Amp & Pre or Integrated for Dynaudio Heritage Special

Currently have a PrimaLuna EVO300 integrated and looking for something that would do these speakers justice.  Would probably prefer to go the integrated route but not opposed to separates.  The Dyns are extremely fast and somewhat forward.  Don't want to lose the PRAT which I love but need a sweet top end with good power.  


Showing 1 response by dynguy

I just added a Luxman 509 in and it’s pretty incredible with the Heritage. I was worried maybe some second thoughts with these 85db speakers. But no issues at all. It is sounding really excellent with all genres of music. I auditioned a number of Integrated (not with Heritage) and it came down to the Luxman or Krell. 

The best piece of gear I’ve purchased. Strongly strongly suggest an audition if a Heritage user.