

Responses from zavato

Weiss is so underrated
$42,000 speakers? Yup, different universe. I'm outta here 
Weiss is so underrated
"I've really only seen the PS Audio in budget systems by people who are just starting out in audio"If I recall, the ps Audi dac that is being thrashed about costs $4,000. I really don't think that anyoneis assembling a "budget system" with a $4,00... 
Weiss is so underrated
"But all things being equal, it goes without saying that if we replace all the parts inside the Weiss with more premium parts then the sound would be even better."Actually, I think there is no evidence, one way or another, about that at all. Premi... 
Weiss is so underrated
If I had something that offered "world class device that far surpasses its cost in performance" I'd be giddy and happy, not confounded why I couldn't spend more $ and be even happier 
Weiss is so underrated
"I was surprised to learn that Weiss 202 can compete even with $30,000+ DACs."Why? 
Weiss is so underrated
What's thepoint of this thread? The OP wants to spend more $ but is conflicted because the Weiss, which runs nearly 8 large, is the cheapest bit in his system, and although he likes it best seems to need a more costly dac to balance out his system... 
Weiss is so underrated
I am impressed at how skewed things can get as evidenced by calling the Weiss' price relatively low. Money thrown at a system is no guarantee of anything except that you've spent lots of dough. Some time back I heard a significant 5 figure Pre amp... 
LP Record Cleaning Machine - Ultrasonic or Vacuum
I use both a Spin Clean and a VPI 16.5. Total investment for both was about $400. How much is an ultrasonic cleaner? $4k?. I would rather use the $3,600 difference to buy music, and you can buy an aweful lot of music for $3600! 
Manufacturer Repairs? What is a reasonable time?
I won't buy gear from a mini operation. I need my gear to be in it for the long haul. But then again, manufacturers of all sizes have gone belly up. 
Check out this web site
Really liking the site. I get a kick out of seeing which manufacturers are still around- Marantz, Mac, Klipsch seem to be the US survivors ( if yo could call Marantz a US survivor)Fascinated to have seen a Rat Shack speaker with an electrostatic t... 
It was 20 years ago today. . What was your system?
Folks- thank you. It's been interesting to read what people used to listen too 
Maxell or TDK?
Once TDK came out with the SA-X and Maxell with the XL II-S tried those too. Prefered the originals! All this tape talk as me eyeing another Nak. 
Critique my system...
Another thought- play around with speaker toe in. If you have the speakers angled in towards you, try them pointing more straight down the room. 
Analysis Plus Oval 9 vs Oval 12
I tend to agree- I'm running it right nowThank you- 
Maxell or TDK?
yogiboy is correct. Your deck matters here. I have a 3 head Aiwa that sound better with Maxell. But my 3 head Nak? TDK was the way to go. Either will give great results in the right deck. Both are well made. I still have tapes I made in the 70s an...