Amplifier tips

Hey community. It’s the first time I participate in audio discussions online so I will dive straight into it. I’m the owner of a pair of totem staffs with a rega mira amplifier. In a couple of weeks I’m getting an upgrade in the form of a pair of signature Ones. Does anybody knows if my amp can handle these speakers or maybe has some advise on other amplifiers that would pair well. My budget is around €2000.
I was looking at the technics su 700 or maybe something like the hegels. A big part of music would be played from my pc so a reasonable dac is maybe a must. Any input would be very welcome.
Thx in advance.
Good feedback here - listen first, My experience with the Totem Ones, which has been a while, was that notwithstanding their specs, they did seem to want more power than the numbers would suggest. They came alive with amps that could swing a bit of power, and I don’t have experience with the Rega to know what it can do. With lower power they sounded fine but when pushed they felt a bit compressed and flat, and the top end had a bit more hardness. 
I do remember they had great imaging and soundstage. 
Your totem staffs are rated at 88 dB efficiency and are 8 ohms for their impedance. The signature ones are rated at 87.5 DB efficiency, also into 8 ohms. Winner winner, chicken dinner!

If you're using the original Rega Mira, then you are putting 61 watts into that 8 ohm impedance. Regas tend to be more powerful than they are rated so you really shouldn't have any problem driving the signature ones. @chayro is right hook them up and see how they sound You're going to have to fiddle with placement and all that because you're going from a floor stander to a monitor, and if the signature ones are new then their sound is going to change as they burn in. So don't make an immediate judgment on the amplifier/speaker pairing based on your first, second or even 10th listen.
Thanks everyone for the reactions!!
Normally next Monday they should be at home to be listened to. I'm going to follow the given advice and let them(or me) acclimate a bit.
Great community!! 
I agree with @chayro  get the speakers and hook them up to your Mira. It should drive them reasonably well. Listen decide if you like the sound you're getting and go from there.
300 W rms minimum.
   U need the headroom, and reserve power.

  Even with high all speakers.

 My speakers are I think 92 db, I use 600W rms amplifier.

   Never clip, never a tweeter distorted sound, midrange always flawless, bass perfect.

my .oo2¢
Just try to relax and set up your new speakers before you think of upgrading other things.  Evaluate your new speakers and see if you think anything is lacking. IMO, you should listen to any new item for at least 2 weeks minimum before making any decisions on what else to change.  And that is really a minimum.  Not to say your speakers shouldn't sound good after a few hours play, but it takes time for you as the listener to adapt to the new presentation before moving on. 
On the speaker spec sheet power is listed as 50 - 200 watts so you are over that at 61 watts from the amp so it probably depends on the kind of music and volume you listen at. One would expect a higher power amp to produce better more dynamic sound but try it with your current amp and see if it suits your listening.
I'm not familiar with your amp or speakers, but let me give you a bump.

Find the specs for the sensitivity and minimum impedance for your old and new speakers.  If the sensitivity and minimum impedance for the new speakers is about the same or higher than for the old ones, your amp should have no problem with them. 

Here's a link to an explanation of what sensitivity and impedance are:,rating%20on%20a%20speaker%20is%20essentially...%20More