Affordable separate vs. high end receiver – which

Just wondering which system would produce the better results:

An affordable separate system like Rotel 1066 + RMB 1075 (120 watts) – approx $2500 (what other brands/models would fall under this price range for separates?)

Or a high end receiver like Sunfire Ultimate Receiver, Denon 5803, Yamaha RX-Z or Pinoeer Elite – approx $2,000+

Speakers driven will be Paradigm 60 or 100 with complementary studio speakers for a 5.1 or 6.1 set-up.

I just thought that the high end receivers would cost the same as the Rotel separates but will give me more power. Any thoughts from you audiophile gurus?
Look at ATI far as highend receivers and can't believe nobody has mentioned the Marantz SR9300 or the Mcintosh MHT200 (granted the Mcintosh is $6,100).
Cheap seperates, i.e. Adcom, Rotel, Parasound, etc., sound quite similar, IMO, to high-end receivers like the Denon 5803. I bought a 5800 a couple of years ago, thinking I'd simplify my life, but ultimately wasn't satisfied with it's sound with music. However, I didn't find cheap seperates to sound any better. I finally found what I was looking for in Rowland seperates. I still use the 5800 for HT, though, driving only the surrounds. If I had to do it over again, I would probably buy a receiver around the $1000 mark, like the 3803, for HT duty and temporary pre-amp, and buy a good power amp (at least $2K used) to drive the fronts. Then add a good pre-amp as funds permit.
I went through the same questions two or three years ago and did a lot of research, reading countless reviews (both online and in the press), a lot of listening at dealers, etc., etc. Finally decided to go with a receiver, mainly for convenience, but also because I kept reading from respected reviewers that receivers were finally coming closer and closer to the sound of separates, and in some cases even equal to or bettering separates.

First bought a Denon AVR-5700, then an AVR-5800, then an AVR-5803, the second two of them through Audiogon (relatively inexpensive upgrades if you can wait for the sweet deal).

The power and the flexibility of the 5803 cannot be beat. Sometimes it is almost too complicated. But the main thing is the quality of the sound. You have features like Pure Direct with no digital processing, perfect for SACD analog inputs and phono (turntable). Or you can digitize the incoming signal if you want more elaborate bass management.

Another awesome feature: Side surround speaker selection (A) for movies, rear surround speakers(B) for music. Power? 170W x 7.

I have now gone to biamping. B&W N802's for front L&R, HTM-1 center, N804's for rear music surrounds. Bass portion of speakers powered by 5803 receiver (170W), mid/treble run by B&K 200.7 amp (200W). Recently returned from the HE 2003 in SanFran after listening to $85K-$100K rigs and will put my system up against the big guys any time. Maybe a .5-1% difference, if at all.
Seems that separates is the way to go for the same amount of cash outlay. I was just really thinking that I might get better results due to higher wattage, better brand name supposedly plus i get a tuner. I am also toying on the idea of getting a rotel 1055 and 1075 amp which will give me all the goodies for the same price or less.

Thanks for the inputs... btw - any thoughts on Adcom and Outlaw? How do they compare with Rotel since they are almost in the same price range.

How about brands that are just a little bit better/more expensive than rotel. Can you suggest any?
It really depends...if you are like me, listen to a lot of 2 channel with some movies, and cant afford two sytems, then seperates is/are the way to go.

I have lived with a rotel rsp-976 for about 2 years now. For the money its a solid performer. BTW, I couldnt tell the difference between the 976 and the 1066 with either movies or 2 channel. They are nearly identical in construction and share the same Crystal Semiconductor chips albeit with newer software for the 1066. Stereophiles guide to HT agreed with my ears...calling them sonically identical.

Anywho, the 1066 does give PLII and 7.1 outputs. I give the 1066/976 my vote. Outlaw is a good choice, cant argue with B & K either, but definately used, they are a bit pricey new.

I own the RMB-1075 currently and it has no sonic flaws, I would call it a very solid peformer for the money. I plan on keeping it. It does a fine job for center/surround and it leaves 2 channels open in case I want to venture into 7.1/or biamping the center with a rear center. Obviously it doesnt have the nth degree of resolution, and it is a litte laid back at low volumes. The 120 watt rating is very underated it has plenty of juice.

If you plan on upgrading, seperates will give you flexibility, where a receiver will not. Obviously if craming everything in one box had no sonic side effects there would be no preamps, amps, etc. You can expect better quality sonics from seperates. Cable hunting/evaluating is important with seperates, some hate it, I somewhat enjoy it. This is really a passion for me, but thats another story and thread perhaps.

I will say this....If I had the space and money for a dedicated 2 channel rig I absolutely would do it....and the Rotels would still be servering movie duty because they do a great job at it. Unfortunately I dont, so I am trying to balance the two.

(Disclaimer I will be selling my Rotel 976 here soon, since I have replaced it with the Bryston 1.7....but all that I said above is heartfelt, I had to spend a bundle to make small improvement)
You can stick with Rotel. The RSX-1055 and RSX-1065 receivers are really nice for their price point; and do work well being in one case. They have the capability of adding a power amp to them, which makes them 7.1 surround.
For HT system, I would go with receiver. I had a top of line digital preamp + 5 channel Byrston amp for 5.1 setup and it's just okay and not much better than a $3000 receiver. For music enjoyment, I would get two channel amp which that's what I end up doing: selling off HT system and move back to stereo. It really depends on what's more important to you. You can't have it all.
If you want bang for the buck, Outlaw Audio amplifiers, but I would probably still get the Rotel 1066, or look at a sunfire amplifier 5x200 used ~$1000... Don't get a Receiver, it might be rated for more power, but you can't put all that stuff in a single chassis and make it sound good or give you 4ohm power.