A challenge to the "measurement" camp

I’ve watched some of his video and I actually agree on some of what he said,
but he seems too confident on his insistence on measurement. For those
who expound on the merits of blind test and measurement, why not turn
the table upside down?

Why not do a blind test of measurement? That is I will supply all the measurement
you want, can you tell me which is a better product?

For example, if I have a set of cable, and a set of measurement for each
individual cable, can you tell me which is the best cable based on measurement
alone? I will supply all the measurement you want.
After all, that is what you’re after right? Objective result and not subjective
listening test.

Fast forward to 8:15 mark where he keeps ranting about listening test
without measurement.  

By the way, is he getting paid by Belden?  Because he keeps talking about it
and how well it measures.  I've had some BlueJean cables and they can easily
bettered by some decent cables.  
"Gravity slows the passage of time similar to how the passage of time is changed under special relativity..."

To put it in realistico-philosophical perspective, it all becomes acutely irrelevant and unimportant when you discover your toilet has backed up.

At that moment the following statement from the above post applies absolutely and in real time...

"The more massive the object, the more noticeable the effect."

Lols about flat inductance and flat resistance. Watch this vid at 1:55 mark.

It’s all over the place after 10KHz.  This vid from a guy who don't believe in cable lols.
D2, all the above, lol. And a couple of guys think it’s about exposing each other somehow. 
Post removed 
The inductance and capacitance of speaker cables will be very consistent over frequency
Why don't you just for once in a life time enlighten us how you would interpret these plots?  The reality is you have no clue.

I never deflected from any position I took nor did I make any contradictions. The inductance and capacitance of speaker cables will be very consistent over frequency. That you don’t understand what this means is not my problem.

As far as I can tell, djones51 called your bluff w.r.t. the measurements for two cables and you skating like Disney on Ice trying to avoid the fact you don’t have any and probably can’t even get them or even know how.

People are free to see my recent posts on differential input amplifiers for phono stages, setting azimuth on phono stages, practical concepts w.r.t. class-D amplifiers and phase shift, linear phase/all-pass filters, the impact of input resistance and inductance on AC power line rejection of amplifier power supplies, etc.  With the exception of Mr. Pebbles who insults anyone who knows more than him, it is pretty obvious which one of us has a greater understanding of the electronics aspects of audio.
 You don’t understand what these plots illustrate nor the concept of bulk LRC
Nice deflection from your own flaw and contradiction.  So what is it?  Are these plots flat or not? 

Again, enlighten us how you interpret the plots.  You don't think you have a clue what you're talking about other than copy the wikipage.  
Some time ago I watched a compelling documentary where after showing the differences in time from outer space, and different points on Earth.
Then the discussion went into gravitational time dilation.

Gravity slows the passage of time similar to how the passage of time is changed under special relativity, general relativity predicts that massive objects will also dilate time. The more massive the object, the more noticeable the effect.

The newer idea is that by moving through space towards a significantly large mass, that time slows approaching the large mass, I don’t know the mathematical formula, but they showed it in the documentary. The way I understood it, it was as if falling from where time moved more rapidly to where time slowed down.
3. You don’t understand what these plots illustrate nor the concept of bulk LRC.

Personally I have not put myself into a bind since I have no made any challenges, and have only voiced basic support for the concept in the video that using cables for "tone controls" is rather silly ... $1000’s to replace pennies of components, maybe a few dollars in low volume ... makes total sense to me.
I think you put yourself in a bind. (To the djones or robert or atavid ...)

Here  these two positions you have to take:

1. Plots are flat.
If the plots are flat, then by definition you can’t tell the difference among the cables because they are all flat. Then your conclusion has to be all cables sound the same because they all measure the same - FLAT.
But of course cables don’t sound the same so this a flaw position.

2. Plots are not flat:
Then you why don’t you enlighten us how you would interpret these plots - with all the dips and bumps at different frequencies. Here is the second FLAW because nobody knows how, and certainly you don’t know either.

That’s the point but some people are too thick in the head to understand.
Not sure why he insists that gravity is the warping of space is anything but a theory

If you're not sure you must not be a very good reader because he already said why. When a guy with 23k irrelevant posts bothers to actually answer straight up you should give credit where credits due.

This "anything but a theory" actually solved a problem in astronomy, where the orbit of Mercury was known to be off by some infinitesimally tiny amount. This "anything but a theory" came along and showed that Mercury was close enough to the Sun for its gravitational effect on space and time to perfectly account for the discrepancy in the orbit of the planet. I was going to insert a link here but its way past time you started doing your own work and not just scamming off of those who actually know stuff. (Was thinking of another word but stuff is more your reading level.) 

