Any small Horn speaker? Horn speaker lovers. (Piano sound)


As I study about speakers, I develop great interest in horn speakers.

It’s not mainstream mass market, and honestly, I didn’t have any knowledge before.

Personally, for Classical / Jazz music that are mainly for instruments, horn speakers have its charm.
(Distinctive sonic character, Fast Speaker - that I recently understand, Amp efficent)
Especially I try to find the piano sound, closer to the real piano sound - better.

The limitation for me is, most of them are huge and heavy by its nature.

Do you know any small size horn speakers? (Also except Klipsch - personal preference)

So far, what I find is,

1) Avantgarde Uno Fino - 121lbs (55kg) per unit

2) Cessaro Wagner - 242lbs (110kg)... yes it’s too big... please just leave this one as the reference

3) Odeon Helix - 112 lbs (51kg) per unit

... And it doesn’t look like the conventional horn (hybrid? I don’t know)

4) Horning Aristotle - 88lbs (40kg) per unit

Is there any other small - under 125lbs (56kg) size? Indeed it’s for a room size 14ft x 14ft (4m x 4m), 
so, even smaller size would fit. (Later I might move this to 20ft x 15ft, but still not big.)

Problems are, all of them are very difficult to reach and get in my area.

For me living in SoCal USA (around LA), Odeon is completely unavailable.
This brand has really terrific speakers not just horn, and some history but somehow there are not many dealers.
It’s puzzling me when the brand like this doesn’t have many dealers, and no dealer in the US.
I heard this in Asia during my current business trip.

About Avantgarde, also I have no idea where I can find one. But I saw them in the US, so there should be a way.
Wish it could be a slightly smaller like Odeon Helix.

About Horning, I’m really curious, but can’t find one for audition.
There is a dealer in the US but not many. (So far two) There seems no way I can audition this.

In conclusion, Horn type speakers are hard to find. (Even in LA area... :( )

So far my speaker hunt starts from... (I could find most of major brands in Asian Hifi marketplace, major dealers are in the one place... Asian HiFi market is intriguing. Almost one stop shopping for almost all brands from $500-$500k.
Still no horn speakers...)

Focal/SF/B&W/Wilson/Revel and other mainstream brands

To -> Harbeth(30.1) / GrahamLS5/9 -> Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby/Brodmann(former Bosendorfer) VC2

Finding Piano sounds is a harder journey than I initially expect.


You could look at the Avantgarde Zeros.  The Zeros don't have the larger horns like the Uno Finos but will give you most of the Avantgarde magic, especially when paired with the right amplification.  I picked up the line because of how well it marries with Art Audio.  

The nice thing is they are 86lbs each and are easy to handle.  For what you are looking for, they could do a really nice job.  

I am an Avantgarde dealer and would be happy to support you though I am in NJ.  Amazing what you can do via zoom these days in terms of setup, etc...

I also reached out to Odeon. Not a brand I was familiar with.  I import a lot of stuff and if you need them, I would look at getting them for you.   
Duke just responded to the questions in your messages, sangbro.  The Audiogon notifications had been going into my Spam folder so I didn't see them.
@johnk  " Viking acoustics are poorly designed "
Can you provide details on how so? I am considering possibly purchasing horns and this is a manufacturing that I am considering
I asked some questions to Duke to understand his speakers more.

I’m looking forward to hearing back from Duke.
Post removed 
 piano reproduction also depends on amplifier.Onkyo p3000r m5000r is very good at doing it.
Hi Sangbro, I replied to your private message. 

You mention piano a couple of times - imo that's an excellent test for any loudspeaker.  A horn speaker will typically get the dynamics right (the piano is a percussion instrument!), but getting the tonality right calls for attention to other details.  And of course we want to avoid any edginess, and we want to get the micro-harmonic details right. Those can be challenging for any system. 

If a loudspeaker can do piano and human voice well, imo it's doing a lot of things right.  Briefly, in my opinion that involves getting the direct sound right and getting the reverberant field right.  

Thank you for the information. Honestly, it is my first hearing about Viking Acoustics. I just check its website, and looks artistic and solid. Unfortunately, there are not much information available widely. (Still in Asia, Dealers in here also don’t have much information.)
Getting good reputation in here, I assume that the speaker has fine quality. I think need to call them and find out more. 

I didn’t know that horn speakers are hard to find locally. (except Klipsch)
note: La Scala has its distinctive beauty, my space isn’t ideal.

Duke, may I ask you to provide me some more insight? Message or reply here, whichever works best for you. This may sound totally uneducated for you- but my very limited experience with Horn speaker (kind of one that I’m looking for) shows that it’s exceptionally good with wind and brass instruments. And some jazz type woman vocal. Piano seems kinda still hit and miss depending on the model. (Still generally better than most of box type.) For example, Klipsch sound is comforting and feel like I’m seating in the audience seat in a big auditorium. I think I am looking for more acute with more micro-harmonic details if these make any sense.

Sangbro, I share your opinion that horns done right can do a very good job on piano.  

I am commercially involved with a line of US-made horn loudspeakers, the lightest of which is 46 pounds.  Because of my affiliation I'll refrain from posting details unless you ask me to. 

Best of luck in your quest, 

I might suggest you read my forum titled "Horn Speaker Recommendations....A lot of great information.

After an exhaustive Horn search, I ended up ordering Viking Acoustic Grande Voix.  David Counsell is delivering my speakers this weekend.  They have a small speaker called Berlin R. An incredible small horn at a good pricepoint.  Call David and tell them Will sent you.  If nothing else he can tell you everything you want to know about Horn speakers.  He is a great guy to work and deal with.  
2nd Viking Acoustics and will add BD-Design out of the Netherlands.  I have both and LOVE them.  The Klipsch La-Scala + sub is also a great option.
Don't know if  offerings by either of these companies would be of interest to you but maybe check out Viking Acoustics and Fleetwood Sound