Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.

Showing 50 responses by markwatkiss

Hey Sherod,be a good sport and share the name of the power cord with us.That will be 2 drinks I owe.
Sherod,thanx for the information,looking forward to hearing your impressions at some future point in time.
Excellent review Joe,you correctly espoused what many of us feel.Now if we can only get Joseph to build an amp....
Hey I'm going to second that,welcome, and let us know how it blossoms after 200 hours of play time.
Well how about that, I started this thread months ago and now it's back like a proverbial boomerang.I now have a TP 2.0nB.After a traditional burn in period I auditioned against my Aesthetix Calypso.It was evident within several minutes that the TP 2.0 was superior in every way,and that was with the stock EH tubes.I recently acquired a quad of
NOS Siemens which raised the bar another level.
After 30 years of upgrading,buying,selling and tweaking it is my considered opinion that this pre amp alone is most dramatic improvement I have experienced in my system. It has no remote,well I had to open another bottle of wine anyway,right.
Bill and Joe,welcome to the most exclusive pre amp club in town.Look forward to seeing your comments.
Why would you need a remote, you have to rise to refill your wineglass from time to time,right.
An excellent source for NOS tubes is Brent Jesse, helpful and very fast turn around time.And hey,welcome to the most exclusive pre amp club in town.
Hey that's unfortunate,but your daughter is O.K. so that's a happy ending.After hearing the costs for medical I most definitely appreciate the free health care offered in Canada.
Welcome Rob to the most exclusive pre amp club in town.Having said that, what "capable" pre amp did the AH replace.Thumbs up on Maggies.
Hey guys,just wanted to share this with my US friends.New source for tubes thetoneshop@hotmailcom.Prices are in CDN$
I see he has some Siemens 1961 grey plates.If anyone is interested you're welcome to have them shipped to me in Sault Ste. Marie,Ontario and I will ship them to you from my business address in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan 49783.That way you will avoid brokerage and duties.
Seeing that the door to comparisons has been opened my former pre was an Aesthetix Calypso,which the AH easily bested.Power is a Cary V12,and I'm using Balanced Silver Bullet 6's interconnects.No tube rush,no hiss,the blackest of blacks between musical passages.I continue to be amazed.
Sherod and others,I say 2 weeks because the tubes won't be in my hot little hands until next week.I will report my impressions and other particulars thereafter.
I've purchased a quad of KR tubes.Outrageously expensive but I'm worth it.I'm informed they were extremely difficult to acquire and are the ultimate match for the AH.So,stay tuned and I will share my opinion with you guys sometime in the next couple of weeks.
It's show and tell.After several listening sessions,the most recent with a particularly fine bottle of Petite Syrah, I can,without doubt say that the quad of tubes I purchased from a fellow audiophile was the best I have heard in the AH.They are NOS of Russian origin.Etched on the tube are the numbers/letters 6H30,after the O there is an inverted U.There are no other markings to assist in identification of the brand.They came to me by way of the audiophile friend who acquired them from a distributor for KR products.It's all hush hush,but that just gets the juices flowing right.
To place things in perspective,the improvements over the Siemen/Halske quad were subtle.It was not emotionally immediate like going from the stock EH's to the Siemens.
There is an extra level of detail which provides a richer more 3 dimensional musical experience.It's like another layer of music was exposed with a presence and aliveness that is seductive.To summarize there is a complete sense of poise to the music,not that there wasn't before,its just a wee bit finer.And that's all I know.
Hi guys,just heard from Joseph,the Russian super tubes are not recommended for use in the TP 2.0 as it may cause over heating of the filament.Frank and Sherod,if we should ever meet the drinks are on me.
As Forest Gump would say,life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get.Anyone in the market for some rare 6H30's.
Hey those audio points look cool,in fact the whole system is very impressive.Not only do we have similar tastes in equipment our media room is the same colour as yours.
No I'm only selling one.I purchased the second from a fellow audiophile who has since become a friend.My reasons are simply altruistic,as he doesn't reside in a border town and does not have a US mailing address.It's not that he disliked the Audio Horizons he acquired a Silverline passive pre which he had been seeking for some time.
Hell no,the only way you're going to get my TP is to pry it from my cold dead hands.
Well it was an interesting social experiment and it confirms in my mind,that buyers are very much stuck on brand names.I had 8 hits,however,only 275 views.I recall when I posted my Calypso I had several hits but 485 views.As an aside,it appears the Nigerians have now invaded the gon,two of the queries were the usual hustle with those obvious spelling errors.
Anyway the fellow that bought the AH is well acquainted with this forum and I'm sure will become an active participant.
He informed me that he will be replacing the stock EH's with a quad of NOS Amperex.Enjoy your memorial day holiday everyone.
Have to get my 2 cents in.I'm using Innersound EROS 3 Electrostats and the AH is an excellent match,the bass is tight and well defined.It should be a seamless integration with your Logans.
I concur with others on the Siemens tube recommendation.Of course what do I know,having thought I found the pot of gold
I was using a quad of Russian super tubes only to be advised by my good friends here and confirmed by Joseph that the AH is not compatiable with them.I still owe a round of drinks.But I am a really smart guy when you get to know me.
I agree with Joe's comments,the balanced option represent an audible improvement in the musical presentation.Also,the manual states that the XLR outputs provide superior performance to single ended connectors.
Hey guys,don't know what everyones musical tastes are but if you're adventuresome check out Lucinda Williams' new disc "West" it's her first recording in 4 years.Excellent.
How much "quieter" can the 2.1 be,it still amazes me how silent the 2.0 is.Just when you thought this thread was petering out they drag you back in.
Stltrains,forget the Bryston BP 26,been there,done that,got the T Shirt.The magic just isn't there.I'm not famaliar with the Pass gear,so no comment.
Btsrg,Musical Essence power cord is one you may want to consider.Contact Don at And to echo my fellow AH ers, welcome to the club.
Thanx for the information on the power cords.Even with the Canadian dollar on par that's way too rich for me.Having said that I will be taking delivery of a REF 3 next week for comparison purposes.I believe contrasting statements like that are called oxymorons,he said laughingly.Will post my impressions at some point thereafter.
Hey guys,
Next year we should plan a trip to the RMAF.That would be a blast,the Audio Horizons glee club.
Stltrains,in response to your querie re XLR and RCA connections I'm in the 50 50 camp.I have single ended from my source to the AH and XLR from the AH to the Cary.The balanced mode between pre and amp simply sounds better in my system.Like some others I'm also on the fence regarding the upgrade.Have a good weekend everyone.
Gentlemen,this thread is smokin.As you may recall I acquired a REF 3 several weeks ago and have been auditioning and comparing with my TP 2.0nB.Time to share my impressions.
The system:
SOURCE:Denon 3910,fully modified by Audio Reference Mods
INTERCONNECTS:RCA silver handcrafted one metre length
AMPLIFICATION:Cary V12,modified by Sounds Good To Me(really)
SPEAKERS:Innersound EROS 3 Electrostats (passive version)
POWER CORDS:Several after market power cords none of which is expensive or exotic.

