Any B.A.T. amp owners-love or not

I am looking into the purchase of the Balance Audio Technology VK6200 amp. I hav eheard they are a great amp but the service is not as one would expect. Also I have heard the failure rate of these amps is higher than usual.
Any feedback concerning this would be greatly appreciated.
One more thumbs up for BAT. I have had a vk3 in the past and now have a vk30 and vk60. This really is great stuff and worth the price I believe. I'm lusting after the vk6200 right now as well. As far as service they have sat on the phone with me answering questions at length and have given what I thought to be honest advice. first class.
I also would like echo what seams to be overwelming saticfaction. I have not owed the vk6200 but do own a vk-51se and a vkp-5 w/ a their six pack upgrade makeing it a p10 w/o the step up transformer. BAT builds a great product for a fair price I do plan to replace my amp w/ a vk-75SE in the future I am one of those satisfied customers you could not go wrong with their products. David

About a year ago I compared the VK200 with three other amps and chose it because it best delivered the qualities that I enjoy in a system. It had some warmth that I like, while at the same time delivering a good deal of slam. As a bonus, I was surprised with its great soundstaging. Deep and wide with good center focus. Matched with a tube preamp, I feel the BAT does a great job with female vocals and acoustic instruments, and definitely has good boogie factor when needed.

Give great consideration to what kind of sound or change in your system you're looking for. What amp are you currently using?

Good luck!
I've had a VK200 now for a year and still love it. I also owned a VK3i and when I decided to sell it to someone across the Pacific, Victor Khomenko had it converted to 220V and sent it off to the buyer for me. The people at BAT were very accommodating and easy to work with. Oh and yes, BAT amps run very hot. It makes summer listening a challenge.
I can only concur with the above posts. I no longer own any BAT gear but owned a VK-200 and VK-30. I thought the 200 was a good amp. I also 'thought' I was having trouble with the preamp and sent it in to BAT and the service was great. (The issue I was having was not the preamp.)
I have always been interested to try B.A.T amps. After reading this thread, I am even a lot more likely to do so!
Great responces guys this really enhances the comfort level with the purchase.
Thanks to all
I've had a BAT VK50SE for three years. Totally reliable. I've spoken to Viktor and Geoff at shows, and you could not ask to meet nicer fellows. BAT are one of the stars of US audio, in my opinion. If they make a Super Audio CD player, I'd seriously consider buying one.

I've had a VK-500 for about four years. 2 years ago, on of the channels got zapped in an electric storm. Viktor responded to my emails personally and arranged to repair and upgrade the amp protection circuits for a reasonable fee. The turnaround time was fast.

I concur with all the positive comments above. BAT makes great gear.

I think this is the first time I've heard anyone question BAT's reliability or service.

Hello Theo,

I can't comment in particular about the sonics of the VK6200 or its repair record. I own the 51se pre-amp and the 150se mono block amps and can tell they are one of the best sounding amps on the market today at any price.

As far as customer service issues are concerned, IMHO BAT is simply the best in the business. They just don't come any nicer. If you have any problem, question, whatever, they respond and quick!

Good luck,

Reliability? I don't believe you! At least from my experience...

I've owned a VK200, VK 60, VK75SE, and VK50SE updated now to a VK51SE and a VKp5, then a VKP10 which I updated to a P10SE (still have).

Never had a issue other than a tube and that wasn't BAT's fault. Like blaming GM for a flat tire. I've had several questions about use, and they always answer their phones and respond to email. I've bought all mine new, but when I had a question, they never asked if it was under waranty or used.

I've even sent stuff in, thinking it was broke, and it turned out to be a tube. They replaced it, shipped in back in 3 days, and called. Can't get faster than that.

If they are having issues, they will fix them. I can't comment on the VK6200, but BAT as a company is beyond 1st class. They stand behind there products. Customer always comes first.

Good luck. In fact, before you buy it, I'd call BAT and ask them. As far a sound...I LOVE IT.

I owned a BAT VK500 for about a year. It was actually a
converted VK1000. I loved the amp. Smooth,dynamic with
great control. Very organic sounding. I eventually traded
in the amp for a DNA 500 because the BAT just pumped out
too much heat. As far as service is concerned, I have never
heard anything but stellar comments about them. My personal
experience was no different.

I have a vk-250 about 6 months old. Very similiar to the 6200. Flawless. I have never heard of BAT reliability issues. Get the BAT and you will forget you are listening to HI FI.
Can't speak to the reliability of the VK6200 but I'm a long time owner of a VK200 which, besides being an excellent amp, has not demonstrated any major problems. As far as service goes, Victor, Steve and Geoff are proactive, quickly responding to electronic inquiries and have been willing to spend time on the phone to resolve issues or answer questions. Their product line enjoys a fairly healthy customer loyalty.