I have been an audiophile the last 20 years for the last 5 years I have worked with Infigo Audio as my industry affiliation.  It’s been my experience in business and audio conversations that there are 2 areas that are interesting. When giving opinions many audiophiles try to come off smarter than the people they are talking to. Also in conflict resolution if you have disagreements they are more willing to go to extremes. Has anyone else experienced this.  Some seem like they can tell you what to do? How to post etc. which to me is crazy. Most of us are 30, 40, 50, 60,70 plus.  Thoughts everyone?


You are comical as a cartoon...


What made you think that what i call my experiments are mere "faith" and your opinion "fact" ?

By the way "tweaks" are disparate useless or useful tricks ...

Embeddings controls in the mechanical,electrical,and acoustical working dimensions are not mere tweaks but a method about how to systematically adress the three working dimensions of any system at any price ...

But i doubt your brain power can differentiate the two ...

Attacking people with the "tin foil hat" for anything located outside your blinders angle of vision is children idiotic play...

Myself i believe in acoustics by the way as the main road then refrain of accusing me to be a "born again" because it suit your own childish beliefs about audio whatever they could be ...

Audio is about studying and experimenting ...

Then if i propose a simple experiment and if instead of doing it you accuse me of being a fool , who do you think is the faithful uncritical believer ?

And here in this forum who is simpleton enough to class all people in "wise" and idiots "believers" and who decide to classify them from his own self serving starting belief point ?

The best upgrade for you in audio will be a mirror purchase ....




Do you catch how stupid is your self serving claim ?

Same to you and your tweaks, fella.

The only "real" insensitivity I see around here is when faith is challenged.

Enjoy some music.


Do you catch how stupid is your self serving claim ?

Same to you and your tweaks, fella.

The only "real" insensitivity I see around here is when faith is challenged.

Enjoy some music.

Audio is extremely subjective....much more so than most areas of interest that people gravitate to. That naturally makes it tougher to agree on anything. Everyone is right in their own mind, and wrong in the eyes of most others....just ask an audiophile! Audio sure seems a bit less social on the internet...I’ve had many face to face discussions in person that always seem to go well. I do however think that audio tends to attract more obsessive types that are a bit more recluse than say bicycling or golf.  I suppose the fact that it's more passive than some activities is a factor too.

I used to spend a lot of time on woodworking sites. They all have their preferences, but it’s no where near as contested and controversial as audio forums seem to be. There was always a lot of enthusiasm and encouragement for new tool purchases, and new projects. It’s pretty easy to convince someone that a 3hp 500 pound saw that runs on 220v has advantages over a 35 lb portable that plugs into any wall socket, though both have their’s far more objective and tangible. A similar discussion in audio ends up with hurt feelings because the performance is so subjective regardless of the tangibles like price and specs.

I can appreciate the OP frustration with many people which are most inclined to insult or take a paternalistic attitude instead of discussing rationally ...

But it is better to not generalize ...

my two cents ...

It is better to adress and answer to each one person and not put all people in the same bag and then creating a thread about "audiophiles" and judging them all together ....

I experienced the same problem  as the OP experienced  but i adressed each individuals poster and answered them...I never complained about this forum as such or about group of people ... We are all different ...

my best to you ...



And you decide by yourself what is bullshit and what is not ...

You are the big head judge of everything and for all here...

may i laugh please ?

 If i resume in the simplest terms :

2 types of sapiens :

Idiots and wise ...

I guess with a so complex definitive classification that you put yourself in the wise drawer .,..

Do you catch how stupid is your  self serving claim ?


Two types of sapiens. 

Those who have faith in unproven BS.


Those who know nonsense when they see it.


Two types of sapiens. 

Those who have faith in unproven BS.


Those who know nonsense when they see it.

Overall, I'd say there are 2 types of audiophiles.

The first type is the one you describe in your post. Generally unpleasant.

The second type is someone who actually listens to what you have to say and aren't afraid to ask for clarification, even if their final answer is "I don't really know."