A hypothetical: a 200 W/ch amp operating in Class AB at 60% efficiency draws a peak of ~700W (200+200 /.6 =666.7). Instantaneous peaks of 1 KW are possible if the amp has that much headroom. And those peaks are typically handled by the amps power supply capacitors - that’s their job. Either way, well within the capabilities of a single 15A (1800W) or 20 A (2400W) circuit.
True, but... If I recall correctly, Krell FPB-600s were known to pull something like 6500W from line. That's 50A, short peaks of course. High-current amps driving sub-2-ohm speakers at significant SPLs can stress a 15A circuit, the more so the longer the circuit.
Finally, the recommendation of multiple earth grounds is not only wrong, it is dangerous and a violation of the NEC.
True and true. Grounding individual circuits to earth is a truly idiotic thing to do.