
Discussions mjm6 has started

REc's for small desktop speakers and amp15060
Problems with Paypal payment?578638
Which is a better choice? New, or used preamp?1776723
Tube preamp for about $1500?64119
Cd player w/ digital input + volume control $2500861418
Totem speakers and others that I should consider?2625229
Amps and integrateds w/ similar sonic sig to MC2751142618
Cary SLP-2002 or SLP-03?47312
Good usedpreamp recommendations up to $1500 or so?798411
tube integrated amp recommendations?1533017
Cary 303/300 vs. 306/200?92368
Stable Platter Transports583112
Pass Aleph amps suitable for HT?30473
AMPS: PM2000 or Pass X5 or ?35296
best sub- 1000 Transport, new or used36826