A great, great talk by Robbie Robertson on all things The Band.
This is a 26:40 recording of Robbie Robertson talking (no video, no interviewer questions, just Robbie’s voice) about all aspects of The Band, his traveling from Canada to Arkansas at age 16 to join Levon Helm in The Hawks, his songwriting, the extreme talent of Rick Danko and Levon Helm, The Last Waltz, and many other musical matters. And his love of movies (The Band included "Third Man Theme" on their Moondog Matinee album). He puts into words better than I have ever before read or heard what made The Band the model of musical quality they were, and so respected by all the best musicians, singers, and songwriters in Rock ’n’ Roll. In Jazz too.
Even if you are sick of hearing about The Band, I do believe you will be very glad you’ve listened to this.