Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?

Showing 6 responses by melbguy1

I previously owned a modded Ayon CD-5s and am now running an Aesthetic Romulus tube cd player. The Romulus is certainly analogue sounding. It has as similar sound to the CD-5s, albeit with less bass slam and fewer bells and whistles.
It's remarkable really how many posters have overlooked the thread title which was "Attn Vinyl lovers - what *CD Player* do you use?"...since when did a pc or server become a cd player??
Audiofun, cut the bs. You're just one of several members on here who threadjacked the topic to divert discussion onto the virtues of computer audio which had absolutely nothing to do with the OP's question. Mind you, i've been guilty of that myself. The end result is the intent of the thread is lost which usually leads to these threads dying off.
@Audiofun, I suggest you work on your grammar skills. In any case, you summed it up well by saying "I don't care one way or the other". Leave it at that.
Tobias, Encyclopediabsh made not one, but 3 references to CD's in his OP, and no reference whatsoever to computer audio. That's like saying those guys holding up drink bottles and squeegees at intersections are just there to wish you a good day, lol!
02-06-15: Jwm
Yes the Modright is good, but I like the Aesthetix Romulus a lot better. I have tried quite a few.
+ 1. I went from a heavily modded Ayon CD-5s to a stock Aesthetix Romulus and was amazed by how natural sounding, open and flowing the Romulus sounds. The build quality of the circuit and psu'd is superior as well. But I have to say the Vitus SCD-025 is the best single box player i've ever heard. I've heard the CH D1 which is very good & I like one or two things better with that player, but preferred the sound of the Vitus overall (especially in synergy with the SIA-025). But not cheap! The Romulus is a giant killer at its price point. I recently sold my Romulus to a guy who is upgrading it to the partial-Eclipse upgrade. He is wrapped!