
Responses from zd542

Need integrated amp with built-in USB DAC
"Someone else needs to recommended an integrated amplifiier. I like the Ayre AX-7e integrated amplifier but it is over your budget (please check Audiogon for sale items).Hgeifman (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"Well, since you put it th... 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
"09-04-15: GarebearGuido - thank you very much but the issue has grown past that as my dealer is trying to work with the Esoteric district manager / sales rep. Esoteric is definitely dragging their feet on this ......this is not the Esoteric I use... 
Prilaluna Prologue Premium with KEF LS50
Try the 8 ohm taps. 
Hear sibilance on Krall, Famous Blue, D. Fagen?
"I am currently breaking in a new pair of speakers. I'm not getting more specific on make and model because this is from a small manufacturer and I am sensitive to not putting negative comments on the Internet that may have more to do with my ears... 
Help deciding which TT
"I don't think the Rega Mini Fono has the ability to lower the gain on the analog connections. I think the gain control only works with the usb port."You can sometimes control each input on a HT preamp individually. I keep coming back to this gain... 
Help deciding which TT
"The subwoofer is connected to my Anthem MRX HT receiver via LFE connector. No issues with digital sources of course. My phono preamp is a Rega Mini Fono A2D."You should only use 1 LFE connection. If you connect IC's to the LFE out on your HT prea... 
Hear sibilance on Krall, Famous Blue, D. Fagen?
"09-04-15: Lowrider57(Zd, he has a system page). "I see that, but the last comments are several months old. If the OP made some recent changes to the system, I thought that there was a good chance he didn't update his system page. Also, unless I m... 
Hear sibilance on Krall, Famous Blue, D. Fagen?
It might be a good idea for the OP to list his system. Also, what were the changes? 
best power cord for Jadis Orchestra Reference
If you are in the US, you can use The Cable Company. They'll send you whatever you want to demo first. One the Jadis, I've heard the ESP Essence. They work well on just about any amp. I use them myself. Richard Grey PC is another very good choice.... 
Hear sibilance on Krall, Famous Blue, D. Fagen?
I think its the metal tweeters on the new speakers you bought. 
Help deciding which TT
What type of phono preamp do you have? You may be able to make some adjustments that may help fix the problem.Since the problem started when you added the sub, I don't see why the problem can't be with that also. How do you have it connected to yo... 
Prilaluna Prologue Premium with KEF LS50
If the amp is brand new, it may not be broken in yet. 
Meridian 808.1 and 808.2 and DVD-Audio
Check your other post. 
Choice player to replace Mark Levinson 512
If you just want CD and DVD-A, you may like a Meridian 800. I used to have one and preferred it to the 512. Another one to consider is the Ayre 5 series, if you can find one. Its less money, but for my tastes I like it better. You have to listen t... 
Tube Audio Design PreDac
Sometimes components like this allow you to change the overall global gain of the unit, just for this reason. I'm guessing that if your component has this adjustment, it would be inside, otherwise you would have spotted it.