Gravitational lenses offer another demonstration of this "anything but a theory". Galaxies are very massive, and so this "anything but a theory" predicts they curve space and time around them. If this really is the case then the light from other much more distant galaxies will be bent around them. Sure enough, there are many such examples of distant galaxies that appear in the wrong location, or sometimes even appear as double images, because of the way the light from them is bent as it travels near the galaxy in between. 

This one I will provide a link, since its a funny smiley face, much like the one on my face right now, as I contemplate just how utterly, thoroughly outclassed you are here. And always. And not just by me. https://www.thoughtco.com/introduction-to-gravitational-lensing-4153504
Move along. Please.
Air core inductor? ... going to be very flat out to fairly high frequencies. Stable plastic and air dielectric capacitor? Yup, that is going to be fairly flat as well out to higher frequencies. Of course, I have actually measured these things so I am not guessing, and I understand the properties of the materials enough to ballpark how they work.

Distributed impedance? .... we are no where near where transmission line effects are a concern, and given the small values of the cable to the speaker/amp, a single bulk value of RLC is sufficient, but it is not like you couldn’t divide it into 2, 4, or 8 and do a simple piece-wise calculation or determination that was well beyond audible detection.

You may be trying to make djones51 look like he doesn’t know his stuff, and maybe he doesn't, but this is a public forum, and there are people who do, and you are not in that camp.

andy2 OP1,188 posts07-07-2020 9:40pm
Uh, I hope the inductance vs frequency is ruler flat

You realize that even the inductance vs. freq. of an actual inductor is not flat, don’t you? Now being a cable with distributive characteristic, I am not sure how it will be flat. Same for capacitance and resistance. They won’t be flat.

I don't think you know what you're talking about
Look like you are talking about yourself.  But anyway, you just got a good education from me.  Now you understand your own flaw.  It's more complicated than you can handle and I taught you a good lesson.  

Tell us how will interpret the plots.  Otherwise, we will be laughing at your stupidity.  

Inductance should be pretty flat. I don't think you know what you're talking about andy2, In a short run speaker cable it might vary by .17nH per ft. from 20hz to 20khz. 
I counted 5 pages in the search where @geoffkait brought up gravity Andy2 so that is that 100-150 posts, and there are probably many many more, I just got bored. Not sure why he insists that gravity is the warping of space is anything but a theory when there are no doubt 100's of high quality science sites that quite clearly say it is a theory and many, oh Nasa for one, list 10's of other theories and what the current thought is on their potential validity. Dogma?  Ego not allowing to admit being wrong? First page on Google Search says so?
Uh, I hope the inductance vs frequency is ruler flat

You realize that even the inductance vs. freq. of an actual inductor is not flat, don't you?  Now being a cable with distributive characteristic, I am not sure how it will be flat.  Same for capacitance and resistance.  They won't be flat.

I guess unless you live in a paradise, none of these will be flat.  Again, if you can enlighten us with how you will interpret these variable and determine which is the better cable.  

I don't think you even know what I'm asking for most of the measurements should be fairly flat except for the frequency sweep. For instance the AC Resistance vs Guage should be flat in the audible range and not rise until 50 or 60 khz. 
I'll make it simple for you. You're putting the cart before the horse. You said ask for measurements. I asked. Provide them and I'll explain why I picked the cable I will choose when I get them. It's becoming obvious for anyone reading this you have no intention of providing anything. Get the 20hz to 20khz sweep of two sets of cables of the same guage and connections. They can be different metals and insulation. 

You also probably realize by now these are not flat either.
Uh, I hope the inductance vs frequency is ruler flat. If not we can toss that cable first. 

Don't worry about what I do with the measurements that's my part, yours is simply providing them. 
^^^Well we've made some progress.  Initially it's just the freq. plot, now you realize it's more than that so you're asking for Inductance, AC resistance and capacitance.  You also probably realize by now these are not flat either.

But I can make it simple for you.  Just educate us how you will interpret all the bumps and dips of inductance,cap, res plots.  How do you determine which is more importance when comparing diff. cables?
If it's  simple then get 2 different  sets of cables and do it. It's all I really need but if you want more then get me the Inductance vs frequency,  AC resistance vs frequency, Capacitance vs frequency , Resistance vs guage or are you going to come up with more reasons  why I don't  need those? All you said was ask and you would provide. Pony up. 
If you can't do it just say so. I know how to read the graph. I don't need arguments, I don't need you to tell me what I'll be looking for I know what to look for.
It's simple to get the frequency response plot.  Maybe you can enlighten us with how you interpret graph?  How do you decide which dip and bump at different freq. will affect the sound?  The short answer is you can't.  It's more complicated than that.  

