48gbps Hdmi 2.1 Cable Recommendations

I upgraded to a 4K OLED tv and need to upgrade my cabling. I am not interested in spending more than $100 on a cable (would prefer less, after all it is only for watching tv). Have tried looking online, but there is way more BS sites that feed Amazon, than actual informational sites.

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DHLabs HDMI 2.1 is a solid choice if high performance/value are a priorities…


You didn’t specify length, so if you need a longer length or just wanna cheap out and probably be just fine, I find Monoprice cables to be a good, low-risk go to and not a bad place to start…


Congrats on the new TV and best of luck. 

I have half a dozen of these due to the computers and multiple devices hooked up to my TV and they have performed flawlessly:


I know. Unfortunately I was banned from Ebay for reasons unknown to anyone.

Used it a couple of times without any issues and a few years later couldn't log on.

Contacted them to ask why and they wouldn't explain anything. Only said I was banned????

They have a policy that once you are banned it is impossible to plead your case.

Maybe I can get a friend to make the purchase.
