all noise and made the unit totally silent was to replace the tubes with other 6922's. I found Seimens 1960's cca's to be amazing in the unit, but also cheaper Amperex PQ's etc provide wonderful sound. Don't give up- it is a wonderful preamp and this should be able to be fixed easily. You can also talk to Victor or Joseph at AH and they will do everything in their power to help you.
I have purchased a used 2.1nbr c/w clarity caps furutech IEC and HI-FI tuning fuses, and was hoping some owners may pipe in with a little help. I am experiencing some feedback issues...with no music playing, that and everytime I touch the case or anyhting like that, I hear it through my speakers. The tubes currently have some hiss in the background, am I experiencing a tube on its way home? Has anyone had this experience?

I am currently using the RCA's.

My other pre is an Audible Illusions L1 and I have heard nothing like this, hence my curiosity.

Very very happy still with service, reliability, and sound.
But am replacing mine due to WSF wanting simpler equipment, with the $11,800 Ayon CD5's (Transport,DAC, and preamp all in one box so she can operate easily)- only thing I found that satisfied as much as the AH. Disclosure - my AH is for sale.
Holy Cow this is a HUGE thread! I've come across this pre from a recommendation from someone who doesn't own it but recommend that I take a look. It seems to have everything that I need. Two Balanced outputs, remote and RCA inputs.

So the bazillion dollar question. How does it sound? Are you early owners still happy with it?
Let me make add a comment about the TA 18. We know that Joseph delivers products that are balanced and uncolored in their presentation. This amplifier has all of the excellent performance qualities we expect from Audio Horizons products. It is subtle, detailed, natural, lively. I found the most striking quality of this amplifier to be the way it handles the frequency extremes. I am amazed by its full range performance.

In this thread we devoted hundreds of posts in which we described the qualities of the TP 2.X preamplifier. I believe this amplifier is every bit as excellent as the TP 2.X is excellent. I'm interested to see how other audiophiles receive it.
Sherod,just wanted to make sure you're still reading this thread.Best of the New Year.
Since you are the one who started this thread, I think that you should be the first to try the new amp. Only fair. (o:
wanted to update folks on some mods that i did to my unit which changed the character of the player:

1) V-caps for coupling caps (biggest improvement you can make for clarity, dynamics)
2) signal wiring harness upgrade: the silver-plated copper thats stock has a forwardness in the upper midrange / lower treble i found objectionable. replacing it with mundorf silver/gold ($8 / ft. god i'm dumb) helped town that down while making things more liquid and listenable
3) replacing all DC wiring (stock is 24ga, which does limit dynamcis when compared to the 18ga vampire wire i put in)
4) replacing RCA jacks w/ Eichmanss...really one of the best jacks out there, again removing upper midrange glare (slightly). if nothing else, replace the output RCAs (inputs are VERY tough to do)

(of course, unit responds very well to vibration damping & mass loading)

if you're very adept at DIY, you can do these in a day. if you dont feel comfortable removing the volume pot & drilling new holes in chassis (required), best send it to Joseph as i believe he's incorporating these mods as well (i've gone back & forth with him on these things).

minor attention to detail makes a bargain player into something competitive with $14k players (i know, i A/B'd them and it was a "pick what you prefer" outcome rather than "this is clearly better than that").

