
Responses from zd542

Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
"09-20-15: Talk2meI have to laugh at all the naysayers who say the CD is dead. Do they not realize a lot of hi-rez downloads are just marketing hype and are 44.1!"So? You don't need a CD player to play 16/44. Not that there's anything wrong with u... 
Sony hapz1es compatibility w/Meridian 561 preamp
Regardless of what type of processing you do, or don't do, all analog inputs are run through an AD converter, even in direct mode. You need to get a preamp. 
giant killer xlr's
The only problem you run into with stranded copper like Wire World is that grainy or rough sound in the high frequencies. It varies depending on what cables and equipment you have, but its always there in some form. This usually doesn't happen wit... 
Is the at 150mlx a bad match on the jmw9 tonearm
"I did say [www.tnt-audio]flexy[/url] It is not quite the flexy stand outlined by tnt audio with only three legs it is more like a salamander nock off it has 4 legs and i used salamander's points for the feet.it is a very solid stand.Wilson667 (Sy... 
Is the at 150mlx a bad match on the jmw9 tonearm
"09-19-15: StringreenWhat doesn't look right to me is flexistand? Don't know what that is, but VPI's don't like flex."Look at the pic of his rack. I think he meant plexy not flexy. 
giant killer xlr's
Going between a source like a CD player and a preamp, AQ Cheetah 36v. For all other connections, and including source to preamp if you don't want to chance silver cables, AQ Jaguar 36v. In a direct comparison, my Jaguar's beat my Tara 2's. As with... 
Wharfedale Jade 3 aluminium tweeter problem
Assuming the speakers are fully broken in, this it the type of thing that happens when you don't take the time to match your components. When dealing with a speaker that is capable of revealing a lot of detail, especially when metal drivers are in... 
Best loudspeaker with coincident/coaxial driver
"Zd542, thanks, Vandersteens are wonderful loudspeakers and indeed very coherent, but in a small room with nearfield listening, IMHO a coincident design may make for better driver integration and ease of placement."I don't see a problem going with... 
Is the at 150mlx a bad match on the jmw9 tonearm
Did you change the settings on your phono stage to what the specs call for on the new cart? 
Japan - Recommendations
I would just stick with Sushi. If you buy it in Japan and break it in the US, you now have an international incident on your hands. 
Need New CD Player or new DAC
"09-19-15: DylanfanI read the Behringer has problems with overheating."I never heard that. I've had one for 4-5 years and never had a problem with overheating. I know several people on Audiogon have one as well, and I don't recall any complaints o... 
Need New CD Player or new DAC
Dylanfan,I just remembered that it in some other threads about getting the best sound from your Klipsch. Horn speakers can be very difficult to deal with when it comes to high frequencies. You may be asking too much of your CD player.Here's a diff... 
B&W 800D or 802D Cosmetic Issues
"09-18-15: Onhwy61Can anyone explain the economics of a dealer selling high end loudspeakers. What's the dollar cost to him/her of taking back two sets of high cost components and replacing them with a third set? Is it all out the dealer's pocket ... 
B&W 800D or 802D Cosmetic Issues
If you are having a problem with your dealer, I can think of a couple of things you can do to help yourself. The first thing you need to do is change your attitude and become a problem. You tried to be nice and that didn't work. The longer this si... 
Need New CD Player or new DAC
I understand your questions but what you're asking can't be answered 3rd party. Its all subjective. I could give you a 10k CD player and a 1k player to compare and you may like the cheaper one better. And that would not be a rare occurrence either...