
Responses from zd542

Cables more hype than value?
"09-12-15: NonoiseZ, you're quickly becoming the resident crank, if not already. Hyperbole is your vessel. You're as over the top with knee jerk reactions as anyone I've seen. It must be nice up there on Olympus throwing those (oh so hurtful, my, ... 
Cables more hype than value?
"09-12-15: NonoiseI expected such a response.We're all reviewers of some sort, no? What makes us, here, so special? I tried to find the thread here where he mentions it but couldn't."It was one of the silliest I've ever heard. It makes no sense. Y... 
Tube Amp for Martin Logan Speakers
"If I understand correctly than, for the Quad ESL this means only 6.25W/12.5W in the lower frequencies while 100W into the higher frequencies?"No. Its the opposite.If I understand correctly than, for the Quad ESL this means 100 watts in the lower ... 
Silicon Under 60, Slim Pickings?
You're not going hurt your speakers with a more powerful amp. If your speakers are under strain from too much power/volume, its very easy to hear, and all you need to do is lower the volume. Its much easier to do damage if you under power them. No... 
Cables more hype than value?
"There is a thread here, somewhere, where Douglas Schroeder (a reviewer) tried out a high end Van Alstine ABX Comparator Switchbox and it was like a cold bucket of water in the face as it was impossible to tell the difference between amps with lev... 
B&W 800D or 802D Cosmetic Issues
"09-10-15: Vapor1Actually wet sanding and buffing is what I do with any new car. Every factory paint will have some peel, the only way to remove it is with wet sanding."Yes, but that's if he leaves the speakers outside and exposed to the elements.... 
What CD and SACD player have a discreet audio
Ayre CX-5 Wadia CD581 
Is this a good leveling tool?
"09-10-15: ViridianDon't use a laser level because dished platters were invented before laser levels were available. I'm not sure of the logic in this."I agree. If you pick a statement apart the meaning can change. When that happens logic is optio... 
Silicon Under 60, Slim Pickings?
"What options do I have without exceeding 60w?"A volume control. It really doesn't matter how powerful the amp is. 
How much am I missing with SL1200 mk2?
All I can tell you is that the ones I have, come with a built in phono stage. I plugged one of them directly into a line stage and played a record. Maybe they were modified with after market parts, or are knock offs. I live in NY, anything like th... 
B&W 800D or 802D Cosmetic Issues
That's a good one. You should have the field inspector watch it next time they send him out. 
SACD player that will read the SACD layer
If you are playing actual SACD disk's, you'll probably have to go with a 1 box player. There are very few separates, and all the ones I know of are very expensive. The Marantz SACD players are very popular in your price range. I have a Sony 9000ES... 
How much am I missing with SL1200 mk2?
I have 2 of them. Whatever version of the 1200's I have, I know they have a built in phono stage."09-06-15: UncledempChayro,I've heard good things about the Denon. However, my built in phono stage is suited best for MM or high output- ruling the 1... 
SACD player that will read the SACD layer
"09-09-15: JfrechI'll have to echo Kr4. I've owned Esoteric and dCS. Never had this issue..."I would hope so, since those players cost more than some peoples cars. 
How much am I missing with SL1200 mk2?
"09-08-15: UncledempHi, the phono stage is in my Anthem integrated. But I see your point. The answer is yes, I can change the phono stage by adding one between the Technics and the Anthem via Aux input."I wasn't suggesting that you bypass the phon...