amp repair cost too high??

Following up on the post <<is this tech charging too much on amp restoration/repair?>>

Maybe we can open discussion up as to when we should retire a  piece of equipment, or is the unit worth the upgarde/repair.
The amp in discussion, not sure what the used price goes for, but he mentioned repair/ship about $1500.
Seems to me, after a  decade+ of usage, perhaps it was time to bury the old amp and consider putting that $1500 towards a  used or new amp.
So the Q is , what factors  should we  take into consideration when comes time to repair or modify a  unit?
Hopefully this topic can open up ideas which we can all benifit from when it comes our turn to either repair, restore, or sell the unit.
The amp in the topic was a  Musical Fidelity I believe,, not sure what the used bluebook value is, but after 15 yrs seems would not have much resale value, Still , is it a  good idea to put $1500 into a  amp that can not fetch more than say $1200ish on the used market?


This logic never made sense to me.  Repairing or replacing based on the costs to repair.  nope.

it is math. 

If it would take much more money to replace this piece in order to achieve the same or better sound quality, then repair it.  Stop worrying about the costs to sell it.

For example, I work on cars all the time.  Restore and repair.  If one really loves their car and has taken care of it.  proper maintenance, etc. and the car develops an engine issue that requires the engine be rebuilt, then rebuild the engine.  Because if you go in the direction or replacing the car with a new car, you will come out of pocket for a whole lot more money.  So rebuild it or replace the engine with a rebuilt engine.  Unless one just wants a new car and new car payment.

If you were totally happy with the amps sound in your system and to replace this amp with a new one that is as good or better, would costs lots more??? I don't see the logic here.  fix it.  However, if you can find a quality amp that is as good or better for the costs it would take to repair yours, then okay.  go for it.   But, I doubt you can.

The math doesn't work for me.

But, if you are itching to upgrade, then that is the audiophile story and have fun.


The main board went out in my Yamaha A-S1100 and the repair cost is $1000. Should I pay this amount or do you think it's too much?

It's like everything else: replacement cost. If you have, for example, a 30-year old Levinson 23.5 it will cost close to $2,000 in repairs whereas the market value is around $2,500. The alternative is to buy a new amp. But how much do you have to pay to get the same performance? For that amp, easily 20 grand or more. That's why these repair shops do a good business.
Much depends upon who the manufacturer is.

This may be a  huge selling point for labs who wish to stay in healthy business over the next  80 years.
Labs should begin offering 
 a  ligit/bonifide tech service within a  reasonable distance from purchasers home.
 Offering reasonable priced repairs/upgrades, insupport of the lab's warranty. 
Labs which work with owners hassle free , will develope a  solid reputation for  long term success. 
The market will become highly competitive over comming years, this is one method to assure buyers <<Purchase with confidence>>

Much depends upon who the manufacturer is.
Companies like Ayre, Atmasphere, Schiit, and Vandersteen, usually offer very reasonable upgrade/repair prices for their equipment.
I’m about to drop off my tube integrated for a recap. It’s 15yr old now so it’s about time for a cap refresh before something goes out taking the output xfromers with it. A few resistors have gotten noisy as well. Its all about system synergy, my amp/speaker combination sounds glorious to me so why change.
I was recently torn between spending $750(the amount  I spent on a used PS Audio Power Plant)to refresh the unit, or trash it and just spend more money getting a new model.

I figured getting 5 years out of its 13, and now getting at least another 10(with a warranty) was a pretty good investment, since I like what it does for the system.

Value of audio gear is like the sound it makes-subjective. To most its just a way overpriced box.
Resale (used prices) don't factor in much. Probably a term for it, kind of like what economists call the fallacy of the sunk cost. Anyway, the amp you have cannot be compared to some random used amp, because you have no idea what that other amp has been through. So the real question is not what will yours sell for used but what else could you do with that repair cost money? (If the amp still runs, and you can sell it, that’s a little bit different situation.) If you know you can’t find another amp anywhere that you will like better then its probably worth the repair cost.

Its unlikely this is the case. If it lasted a decent amount of time then after say 10 years or more pretty much everything is so much better you should have no problem finding superior replacements for your repair cost money. About the only thing I have seen in over 40 years, going back to the 1970’s, where this does not happen is turntables. Even then not all of them.

With amps, heat cycles eventually do them all in. Tube amps last the longest because the parts that cost the most (transformers) last almost forever, almost all the parts are in wide open spaces easy to keep cool (and access if need be) and the parts that do wear out (tubes) are designed to be easily replaced.

Solid state amps tend to be a nightmare of parts crammed in difficult (read, expensive) to access locations with no thought given to replacement. Which makes sense, given the reliability and longevity of the parts is so much greater. Still, the end result after enough years is guaranteed to be a really expensive doorstop.