Amp suggestion for my Audio Note Es

Currently using Quickie Mid-Monos. Looking for a different flavor. Perhaps a SET or other type amp that will mate well. And other than the Audio Note family of amplification unless someone feels strongly about AN amps being a must to get the most out of these speakers. Thanks in advance.

@glrtrgi OP: Where did you go? Keeping those Mid Monos or, maybe not :) ??

Yes, hehehe go for the Pass Firstwatt F7, or Atmasphere, or Macintosh or AN amps as others have suggested. Then when you put those Quicksilver Mid Monos up for sale let me know please. My friend will be more than willing to take them off your hands for a reasonable price - if they are the newer version with plug in speaker taps. Prefer to buy them with no tubes. They’d be getting all new output tubes, input tubes, and different caps day-1. Send me a PM message if you get upgradeitis. Thx
Which AN E speakers?  They are not all the same, in terms of sound and sensitivity.

But I agree with Ralph. I have owned a few AN Es and they always sounded better to me with 30-60 Wpc. The Atma-Sphere OTL amps would be a great way to go. My favorite amps with these speakers were the McIntosh MC225 and MC240.

My second choice would be an EL84-based amp.  I used an Audio Note OTO SE Phono for years and it was wonderful.  12 Wpc but lots of grunt and great bass.

Just curious, what is it you don't like about your Quickie Mid Monos?
@yogiboy 02-01-2020 3:53pm

If you are looking for a different flavor you should first try I different tube type. Are you using EL34s with the Mid-Monos? If you are then you should try a KT88!

EXACTLY. Gold Lyon KT88s, or PSVANE CV181s, next and there are all kinds of different input tubes and flavors to taylor it in a new direction.  

OP: and, how old are the Mid-Monos? What version - screw/spades or Banana connectors for speakers, etc? PM if you plan to sell them.

Its amazing how the sound and presentation can be tailored with simple input / output tube changes on the Quicksilver amps. Gotta long ways to go before changing amps, IMO. Tubes, caps, interconnects to try - it’s awesome when you find the sweet spot with fine tuning. Sure like mine.

Audio Note speakers are very tube friendly of course so you have many options. We have a good number of customers using them. Although they are easy to drive due to mild phase angles and fairly efficient drivers, they do like a bit of power- 60 watts or so is a lot nicer on them than 7 or 8.
If you are looking for a different flavor you should first try I different tube type. Are you using EL34s with the Mid-Monos? If you are then you should try a KT88!