
Responses from zd542

Is Shunyata Venom Digital a great cord for players
Here's a few you may want to consider.esp MusicCord ESJPS Digital AC xPAD Musaeus LuministSynergistic Research Element Copper 
Is Shunyata Venom Digital a great cord for players
It depends on the cd player. 
Help deciding which TT
"A quick update. I had the stylus sitting on a stationary record, and turned the volume up to the point where the subwoofer started to slightly pump and the sound (low level rumble) was just audible. I gently put my hands under each side and exert... 
What is the best tube pre-amp for my system
"Before I commit to the Ayon, I would like to hear from anyone with practical knowledge of really good tube Pre-amps"Anyone who knows what they are talking about should give you the same answer. And that is, buying any type of high end preamp, tub... 
Diminishing hearing ability?
When you were building your system, did you go around with the same 5 or 10 demo CD's and use the same test tracks over and over again? When you do stuff like that, the system you end up with will probably sound good with your test CD's, but not t... 
Need integrated amp with built-in USB DAC
"09-06-15: Lewinskih01Assuming this a piece you'll want to keep for several years, as opposed to changing it in a couple of years, I would recommend along the lines of what Hgeifman posted above. DACs are not a mature technology and as such they a... 
Help deciding which TT
If you want to buy a new TT, by all means get one. But you shouldn't be forced to get one over an issue like you are having. If you try some different settings on you sub (including not using the LFE connections at all), and some isolation devices... 
How much am I missing with SL1200 mk2?
"I've heard good things about the Denon. However, my built in phono stage is suited best for MM or high output- ruling the 103 out. Correct me if I'm wrong."Yes. Unless you can bypass the internal phono stage, you'll need to use a MM or a HOMC."I'... 
MMG Placement
Its just my opinion, but I think Magnepan is overrated. I put my 1.7's next to my Vandersteen Model 1's and felt that the Model 1's were definitely a better speaker. Next to my Model 2's, the 1.7's sounded defective. 
How much am I missing with SL1200 mk2?
Everyone's going to give you a completely different answer. And the motivation's behind the answers will be different, especially since your current TT is pro gear. If you want the right answer, borrow a TT to try in your system or bring your TT t... 
What to do: upgrade amp or buy pre-amp
You're talking about some very revealing components that are not cheap. At this level, system matching is everything. Have you tried any of these components in your system? ARC makes some good products, but results are not consistent. My advice wo... 
Snobbiest audio websites
"09-03-15: W8aazSnobby I don't know but annoying is one that can get off into politics over wires!"I just heard about the new Trump Wyres myself. Its based on the mag-lev technology that keeps his hair flop in place. No need for a dialectic. They ... 
Help deciding which TT
"2) Pickup a Phono preamp w/subsonic filter, or purchase a KAB RF1. The RF1 just seems expensive at $179 when I can pickup a Pro-Ject Phono Box DS for a little more money. I'd Consider the Cabridge Audio 651P as well, but I don't know the specs of... 
Upgrade phono cable for new Project DC Carbon TT?
Try all of your IC's. For your application, some cables work much better than others. With 8 different cables, I would be surprised if couldn't get at least one that will work for you. 
JM Labs Mini Utopia in-wall installation help
All you really need to do is pay attention when you pull the speakers out of the wall for your move. If you need to, take pics, but it should be a fairly simple thing to do.