Amperex "Bugle Boy" tube compatibility

I need to replace a vacuum tube in a pre-amp section of the integrated amplifier as the previous tube Beijing 6N11 went bad. The Amperex "Bugle Boy" ECC83/12AX7 tube has the same pin layout as Beijing 6N11 tube. According to description on Amazon the Beijing 6N11 may be used instead of ECC88, E88CC, 6922, 6DJ8, 6922 and 7308. Would it be okay to use Amperex "Bugle Boy" as a substitute to Beijing 6N11 tube?

Yes, it is pretty sad state of affairs that there are so many fakes out there.  I've never seen an etched diamond Telefunken fake.  I read somewhere that there are now even molded diamond fakes.  I know that my 803S tubes are not fakes (bought before fakes became a thing) because of their age and because the crumbling boxes would be a really tricky thing to fabricate.

Cosmetically, some fakes are quite impressive.  I've seen Western Electric transformers which have appropriately aged decals, fake rust, etc. that made them almost indistinguishable from real.  The fake Audio Note interconnects that I've seen were pretty easy to spot if you compare them to the real deal, but, I would not have spotted the difference without comparison to the real deal.
Wouldn’t Amperex "Bugle Boy" ECC88s, if BB ECC88s were ever actually made by Amperex, be a premium value in tube world? If so, you can bet someone somewhere has made some fakes of it.

Yes. So what? Are they cranking out these fakes at such a high rate that the world is flooded with them now, and your odds of coming across a real Amperex are extremely low?

I just happen to have some Amperex ECC88 (6DJ8) Bugle Boys. None of my E88CC (6922) have the Bugle Boy logo though. Here’s some pictures of what they look like:

6DJ8 ECC88 | tubemongerlib

If you see a Telefunken that has the diamond on the bottom etched into the glass, not molded above the surrounding glass, it’s a fake. I’ve never seen one of the fakes, Have you? I have a few of the molded diamond on the bottom Telefunkens. Two of them are in my preamp right now.

There are fakes of just about everything for sale nowdays. You just have to deal with honest sellers and be careful what you buy. Buying from Russia and China on ebay is not advisable unless you know how to differentiate fakes from the real thing.
Wouldn't Amperex "Bugle Boy" ECC88s, if BB ECC88s were ever actually made by Amperex, be a premium value in tube world?  If so, you can bet someone somewhere has made some fakes of it.  I think there are even fake Telefunkens with the diamond engraved in the glass envelope on the base.  To distinguish that TFK fake from real, you have to know whether the diamond is embossed or engraved (in other words, sitting ON the glass surface or grooved into the glass surface).
Apart from rebranded Richardson's Sylvanias I have not come across fake ecc88 BB, what for?
Same tube as Amperex ecc88 white, so plenty of them, used of course.

Dover, Now I should be responsible if someone doesn’t read the entirety of one of my posts? Especially as in this case I have already stated in no uncertain terms that the proposal is a no-go, for two other compelling reasons? I think I have always been courteous to you, even when on the odd occasion I have disagreed with advice you’ve given. I am actually rather shocked at your vitriol, which seems uncalled for, if not also ridiculous. By the way, the fact is that you CAN run a 12AX7 off a 6.3V filament supply, in case that’s what you are so enraged about.  When running the filaments off a 12V supply, the filament supply attaches to pins 4 and 5, which lights up both halves of the tube with the respective filaments in series.  Pin 9 is left open.  If you are using a 6.3V supply, you use pins 4 and 9 for one half and pins 5 and 9 for the other half of the dual triode.  This is a unique feature of the 12AU, T, Y, and X7 dual triodes.

The 6n11 has different heating current and is louder on HF than a ecc88. If you want to replace the tube in a 6n11 circuit, without dulling down the treble, then a probable is a 6n1p and not an ecc83.


Agree with the above, don't use a 12AX7 type in a 6DJ8 circuit.  Amperex made wonderful Bugle Boy 6DJ8s, I would look for them.
So I am to believe  that all text books / instruction manuals/ etc... are written in one sentence.   Dover do you know the real differences  between the 2 tubes.  Also did  you know the differences  between say 6922 vs 6dj8.  If you are so concerned about the OP maybe you should inform him of the real differences  between the tubes mentioned.

I also think if the OP is going to open up the amp and pull out the soldering  gun he might have do  his homework.  This would include knowing voltage and current of the filament.  The b+ and current of the tube.  The gain and impedance of the tube. A hook up diagram etc...

Enjoy the ride

Actually you can run a 12AX7 with a 6V filament supply. In this case it would only require some re-wiring of the tube socket. But that’s the least of the reasons why not to do it.
This post is irresponsible. If someone reads the first sentence, and omits to read the second, they could potantially damage their amplifier.

Given that you yourself often fail to read posts properly I do not understand why you would not be more mindful of the ramifications or consequences of your posts.

Actually you can run a 12AX7 with a 6V filament supply. In this case it would only require some re-wiring of the tube socket. But that’s the least of the reasons why not to do it.
From your description,  No.  The E88CC, 6DJ8 family of tubes are 6 volt tubes and the 12AX7 are 12 volt.  It shouldn't be hard  to find tubes of the E88CC, 6DJ8 family.
12AX7/ECC83 has very different pin out from any of those tubes you have named that are said to be compatible with the 6N11. Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other. Things not equal to the same thing won’t work. Furthermore, the electrical characteristics of a 12AX7 are also very very different from any of the tubes you listed. In other words, you would not want to replace a 6N11 with a 12AX7, even if you could.