If you can't do it just say so. I know how to read the graph. I don't need arguments, I don't need you to tell me what I'll be looking for I know what to look for. 

"Idle threats, little person."

"Warning" is not same as "threat". There are such thing as "friendly warnings".

Aside from that, I have not been called "little" since I was a newborn.

"I’m not sure how much pain there actually is after the resultant impact..."

Just do not tell me it cannot be measured. What the heck is this whole thread for then?

^^^ How do you decide?  Each cable will dip and bump at different freq.  My point is you can't tell by just looking at the frequency response.  And as I said, there is phase shift too.  
I didn't say it would be flat. You asked what I wanted I told you. I can read the results and decide. 

That is I will supply all the measurement
you want, can you tell me which is a better product?

Glupson, actually ate a certain point, you reach terminal velocity, after which it’s a moot point. I’m not sure how much pain there actually is after the resultant impact, but it’s not one you’ll repeat.

"Glubson tries hard to be relevant. "
Funny, I thought the same about you.

Be careful, my warnings to you end up being correct after a while.
I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it appears the latest pseudo science organ grinder found himself a monkey. 
This might be the first cable thread that ends up being about gravity lols.  So we go from talking about something nobody knows into something that nobody really knows.
The practice of gravity is that the higher you try to climb, the more painful the impact after the fall.

Wise man recognizes when to stop climbing. (old faller's proverb)
It’s not a theory, Mr. Smarty Pants 👖Oops, I forget you were only a pseudo scientist. This will probably trigger another long boring rant about nothing. 
"... he is trying to look like he makes less mistakes than he really does today."
It does seem like a bad week for him. We all have them. Well, faster you run, more likely you will trip. (old caveman's proverb).

It may be time to wait until he gets up. It is not nice to pound on the weaker one.
What Mr. Pebbles means to say is "one of the theories of gravity is", but he is trying to look like he makes less mistakes than he really does today. Ego thing.
"The mass of the heavy bowling ball pushes down the mattress causing the baseballs to slide down towards the bowling ball. "
Next time do not buy used mattress and it will not sag.
It’s actually like placing a bowling ball on a mattress that has a couple baseballs on it already. The mass of the heavy bowling ball pushes down the mattress causing the baseballs to slide down towards the bowling ball. Gravity is the curvature/distortion of Spacetime produced by mass, more evident when the mass is very heavy. Light from distant stars and galaxies appears to be bent by massive objects like the sun but it’s really the curvature of spacetime around the sun that makes it appear that way.
Could the effect known as gravity, in fact be the observation of an object moving at an accelerated rate into a Spacetime where time is slower?
You just inadvertently made djones51’s argument, and if you don't think you did, then you made the argument the video was trying to make.

andy2 OP1,181 posts07-07-2020 5:25pm
Just a 20hz to 20khz sweep from your speakers. Use two different speaker cables in the same system and room. I can tell from that which gives the flattest response which will be the best cable.
Things are not as simple as you think. No cable will be "flat". Any cable will have dip and bump at different frequencies. Not only that, there is phase shift too.

Just a 20hz to 20khz sweep from your speakers. Use two different speaker cables in the same system and room. I can tell from that which gives the flattest response which will be the best cable.
Things are not as simple as you think.  No cable will be "flat".  Any cable will have dip and bump at different frequencies.  Not only that, there is phase shift too.  
Glupson, have no idea how they determine what music to suggest for you, but my response is still the same, their suggestions do not equate to the same thing as me liking that content. So therefore, that only proves that measurements, or at least those types, do no equate to what we as individuals hear.
"The sound that arrives at the listeners ears is - after all is said and done - what matters most and it’s the least measurable."

The sound may be unmeasurable for now as it is person's perception of outside-of-the-body events.

What arrives to the ear is air with its dynamic properties and that is fairly measurable in 2020.

Just to add a little bit to confusion, the "sound" is not transmitted exclusively directly through the ear. Head contents do influence it to a great degree.

"It’s like someone trying to compare one piece of music to another by the beats per measure, or the range of the notes within the measures."
Isn't that at least a part of what those programs for analyzing music do? You know, those that give you suggestions based on your previous listening choices.
Audio is a subjective hobby. Sure there are obviously some things that need to be measured, but you can’t measure soundstage height, air, warmth, naturalness, liquid-ness, realism, presence, instrument separation or closeness to the original recording. The sound that arrives at the listeners ears is - after all is said and done - what matters most and it’s the least measurable. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, but what about frequency response?