Amp & Pre or Integrated for Dynaudio Heritage Special

Currently have a PrimaLuna EVO300 integrated and looking for something that would do these speakers justice.  Would probably prefer to go the integrated route but not opposed to separates.  The Dyns are extremely fast and somewhat forward.  Don't want to lose the PRAT which I love but need a sweet top end with good power.  


Hmmm …

(1) Seeking a”sweet top end” has all the hallmarks of looking an upgraded source. What gets fed in is what gets  pushed out. 

(2) PrimaLuna EVO300 hybrid integrated …this is a tube amp that may not be a preferred upstream unit for your inefficient DYNAUDIO speakers at 85dB (2.83V/1m). It seems to me that if you are married to DYNs, then think Solid State with a lot more “grunt” ( BOTH current/amps AND wpc) 

(3) Quality high-end integrated amp vs. separates in the same price strata?  ..,, no step-up in going the latter route.

One of the big Musical Fidelity integrated amps will do the trick. Maybe a M6si. But I have to say that would not be the way I would go. You can only get so much out of a little bookshelf loudspeaker. You really want the power and weight of a good floor stander as your next upgrade. Maybe a loudspeaker that matches your PrimaLuna a little better.  

I have a Luxman 505uxii with Dyn Special 40s (and a REL sub)---great synergy and wonderful sound. Not sure if there's a HUGE difference b/w the S40s and Heritage Specials. Good luck.

I have a Luxman 505uxii with Dyn Special 40s (and a REL sub)---great synergy and wonderful sound. Not sure if there's a HUGE difference b/w the S40s and Heritage Specials. Good luck.

I have seen that Luxman was a good match with HS.  Haven't heard the 40s but they are supposed to have a similar tonality and maybe just a tad less forward than the HS.  Did you get to compare any other amps with your 40s?

One of the big Musical Fidelity integrated amps will do the trick. Maybe a M6si. But I have to say that would not be the way I would go. You can only get so much out of a little bookshelf loudspeaker. You really want the power and weight of a good floor stander as your next upgrade. Maybe a loudspeaker that matches your PrimaLuna a little better.

I’ve had giant floor standers in my room before and love the scale but they couldn’t properly disappear. Probably has a lot to do with room size, etc. The HS really give me more sound than I need and the soundstage is incredible. Haven’t heard the MF gear, but have been tempted to try one of the Nuvista amps.

How close do you think you are with your current setup? The tube front end like your hybrid has is a good idea. Have you tried rolling the tubes at all? It should have enough power unless you’re going for broadcast levels or have a dead room.

With separates you might be able to get closer to the proverbial iron fist in a velvet glove. It just depends on where you think you are and where you want to go. Do you need more iron or more velvet? A different tube type in a separate pre might give you more options. Maybe PrimaLuna isn’t as good with SS power as they are with tubes. Do you want to get a sub and run your speakers hi-passed? There are options. When you listen try to narrow down what exactly you are missing.

I listened to both the AR I/50 and the Luxman Discontinued Class A (forgot the model) both sounded great with the Hertiage Specials   Very nice speaker

How close do you think you are with your current setup? The tube front end like your hybrid has is a good idea. Have you tried rolling the tubes at all? It should have enough power unless you’re going for broadcast levels or have a dead room.

With separates you might be able to get closer to the proverbial iron fist in a velvet glove. It just depends on where you think you are and where you want to go. Do you need more iron or more velvet? A different tube type in a separate pre might give you more options. Maybe PrimaLuna isn’t as good with SS power as they are with tubes. Do you want to get a sub and run your speakers hi-passed? There are options. When you listen try to narrow down what exactly you are missing.

The EVO 300 I have is a full tube integrated.  Definitely could you more power but it's close with the right power tubes.  Maybe an interconnect can give the sound a little more meat on the bones, which is something lacking.  Also, I'm currently streaming and although it's a good setup, not sure it does the speakers justice.  Would physical media like CD sound better than a good quality streamer?  Not sure I want to venture into analog, but would be ok with trying a cd transport.  

