Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
There certainly are, and many are mentioned earlier in this thread.  My only concern with Audia Flight is after-sales support and warranty work, if needed.  Their components are built like tanks, so I have my fingers crossed that they perform just as solidly. 
it is on my list- there are many excellent spinners coming from EU and Germany.
Unfortunately their distributor in NA has not put a lot of support behind the brand so they remain somewhat of a mystery here.  Their retail network is not very big, but I highly recommend an audition if you ever happen upon one.  Everything I've heard from their entry level to their reference line is very impressive. 

I can hardly await to read about the new cd spinners in 2016!

This thread is alive and well.

I just jumped in, so holy cow, this thread is 11 years old!!! Encyclopediabsh, have you picked out a CD player yet? Are you still with us, or are we just talking to ourselves?
Lindemann 825 with Shunyata power cord it decodes HDCD sounds very analog.

I got the Electrocompaniet EMC-1up when it first came out, it was one of the few at the time that was vinyl like even with bad recordings. It has been musical and forgiving in the most extreme high end system demos.
bought a Sony DVP-S9000ES for dvd prior to bluray/HD in 2000. turns out to be a damn good sacd/cdp!
EMM XDS 1 V.2.

Replaced a spectacular and one of kind VSE modified Sony 5400 (balanced output stage and Uber Clock).

Just starting to come to terms with the EMM unit, but on first impressions, gorgeous! Detailed, big rich tonality, dynamic. Piano is uncanny.
Nothing analytical or cold here. Very nice. Looking forward to some comparisons with the vinyl rig, but as good as the VSE Sony was, the EMM is at a whole other level. It's not incremental.
Jyprez "CD's are so yesterday."

Haha that's what they said about vinyl 30 years ago. Physical media rules!
A Prima Luna CD-8 (when it's working) with Phillips & Mullard NOS tubes. Even better than (I'm committing heresy here) than my analog end (which, to be fair is 30+ years old)... Amazing sound stage, deep and tight bass, detailed yet mellifluous mids and a clean, precise treble... All in all, the most analog-sounding CD player I've ever heard in its price range ($3K)... but again with the-when-it's working caveat... Mine's in the shop for the second time in two years for repair. The Dutch engineering design is superb... the Chinese manufacturing perhaps less so, notwithstanding the fact that, from the outside it looks and feels very solidly built.
I don't use any CD anymore. Who would when you can get high res streaming digital into a DAC like the PS Audio Directstream digital from Tidal or lots of other vendors who provide High Res. For $20 a month (less than the cost of one CD) you can stream albums to your hears delight. CD's are so yesterday.
Of course I still love and listen to my 2000 jazz LP's from the 50's and 60's. Nothing can replace these.
Marantz SA-1 it is as good as any vinyl or even better on some recordings. Sure vinyl has some beauties but it also some ...
On SA-1 I mean CD playback not SACD. SACD is not much better than a well recorded CD. There exist some superior SACD-s but not many. Again everything depends of recording quality.
Since I'm rediscovering my vinyl collection that has been in storage for almost a decade, I'm probably better suited for the "CD lovers which turntable do you use?" thread, if there is one.

But anyway, I digress. My CD players of choice are my 2 Sony models, 1 old and 1 new. For SACD I prefer the XA5400ES and for normal redbook discs I use the classic XA7ES. I also own a Yamaha s2000 SACD player but if I have to choose it is the Sony.

I like my digital equipment to be well-engineered, reliable, and having no-nonsense ergonomic design. Can't beat Sony overall!
Jwm had the Romuius Signature which was very good. He now has the Aesthetix Pandora with the even higher level "Stealth" capacitor upgrade. This is a superb sounding unit and betters many analog front ends I've heard.
It would be interesting(and fun) to compare this special Pandora to your Vitus player. Preference would likely be system/synergy dependent. It's near remarkable the difference these premium capacitors make when used in the Aesthetix. Jim White has a good ear.
02-06-15: Jwm
Yes the Modright is good, but I like the Aesthetix Romulus a lot better. I have tried quite a few.
+ 1. I went from a heavily modded Ayon CD-5s to a stock Aesthetix Romulus and was amazed by how natural sounding, open and flowing the Romulus sounds. The build quality of the circuit and psu'd is superior as well. But I have to say the Vitus SCD-025 is the best single box player i've ever heard. I've heard the CH D1 which is very good & I like one or two things better with that player, but preferred the sound of the Vitus overall (especially in synergy with the SIA-025). But not cheap! The Romulus is a giant killer at its price point. I recently sold my Romulus to a guy who is upgrading it to the partial-Eclipse upgrade. He is wrapped!
My digital is antique: Muse model 2 dac, Pioneer PD-65,Genesis digital Lens. Naturally, I wonder if "modern technology" would improve things, but since the digital lens virtually eliminates jitter, and many complain about oversampling.
i was as skeptical as anyone, but the sony ps1 (currently around $20 on ebay) really does sound vinyl-like--there's some basis for all the hype. i stopped using mine because i felt silly fooling with the controller, but it was sonically impressive.
Yes the Modright is good, but I like the Aesthetix Romulus a lot better. I have tried quite a few.
The Modwright Truth/ Oppo105 (universal player) is about as good as it gets.
And, yes, I have a fantastic vinyl front end and a huge library but do enjoy digital.
Vernneal, do you mean "Oppo 105 D" or have I missed a new model? BTW, the "D" (Darbee) suffix doesn't buy you anything in the audio sense, just enhances the video, if I recall correctly.
Marantz SA-14v2 (However, I normally stream PCM files to a PS Audio DL III cullen-mod)
I did purchase my last optical reader (i.e. CD player); I went with the AMR CD77.1. Best one box I have ever heard next to my former Dynavox Dynastation II.
Tobias, Encyclopediabsh made not one, but 3 references to CD's in his OP, and no reference whatsoever to computer audio. That's like saying those guys holding up drink bottles and squeegees at intersections are just there to wish you a good day, lol!
The spirit of the OP, back in 2005, was, I believe, to see what digital sources a vinyl lover could enjoy. Computer/hard drive sources were not viable at the time. I think the question is current still today, but only if it includes them.
@Audiofun, I suggest you work on your grammar skills. In any case, you summed it up well by saying "I don't care one way or the other". Leave it at that.
BUT.., he did say CD player so I will refrain from further posts to this thread :)
Melbguy: The virtues of computer audio??? really? its just a hobby and a fun one at that. I don't care one way or the other I simply saw "digital" but if you want to feign anger over something so trite and small then go ahead try to take the fun out of the discussion. I already admitted I didn't think of it as a CD player proper, no need to curse at me and become indignant.
Audiofun, cut the bs. You're just one of several members on here who threadjacked the topic to divert discussion onto the virtues of computer audio which had absolutely nothing to do with the OP's question. Mind you, i've been guilty of that myself. The end result is the intent of the thread is lost which usually leads to these threads dying off.
Melbguy1: I for one did note the original posters language/nomenclature. I, however, took it to mean (rightly or wrongly) "hey analog guys what digital are you using?". I am sure others did as well based on the responses. If he truly only meant "CD-Players" proper, then my bad.