A New Use for VPI Flattening Ring

I was minding my own business listening to a CD, when I put the VPI ring on top of my Ayre amp. I couldn't believe it, but there was a new found focus...a clarity, an ease that wasn't there without the ring. The timbre, etc. remained exactly as before....just the increased and welcomed focus. What's up??
The ring dampened the chassis, therefore, suppressing vibrations. Just my guess.
sock with beach send does the same trick also mounting screws with blutac. designing a ring is another income generator for manufacturer from audiophile crowd.
.... when I put the VPI ring on top of my Ayre amp. I couldn't believe it, but there was a new found focus...a clarity, an ease that wasn't there without the ring. The timbre, etc. remained exactly as before....just the increased and welcomed focus. What's up??

The analog molecules from the ring started a battle with the solid state ones.
They won.
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People were putting bricks - actual house-building bricks, on their components back in the 80's, claiming it helped the sound. Never tried it myself, but perhaps there's something to it.
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It's obvious... being round, the ring softens the edges of those nasty digital bytes & bits.

If you want to be taken seriously, acquire boatload of vintage, NOS VPI rings and do some ring swapping.

The adventure never ends.
I believe that Elizabeth got it right. I tried rocks, sand, can of tomatoes, a metal tray, etc.....they all changed the sound somewhat, however, the ring sounds the best.