To particularize the tube complement in the AH is a quad of
Siemens NOS ECC81.Power cord is a simple Belden one metre length.
Tube complement in the REF 3 is the a quad of Sovtek 6H30P dual triodes plus a 6L6GC and 6H30P in the power supply.
Power cord is factory issue and the size of a small Anaconda I might add.
Both pre amps were auditioned on a variety of my favourite recordings.
1.The REF 3 gets everything right,from the strike of a piano key to the pluck of a guitar string.On live recordings there is just more information,in one instance the distinct variations in the pace of the audience hanclapping was evident.A ring of a cell phone and the chuckle of a band member,although subtle was audible.
2.There is a sense of utter poise to the music,the performance is effortless,kinda like Roger Federer on the tennis court.Dynamics are fast and rich,timbres deep and profound.The timing and texture of presence and aliveness is seductive.
3.The balance control is a neat feature,also the remote,now I don't have to rise as often to adjust the volume or pour another glass of wine.
4.Build quality,fit and finish are superb which I would expect from AR,and so it is with the AH.
5.In both units the bass is authoritative and accurate,I could discern no audible difference.The REF 3 shines in the mid and upper ranges it's like uncovering another layer of music,just that little extra level of detail.
In terms of low noise floor both units exhibited dead black silence.
Soundstaging and presentation went to the REF,but not by much.
1.I know the REF 3 is 4 times the $$$$ of my AH.I find that the REF 3 is superior in the overall presentation of music.
I am of the opinion that side by side blind immediate comparisons would bear this out.Having said that,I believe,taking into account your comments,that if I upgrade my unit to the TP2.1 status ,splurge on a quad of Siemens cca's,and upgrade the power cord that the performance would equal the REF 3 and I would still be ahead about $5K.
2.There is something endearing about AH,Joseph Chow and his trusty left winger that appeals to me.I want these guys to make it and I'm very content to stay in this famalia.
3.I believe I can make improvements elesewhere in my system that will give me a bigger bang for the buck.
I hope you enjoyed the read,it was my first time.
Hi guys,
I'm still on the fence pondering the upgrade to the 2.1.The
REF 3 was sold this week and I must say it was a thumbs up experience auditioning and comparing with my 2.0.Now that I have that out of my system I'm looking to change amps.With the CDN dollar on a roll it's a buyers market for us north of the 49th parallel.Stay tuned.
Well it's about time someone spoke up,this thread has been
very silent as of late.Trust all is well with everyone and best of the Holiday season to all. Mark
Hi guys,
If you know of anyone who is in the market for a TP 2.0 that has been upgraded to a 2.1 there is one available one the following site,under the pre amp category.
The seller informs me that the AH doesn't have the synergy he's looking for.It's been very quiet on this thread,trust everyone is well.
I've been talking with a fellow that bought a premium version TP 2.1.He had reviewed this thread and decided to make a move.He's also using a REF 2,which peaked my interest.He becomes more impressed with the performance of the AH with each progressive e-mail and has detailed the superiority of the AH in several areas over the REF 2.
Sherod,I'm always interested in power cord comparisons.
We may all be in a "precarious predicament" when the bell sounds at the end of this trading day.
I also have the 2.0n version and am quite happy with the fidelity.I've always contemplated upgrading to the 2.1 version but I'm somewhat hesitant.One of the members of this group moved forward and was not convinced the upgrade was sonically better,at least in his system.Others have said it's an improvement.Wherever you go there you are.
Two of the club members,myself being one,replaced our Supratek Syrahs with the AH.Having said that,Supratek pre amps are a work of art,it would be a big loss to audio enthusiasts if Mick pulled the plug on production.
Hi guys,it has been awhile.I think we lost some of the boys to other "teams" over the last several months.The AH is still my reference piece,although I am intrigued by the Jeff Rowland Capri.I'm not sure I understand the "magic" about the little PC1 gizmo but I am definitely intrigued.Talk soon.
My opinion,you have to audition both,to make an educated guess is sorta like trying to predict the weather.There's just too many variables with system synergies and prejudices.
Yes you may want to reconsider using the super tube,I was advised personally by Joseph not to go there.I still owe Sherod a beer in that regard.