amazing. just amazing.
I have heard the TA 18 amp. It is an EL34 SET. It is excellent. The 845 SET amp is still being tested by Joseph.
I see Josephs new 845 tubed SET amp in two versions is in production.Who's gonna be first,I nominate Sherod.
Victor (916) 933-2557 is often much easier to get a hold of and for me to understand verbally.
I spoke with Joseph about two week ago. He has been moving his office. That may explain the delay.
Cedar, thankyou for answering my question. I called Joseph Chow on the phone and he suggested I send an email with questions. I did several days ago but I haven't received a reply. Probably just a busy time of the year.
I think you are referring to the output transformers that would be used for balanced output. Yes, the output transformers were an upgrade from the base model. I think you could have your unit modified by Joseph. As Gammajo suggested, talk with Victor.
I am not sure but Victor, AH's representative is happy is answer all questions Hope this helps
Recently I aquired a AH TP2.0. This particular one has no output transformers. Were these transformers offered as an upgrade at the time of its conception?
Rolling tubes in 2 and 4 also made a difference to my ears. Joseph told me from day one that 1 and 3 were more critical to the sound, but 2 and 4 also play a role in the overall sonics, IMHO. (o:
i'm curious, IIRC tubes 1& 3 are signal gain, but 2 & 4 are for bias. did anyone find benefit from rolling 2 & 4?
The only float I use(if you can call this a float) is a suggestion that Pat(Rx8man) gave a couple of years ago by using small o-ring gaskets between the screws and the Pcb. I think this is just an isolation rather than a true float. I'm not sure if Joseph is using this method or another type of isolation in his current preamp versions. I use a mix of Herbie's Feet and Isonodes under my preamp which provides for isolation and improved sonics. It's amazing how various feet can change the sound so much. I've read some good things about these Mig cones from Synergistic Research that I might try out some day. I've tried a few o-ring-type tube products that deadened the sound too much.
Sherod do you are any others AH users float your tube PCB. i checked back in the thread and did not read all but thought there was a kit or mention of this. as time when by this tweak slipped out of my thoughts but seems logical. i believe your going to like the Amprex tubes. after a long time enjoying my ccas and then finding out there fate was shot
i' ve been on the tube rolling plan very interesting for sure.
Oops! I just looked at my e-mail from Victor and this new tweak will be a bi-metal wiring harness said to "give the music more warmth, richness and purity of tone". Cost is estimated at $300-$350.
You are right on about experimenting with different tubes in the AH preamp. I just bought a pair of older(1958) Amperex e88cc I am going to experiment with. I found that so far my preamp sounds best with a pair of early 60's Siemens Cca in locations 1 and 3 with a pair of early 70's Siemens A-frame e88cc in 2 and 4. All Cca seemed to be too smooth, lacking in spatiality and air. The AH preamp also responds to power cords. No matter what power cord I try on the preamp, I can hear the difference, for better or for worse. Also, Victor just informed me in an e-mail that Joseph will be announcing this next year a new tweak for all his preamps. Stay tuned for an announcement soon from one of his Beta-testers. I don't know the details of this new tweak.
now that ive tried the above tubes and volvo/amperex e188cc along with my 64 ccas and others no doubt they all have there own character and sound. the ccas are more thin sounding compared to the e188s while the amperex have better bass and mids IMO. in the end i believe until you audition a verity of tubes in AHs preamps you may be missing sound that appeals to you better. like finger prints and ears we are all different and what sounds better to me may sound like crap to you. i'm sure most of you have taken the time to experiment on your own and already know its worth the trouble and expense for better sound.
Markwatkiss thanks for the link i' ve been tempted to try the Amperex ECC88s with 2.1 i have 2 VALVO Hamburg PCC88 7DJ8 - Single Tubes MINT NOS 1959-60 Hamburg Production and 2 Telefunken PCC88 7DJ8 - MINT NOS 1960s Bundeswehr Falcon Logo Diamond Bottom - Germany to audition looking forward to hearing the differences.
Hi guys,
Mark here,visit the Canadian equivalent of week there was a trio of CCa's for $225.Also,ECC88 gold pins and Amperex come up from time to time.If you see something you like let me know and I'll ship them to you from my MI address.
Agreed. Most everyone knows that although Siemens made the E88cc and cca identically, the cca were specially selected for the post office back then.
Post removed 
I don't know the seller, but he's selling here on the Gon a pair and a quad of Siemens E88cc. The quad is relabeled CBS, but they look like the real McCoy to me. I'd be curious of what the date codes are.
I got ya will do. I picked up a pair of early 60s here at the Gon for a bit more than you mentioned a short time ago. When i bought my AH i upgraded to Siemans tubes i believe they were e88ccs 6dj8 steel pins. Like you discovered i put the best i have in slots 1 and 3 and use others in 2 and 4. Thanks for the info
Keep your eyes open for a few German dealers on Ebay. Occasionally they come up with some nice Cca tubes for a great deal. The ones to look for are the early 60's with grey plates. I just got in a pair from one dealer for $150.00(1960 dates) and another pair for $199.00(1962) The later 70's with the silver plate aren't as good, but for locations 2 and 4 in the AH preamp, they work well for me( especially the A-frame model). Also, remember that the stock tubes that Joseph puts in the pre are the EH 6922. Maybe you should pop those in again for a listen. (o:
Thanks Sherod for the link would like to hear from those who have tried Gold Lions out. On the CCAs maybe late 70s and 80s versions for 150 to 200 bucks. And in my case those issues of the tube are no way as good as early 70s and 60s versions the Rockets beat them. Please let me know if you have a source for 60s and early 70 for that price.
Due to the poor economy, I believe, you can now find a good pair of NOS Siemens Cca for $150-$200. Still expensive, but better than the $300-$400/pr. from not too long ago. I have been reading that the new Gold Lion E88cc/6922 might be a good new tube to try out. They are selling for about $45.00/pair.Here's an example from an Ebay seller:

Sherod i feel your pain. My buddy has a tester and it proved i had the same feelings as you with the degeneration of sound in my system, 4 shot very expensive CCA tubes. The Siemans CCAs are getting so darn expensive that i'm going to try something different. I have a pair of Telefunken PCC 88 7DJ8s and a pair of VALVO Hamburg PCC88 7DJ8s on the way. Its really getting hard to find 60s CCAs anymore for a price thats anywhere near reasonable. The Russian rockets do please the ears but cant approach what CCAs deliver IMO. Have you are anyone else tried any other tubes that can be recommenced with AH preamps. My AH preamp is the first tubed piece of gear in over 40 years in the hobby and tube use and differences were the reason i resisted. It seems that one triode gets worked out hard in our favorite preamp does that seem about right or is it the design.
Well, I finally won a cheap old tube tester on Ebay and I'm glad I have it now. When it arrived a couple of weeks ago, I tested my Siemens Cca tubes and although they both measured over 85% good, they both tested gassy. I bought a NOS pair of Cca and both tested great with no gas and the sound is much cleaner and musical. I had known that something wasn't quite right and was trying to blame the cables or AC. Before I got the tube tester, I even shipped my preamp back to Joseph and had to pay him $25.00 to tell me that nothing was wrong with it.
Upgrade update - AH 2.0nB to 2.2nB using cca tubes. I have over 200 hours on the unit at this time. Basically what I said in my 8/12 review still holds. The unit did go through a an awkward adolescence during which the bass deteriorated in quality and the treble exhibited harshness, but all is well now. Added to the initial impressions would be that the unit now sounds more relaxed, easy, and natural. It quickly becomes hard to remember the previous 2.0 sound and now I am mostly out of the analytical mode and enjoying the music with many CD's producing the thought "Gee, I don't remember this music being this beautiful".