Audience Front Row?

I am researching the difference between the Audience Front Row USB and the Audience Front Row Reserve USB cable. I cannot find what the "upgrade" is for the Reserve, nothing on their website. I cannot find any reviews. But the Front Row USB seems like a good cable from what I can find.


Yes, after posting this I called them. The guy on the phone told me they have OCC silver in them. I asked how they compare sonically to the frontRow. He didn’t know, suggested I email John McDonald the owner, so I did. I specifically asked him the difference and  sonic difference between the 2 cables. 

This is his response:

"The reserve cable is more than an upgrade to the regular front row. Whereas the front row is made from copper, the reserve cable is made from all OCC silver.





So I really never got the answer I was looking for, but they are on order so i will burn them in a see how they do compared to the AudioQuest Diamond USB I just traded for them.



I will be interested in your results, please post once the cable has settled in to your system. I am a big fan of OCC, it is plausible that it makes a difference. 

F.T…the AQ Diamond is also 100% silver. But not OCC. So this will be a very interesting comparison 


Well if it’s anything like the FrontRow speaker cables you won’t be disappointed. 

OCC silver will be superior to regular silver it won't be as bright and edgy and the rectangular OCC single crystal copper and silver is even better than the round OCC.

Further clarification from John:

Hi Fred,


The reserve USB, as compared to the regular front row, USB, has more resolution, and all that comes with that. it will allow you to hear more into the music with the greater dynamics and intimacy.




Very good. Thanks for the update! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on if. What’s the timeline? Did they say?

@audphile1 No, I know that they put quite a few hours on it before shipping, so sometime next week I expect.

The reserve has a little more detail but not as warm  natural sounding in my setup .