Acoustic Panels (2” or 4”) Thickness?

I already have several pairs of GIK acoustic panels ranging from 4” to 6” thick.  I was unable to use bass traps in my current room, but will need them in my dedicated listening that’s under construction.  So, I read about Acoustic Sciences Corporation (ASC) and decided to buy a pair of their 16” x 3’ IsoThermal Tube Bass Traps.  Visit their website to read about their tube traps and their technology.  They recommended their 2” thick, 6” x 60” Soundplanks for sidewall reflections.  Now, GIK is adamant about using their thickest absorption panels on as many wall spaces as possible.  I was a bit confused why ASC manages room acoustics with tube bass traps and 2” thick panels and GIK prefers the huge acoustic panels?  After reading and talking at length to ASC, I prefered to use the 2” thick Soundplanks with their tube bass traps.  I will use some of my GIK panels on the rear wall and some in my HT setup located in a separate room.

I know it depends on room size, your hifi setup and your desired sound, but I’d like to hear your experience with ASC products vs. GIK or other acoustic treatment manufacturers.

Thanks in advance!


@koestner, @tony1954, @curiousjim, @baylinor, @veerossi, Thanks all for your feedback and suggestions.  As I mentioned, I already have several treatments from GIK, but I decided to purchase (4) Tube Trap IsoThermal Bass Traps with Diffusers and a box of (8) SoundPlank Treble Range Absorber Diffusers from Acoustic Sciences Corp. (ASC).  I’ll use (3) GIK treatments for the rear wall.

Thanks all!

Has anyone compared GIK and similar panels (basically building insulation) compared to Acoustic Fields foam panels?

I have currently have 6, 2’x4’x2” panels and a couple of 18”, corner bass traps. With the carpet and the couch, I have plenty of absorption, but I want to put something on the ceiling at the first reflection point, but she who must be obeyed says no.

Are you surprised that the person selling the absorbers, recommends buying more absorbers?

Just like certain people that post here, some retailers and manufacturers are only interested in making themselves more money and don't always have your best interests in mind.

Sometimes I wonder why there aren't independent reviews of rooms, before and after treatment, complete with listening tests and measurements.

Not gonna get into comparing ASC with GIK. but reading the descriptions of your acoustic treatments, it sounds like you are only talking absorbing. In my experience with GIK, quite a few years back, they recommended too many absorbers to start. Over the years I ended up recovering the liveliness that I like in my sound by adding multiple diffusers. Too much absorption will deaden the room. To be fair the first guy I dealt with there was telling me to mix diffusers and absorbers, but the one I ended up dealing with told me to mainly start with absorbers. Turns out the first advice was best. Lesson learned.

Just an FYI, I once put (6) 4 by 2 foot panels of Rockwool together making it over 24" thick. I placed this block in a very boomy corner of my room. They didn't do anything. Reducing bass nodes in a room is very tricky. I got better results moving the subs around.