200g vinyl, more static?

I had been opting for 200g versions of records over their 45 counterparts.  I think 45's are great but I am willing to sacrifice sound quality for more time per side.  With that said, I notice that the 200g vinyls seem to create more static than others.  Am I nuts?  Anyone else notice this?

No. But I have noticed there's no correlation between mass and quality.
No. But I have noticed there's no correlation between mass and quality
Unfortunately true.
Still some of my better quality records lie in the land of the flimsy flexi flyer!

But we are now comparing original quality techniques, mastering and pressing with today's shambles.

Not apples to apples by a long shot.
Oh and to address the actual thread topic.
I honestly cannot say that I have really noticed any additional static due to the vinyl being 180 or 200g?

But I traditionally do not have much of a static issue at any time so may not be the best judge on that score.
Static charge sits only on the surface of an LP.  Since 200g LPs have the same surface area as do any other standard size LPs, I see no reason to expect that 200g LPs would carry any more (or less) static charge than those of standard size.
Seems I'm not crazy...

"Record players and records are particularly susceptible to static for a few reasons. Firstly, in the vinyl material itself, it has a very suitable medium for the buildup of static charge and ironically, the thicker and purer the vinyl used for the record (in the pursuit of better pressings, lower noise floor and higher quality perceived or actual), the worse the issue gets. This is why some 80s pressings that are thin enough to read through and pressed on vinyl that has feels more like recycled bottles is less prone to static build-up than some of the rather lovely pressings on sale today"

The additional height of a 200grm may insulate it more from static discharge.
I think it depends on the time of year and where you live. I have much more static on my vinyl during the winter months, living in the Northeast.
Purity of the vinyl or lack of purity may have some effect, probably does, but please quote something more authoritative than a magazine article if you want me to believe thickness makes a difference. The static charge consists of ionized particles sitting on the surface, not physically bonded to or internal to the polymer. Which is why you can discharge the surface in an instant.
I've been thinking about this interesting question, and it's very possible I am wrong in my analysis. If anyone has more data that pertains to LP thickness and static charge accumulation, please jump in.
Lewm and ips are correct except it is not particles lewm it is electrons.
Vinyl is almost at the bottom of the triboelectric series  https://www.researchgate.net/figure/A-conventional-triboelectric-series-and-an-experimentally-determined-triboelectric-series_fig2_320579184
It loves to hold on to electrons. Additives make up at best 2% of the vinyl mixture and I doubt they change much. As has been noticed humidity makes a big difference. 
The static charge is being created by the friction of the stylus rubbing the groove. In order to stop the record from charging you have to short it out to ground while it is playing. If the record is allowed to remain charged it will draw dust like a magnet as the stuff in dust is high up in the triboelectric series and is positively charged. It will pull dust right into the groove where your stylus can grind it into place, to pop or tick. Dust that is just on the surface of an uncharged record will be picked up by the stylus for you to brush off. The best way to deal with the situation is a conductive sweep arm like this one  https://www.sleevecityusa.com/Antistatic-Record-Cleaning-Arm-p/tac-01.htm
It also takes any incidental dust out of the way. With this and a dust cover your records will stay clean and static free. I rarely have to clean my stylus and I do not have or need a record cleaning machine as I do not buy used records. 
Modern pressings can be just as good even better then those in the past.
With a good record hold down system such as Vacuum or a reflex clamp record weight makes little if any difference. The quality of the vinyl is way more important followed by the quality of the lathe then the master. 
There is certainly a lot of garbage vinyl out there most of it being produced by major companies like Warner. Smaller companies whose reputation depends on their quality do better like QRP, Pallas and MoFi.
In the old days the quality of the pressing of any popular music was a toss up. Sometimes you got a good one, sometimes not. There were no options. Now we have options be it vinyl, CD, SACD or Hi Res downloads. 

Last time I looked, electrons were subatomic "particles".  Otherwise, I still am dubious that the static charge is created by the stylus in the groove.  But I confess I have no conclusive evidence to the contrary except the white paper published years ago by the Shure Corporation in which they say they evaluated that cause and found no evidence for it.  What is weak about their argument is... no data.  Not even a description of how they eliminated stylus friction as a culprit.
To eliminate this problem get a Furutech Destat 3 use it on all records.This problem is even more prevalent in the winter.