Streaming or CD would probably come down to the DAC implementation. There are a lot of choices that cover the gamut. Maybe something R2R would give you the extra heft you’re missing with your current DAC.

Not sure why I assumed you had the hybrid. As inefficient as the Dynaudios are I can see the fully tubed 300 falling just that last little bit short. The more powerful tube types don’t seem to have the same sweet midrange magic as the EL34 though. Maybe the 400 would be just enough power, but doubling the watts only gets you 3dB more headroom. I still think a tubed pre with SS power might do the trick. Know anyone with an extra 100W+ amp of suitable quality that you can borrow to try it out? Maybe a Modwright or a Pass?

I auditioned the Heritage Special and Contour 20i. I went with the Contours; I did very slightly prefer the HS speakers, but it was close enough that I opted to save the difference in money. I power them with an integrated amp that many will consider a bit low brow, but it mates very well with the Dynaudio’s. It is the Yamaha A-S2200. The specs don’t tell the full story on how well it powers and controls the speakers, and has a great midrange and top end. Very musical with no harshness, and a fantastic phono stage. 

Not sure why I assumed you had the hybrid. As inefficient as the Dynaudios are I can see the fully tubed 300 falling just that last little bit short. The more powerful tube types don’t seem to have the same sweet midrange magic as the EL34 though. Maybe the 400 would be just enough power, but doubling the watts only gets you 3dB more headroom. I still think a tubed pre with SS power might do the trick. Know anyone with an extra 100W+ amp of suitable quality that you can borrow to try it out? Maybe a Modwright or a Pass?


I love the mids of the EL34 so it defeats the purpose in my view to run other power tubes.  I tried the 400 but it generates way too much heat so it went back.  Currently have a McIntosh 8207 multi channel amp I use for HT, so may try to get a tube pre and see how that pairs for now.  This that would be a good start until I can find an amp.  

I am using a Coda CSIB V1 with the HS speakers and I have no urge to try tubes or anything else. I would also suggest you look at Luxman integrateds as well. 

+1 for the CODA CSIB and the HS, I have the V2 driving the HS, but I suspect the V1 is slightly sweeter with more Class A bias. To the OP, the CSIB is a very smooth sounding SS integrated with more current than you’ll ever need (70+ amps!), and retail for around $6K new so a relative bargain these days. 65 lbs of metal, a 10 year warranty and made in the USA (Sacramento CA).

BTW, there are a few queries above as to the quality of your digital source chain, and I concur that would be an area in your system that should be at least on par in terms of $ with the rest of the components of your system. The HS are demanding and reveal weaknesses in anyone’s setup, so perhaps whatever you feel is lacking might not just be a lack of grunt from your PrimaLuna.

Regarding your query regarding a CD transport vs streaming, IME they are equivalent, though a good transport is a bit cheaper on average than an equivalently good server. As for your DAC, I’ve spent the bulk of my $ on DACs (and the digital source chain in general), and am very happy I did as the sonic payoffs relative to other gear upgrades have been very clear to me in my system.

Also maybe try cable and isolation tweaks before making a huge investment, they often work for me, at least more often than not. Case in point, I recently bought some Transparent XLR interconnects, and they have been a wonderful addition to the synergy of my system.


I have a pair of Dyn Heritage Specials (and Special 40s).

I use a Belles Aria Signature and think it sounds great.

Have an LTA Z40+ coming in on rial in 3 weeks, so we will see.

Not my cup of tea, but the bigger  Hegel amps pair well with Dynaudio. I find the Hegel amps to be very flat and neutral. 

I just added a Luxman 509 in and it’s pretty incredible with the Heritage. I was worried maybe some second thoughts with these 85db speakers. But no issues at all. It is sounding really excellent with all genres of music. I auditioned a number of Integrated (not with Heritage) and it came down to the Luxman or Krell. 

The best piece of gear I’ve purchased. Strongly strongly suggest an audition if a Heritage user.