amp repair cost too high??

Following up on the post <<is this tech charging too much on amp restoration/repair?>>

Maybe we can open discussion up as to when we should retire a  piece of equipment, or is the unit worth the upgarde/repair.
The amp in discussion, not sure what the used price goes for, but he mentioned repair/ship about $1500.
Seems to me, after a  decade+ of usage, perhaps it was time to bury the old amp and consider putting that $1500 towards a  used or new amp.
So the Q is , what factors  should we  take into consideration when comes time to repair or modify a  unit?
Hopefully this topic can open up ideas which we can all benifit from when it comes our turn to either repair, restore, or sell the unit.
The amp in the topic was a  Musical Fidelity I believe,, not sure what the used bluebook value is, but after 15 yrs seems would not have much resale value, Still , is it a  good idea to put $1500 into a  amp that can not fetch more than say $1200ish on the used market?


Showing 2 responses by pressureworld

The main board went out in my Yamaha A-S1100 and the repair cost is $1000. Should I pay this amount or do you think it's too much?